Chapter 3

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I hear a faint mumbling; everything's black

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I hear a faint mumbling; everything's black... I can't move!

"What! How?" I managed to hear Izuku's voice as he yelled, his voice shaking.

"She regained too many memories at once and it has led her to fall into a temporary comatose state. She should be fine in a few days. Until she wakes up, we cannot determine a date that she will be allowed to leave. Since the incident was partly quirk based we have no idea if she will be alright when she wakes up. I'm afraid young man, I cannot tell you anymore." A rather monotone female voice replied.

"Can I see her?" I heard Izuku's voice again but this time in a more worried tone.

"Yes, but visiting time is almost at a close. Remember young man, she can hear you and feel everything but she can't move. I shall leave you two be, if the equipment starts acting up or she acts irregularly then press the help buzzer next to her bed, on the wall and one of our nurses will be here in a few minutes." After the woman said this she left, I know this because she said she would leave and I heard both, footsteps and a door open and close.

A few minutes went by and all I heard was silence. Then I felt Izuku grabbing my right hand. He held it tightly as I heard him sob quietly. He later left and returned the next day. He spoke about how school was and he held my hand tightly as he spoke. Even though he pretended to laugh, I could tell that he felt bad in a way... maybe because of me. It broke my heart when I heard him laugh and his voice that turned higher pitched when he spoke about Bakugo and Uraraka... When we were kids... I stuck up for him when Bakugo picked on him. I feel slightly uneasy because I can't protect Izuku in my current state. Not like I could much longer anyway, he isn't a baby anymore. I remember the first argument we ever had. It was silly, I hurt myself falling out of a tree and didn't tell anyone. He's always wanted to be a hero. It's time to let him make his own decisions and take on his own consequences.

After Izuku left, my two Uncles, Toshinori Yagi (All Might) and Aizawa Shota (Eraser Head) also came to visit. Uncle Shota told me he kept some notes for me for when I return to class and Uncle Yagi told me that there's going to be a big surprise when I wake up. I wonder what they're planning... hopefully they aren't going to do something over the top. They stayed for around an hour; talking and laughing. It made me happy considering I didn't think Uncle Shota had the ability to laugh. Sadly, they both had to leave for a meeting.

"Get up soon for your surprise!" Uncle Yagi said, his voice changing (obviously he was transforming into All Might).

"Stay safe. We're all worried sick..." Uncle Shota whispered. The door closing loudly behind them.

Later the same day Todoroki also visited me, he held my hand softly and kissed my forehead as he spoke softly of what could be "our future". He also spoke about how lonely it is without me and he said "without you... there's no colour in my world." He's so cute. He's always been like this with me since we were kids, he's like a whole other person with me; sweet and kind, yet oddly shy. He planted one final soft kiss on my head as he left and said. "Sorry I can't stay too long, there's something I must do. I'll be back tomorrow." This time the door closed more quietly.

Just a few moments later, before closing time I heard the door practically burst open and slam close. Bakugo walked in and had a harsh tone of voice at first calling me "stupid" and "an absolute idiot". Then... he started crying and his tone of voice became softer "You better get better soon. You're my idiot..." Suddenly Bakugo grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me back and forth yelling "Wake up! Get up, moron!" When he finally stopped shaking me he grabbed my hand harshly in his and said "Don't make me worried..." He then left, leaving me all alone once again in silence as I drifted off.

I slowly fluttered my e/c eyes open; only to be met with a harsh light as I saw a silhouette of a person open the curtains of a window in the corner of the small room. As my eyes grew accustomed to the light in the room, I tried to speak out.

"G... Good morning." I said groggily as the person, a female nurse turned around.

"Ah, Miss L/N! Good morning, it seems you made a speedy recovery. How are you feeling?" The short, blonde nurse asked.

"I'm feeling great. I'm happy that some people cared to visit me. When will I be allowed to leave and how long was I out?" I ask, a sad smile spreading over my face.

"You've been out for approximately 2 and a half days. We think when you got home from school and had dinner you fell into the state of a temporary coma, but since this is partly quirk based, we can't pinpoint exactly when you fell into the state, the good news is that we can let you go on Friday. So, you'll have to stay one more night and then tomorrow around 6-6:30 pm an adult will be here to collect you." The woman smiled as she handed me a small silver tray with a sandwich on it. She then left the room.

I sat in the room silently; my eyes wandered, taking in every single detail, from the plain white walls and pale blue curtains to the stunning view from the window. I then picked up the sandwich and began to bite into it slowly. I managed to eat the whole thing, feeling full afterwards. Even though I had been in a temporary coma I still felt tired so I decided to have a nap.

When I finally woke up, I had a great surprise. Todoroki was hovering over my bed, his heterochromia eyes widened as I smiled. He was wearing a white top, a red checked shirt and a pair of blue jeans, I couldn't see his shoes though but I assume it's a pair of either red or black converse.. He then turned away and pulled the visitor's chair right next to the bed. He looked into my eyes and I frowned slightly upon realizing how much sadness his eyes hold. He leaned over me, hugging me tightly. My eyes widened as I put my arms around him.

"I was so worried... I thought... I lost you... again. I won't lose you again and I know I'm not the only one who worries about you or who visited you, I know I'm not the only one to grab your hand... But Y/N, I promise you... If I can, I'll win your heart before anyone else can and I'll never lose you. That is my word." Todoroki's voice was lightly muffled but I could tell he was being serious.

"Todoroki..." I let him go as he sat back down in the visitor's chair. "You're right, you weren't the only person to grab my hand, but I could tell who each of the people who grabbed my hand were. Your hand was warm and soft, it was comforting. If it makes you feel any better, you were the first person to kiss me, even if it was only my forehead..."

"Thanks Y/N, you really are cute you know that?" Todoroki said smirking slightly as a bright red tint crossed my face.

"Shut up! Mr Our future this, our future that. Oh, and I didn't know you were colour-blind without me." I replied in defence.

"Y-you actually heard all that?" He looked to the ground, his face growing red.

"W-what time is it? You're not in your UA uniform..." I ask trying to change the subject.

"It's just turned 6" he replied just as the door burst open... 

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