Chapter 5

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The day was spent not doing much, we all talked and joked and we also watched some YouTube videos

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The day was spent not doing much, we all talked and joked and we also watched some YouTube videos. At the end of the night everyone went home, I guess the saying 'everything good must come to an end' is true. Uncle Aizawa stayed behind to help clean the house. Cleaning doesn't take so long when you have an extra two pair of hands. After around an hour and a half of cleaning, my Uncle Azizawa went home; my Uncle Toshinori and I sat in silence for a while. Uncle Aizawa is really good at cleaning and scolded Uncle Toshinori a lot. (If I got 1 Yen every time Uncle Aizawa scolded him I'd be a billionaire.) What to talk about...

"Y/N?" I looked up at my Uncle, tears in the corners of his eyes threatened to fall. "I'm so happy you decided to come back!" My eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Uncle?" I asked as he slowly let go and wiped away his tears. "I was wondering... about my parents..." before I could finish my sentence, my Uncle paced his hand on mine and looked me directly in the eye. My E/C orbs meeting his ocean blue ones (his eyes were slightly puffy from crying.)

"I don't think you're quite ready." With these six words I felt my fragile human soul shatter.


"But nothing. I can't tell you. You aren't ready Y/N!" He raised his voice for the first time.

"Why won't you just tell me!" I

"Because! I said no!" He looked to the ground a pained expression on his face. My heart felt fractured. I stormed over to the door and opened it.

"Wait Y/N!" I slammed the door.

The night air was cold and harsh against my skin as I ran through the streets to a nearby park. I didn't grab a coat and I was only wearing a pair of F/C shorts with a F/C t-shirt and a pair of F/C converse; with socks obviously. I've always loved this park because it has a small lake, don't get me wrong, if you can' swim and you fell in, you'd probably drown. I sat down in front of the lake and looked into the crystal-clear lake. The reflection of the stars and moon looked mesmerising as I dipped my finger into the water creating small ripples. I was distracted by nature's beauty and my own thoughts as my phone in the pocket of my shorts buzzed. I took out my phone and looked at the caller ID, it read, 'Deku <3'. I hesitantly slid my finger over the screen and answered the call.

"Y/N! Everyone's worried sick about you! All Might called me, where are-" I hung up on him mid-sentence, tossing my phone to the side in the process.

I'm not trying to be mean or a nuisance but, I just want some space. I think if I'm alone for just a while, maybe I'll be okay. I'm distracted from my thoughts once again as I head a barking sound and splashes from further up the park, not too far. I rush down the park and see a puppy, a shiba inu to be precise. Poor thing. Without thinking I jump straight into the lake. SHOOT! IT'S DEEPER THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS... I managed to toss the pup onto land as I struggled to stay afloat. The puppy sat down beside the lake and continues to bark as I attempted to yell, my attempts were futile as water began to fill my lungs. I closed my eyes as everything became black. Is this what it's like to die? Am I dead? At least I gave my life for another one... I guess. I'm sorry everyone...

I coughed and coughed as the water escaped my lungs. I opened my eyes to see... NO WAY!!!

"Why do you look so surprised?" Bakugo said harshly.

"Y-You! You saved me!?" I began to shiver slightly as the cold night air reacted to the dampness of my clothes, hair and skin.

"Yeah. Also, you owe me." I stared at him in amazement.


"A. I saved your life and B. I was saving my first kiss for another occasion." He smirked widely as he unzipped and took off his orange hoodie.

"The puppy!" Bakugo pointed over beside the bench next to us. Lying in his open bag was the puppy I saved. I sighed a sigh of relief as Bakugo draped his hoodie around my arms. He then grabbed his black bag and put it gently on his shoulder. He stared at me for a few moments.

"Won't you be cold?" I asked ready to remove his hoodie.

"Don't worry about me." He snapped. As he looked into my E/C orbs his expression softened. He turned away from and and knelt down. "Get on."

"But, your clothes will get wet!"

"Get on." I didn't dare argue. "Hold on."

"Bakugo. I don't want to go home." I said almost crying.

"Would you like to stay with me tonight?" His voice was full of sincerity.

"Please! Also how are your clothes not already wet?"

"Just as you started to drown, your hand was poking out of the water and I grabbed it and pulled you ashore." As he explained how he saved me I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep after a while.

Bakugo POV

Surprisingly she's quite light. I guess having the house to myself for a weekend was handy too. Still, I can't believe she almost gave everything up for this tiny terror, I wonder what was going through her head; probably nothing as per usual. Honestly, I wish I could show her how much I love her but I don't wanna get soft it's not 'me'. Although I do have to admit, she's adorable. WHAT AM I SAYING! I shook my head for a second, I looked at Y/N who was sleeping on my shoulder; I moved a strand of H/L damp H/C out of her face as she slept soundly like an angel... I reached into my pocket for my key as I reached my front door.

I opened the door, entering my house and placing my bag down as I entered. The tiny terror slept soundly as I locked the door and placed Y/N down gently on the sofa. I wandered through to my kitchen to make some hot cocoa, turning the lights on in the house in the process. I heard my phone ring...

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