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Through the door like a rocket came my Uncles, Mrs Midoriya and Izuku. I smiled at them all as Izuku slowly and gently closed the door behind him. After a few moments of awkward silence and stares, Mrs Midoriya spoke up.
"Y/N, we have some good news..." As she said this my Uncle Yagi started to fidget. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, his hands were shaking slightly.
"Y/N, I'm your uncle. So... technically, I should be looking after you and- Hear me out! I have a spare room at my place... would you like to live with me?" My eyes widened and my eyesight became wobbly as my eyes teared up. I shirked, tightly wrapping my arms around my uncle.
"I'd love to!" I let my uncle go slowly and wipe away the tears from my e/c eyes.
After a while of talking, Izuku got a phone call and I was told to get changed so I could go home. The clothes Mrs Midoriya gave me were a pair of blue denim shorts, a balck tank top, a red hoodie, red converse, a pair of black tights and a pair of black fingerless gloves. She also handed me a red ribbon but insisted that she would put my hair up. She styled my h/l, h/c hair into a ponytail; tying the red ribbon into a bow. When she was done doing my hair, she had 'casual girl talk' with me and when she finished tying the bow she welled up with tears. I tried my best to comfort her, giving her a hug and telling her that I'd visit whenever she wants me to.
"Oh, my Y/N, it's been years... I know I'm not your mother but, I always thought of you and Izuku as my babies. I don't wanna let my baby go." She wept on my shoulder.
"I won't be far away; I promise, I'll visit and you can call whenever you want Mrs Midoriya." She stopped crying, wiped her tears and looked up at me with a sweet smile.
"I know. You better go with your uncles, Todoroki and Izuku now. They have a surprise for you." She said as she walked out of the infirmary room, into the hall to tell the others and then she left.
Once everyone came back into the room, we spoke for a few short seconds before we left the hospital. As we walked to my Uncle's house, Todoroki put his hands over my eyes and Izuku held my hand so I wouldn't fall... well fall alone anyways. After what felt like forever I was told to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw a large, white painted room.
"Go in." My uncle said gesturing for me to go into the room.
I walked into the room and there I saw Bakugo, his clothes covered in white paint. He was leaning on a bed, the sheets were f/c. In the room there was also a white desk with a filing cabinet, a white desk chair, a f/c laptop, a white blackout blind, a wardrobe, a few white handing shelfs, a few clear storage boxes and a few empty photo frames. It was beautiful.
"Did you guys do this?" I asked in amazement as I spun around in the room.
"Yeah, problem?" Bakugo snaped.
"No! I love it!" I looked over at him, one of the biggest smiles ive ever had on my face as his face flushed several shades of red.
"Yeah... whatever! Idiot!" Bakugo muttered under his breath.
"Whose idea was this?" I giggled, twirling around.
"Believe it or not, it was Bakugo's idea." Todoroki answered in a rather monotone voice.
I ran to Bakugo and gave him a tight hug for a few seconds, for the rest of the night we all sat in the living room watching movies... Although it felt more like Uncle Aizawa was staring at the guys. I was sitting in between Izuku and Todoroki, Bakugo was sat on the other side of Izuku and for once, they didn't fight. My uncles sat on the smaller couch as we all sat down and watched (favourite 3 horror movies). By the end of the second movie Izuku was HUGGING my hand (more like cutting off the circulation). Half way through the third movie I think I fell asleep... because when I woke up...
I stared at Bakugo's head on my lap and looked over to my shoulder that Todoroki was still sleeping on it and finally I tried to free my arm from Izuku's grasp. He's strong when he's asleep! I decided to stop eventually because I didn't wanna wake up the cinnamon roll... Izuku was the first to wake up (surprisingly). When he woke up we moved both Bakugo and Todoroki so I could get up. My Uncles were both asleep too... then I came up with a genius idea!
"Izuku," I flashed him a devilish smile "do you know how to make pancakes?"
We made a MASSIVE plate of pancakes but I accidentally burned myself in the process. Izuku yelled at me and grabbed my wrist to put my hand under cold water... After we made pancakes he asked to speak to me privately so we walked to my room, I didn't think anything of it... I especially didn't think what happened would happen. Ever.
"Izuku are you okay? Is something wrong?" I questioned him.
"I-I'm fine! I... just." He shook his head and had a serious look on his face. "I... Y/N! I love you! I have since we were kids. I want you to know that, no matter what happens I'll always love you and I'm not going to lose you to Todoroki or Kacchan without a fight!" My eyes were wide as he grabbed my shoulder and brought his face closer to mines, until he closed the gap and our lips touched for the first time. After a few moments I kissed back and then his lips separated from mines.
The second his lips left mine I covered my BEETROOT red face with my hands. Then the door opened slightly and I saw my Uncle Yagi...
"ALL M-" I covered Izuku's mouth with my hand, my face still a deep shade of red.
"Shhhh, I'm not all might right now remember?" My Uncle whispered.
"Uncle... I SWEAR ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!" I said frantically, waving my arms in the air like an idiot.
"Okay? I just wanted to know who the pancakes were for- did something happen?" My Uncle raised a brow.
"N-no! And the pancakes are for everyone! Help yourselves we'll be through in a minute!" I replied to my Uncle as he left Izuku and I to be alone once again.
Izuku held his pinkie out to me, I raised a brow; confused towards the reason he held out his pinkie. I didn't receive words however, he just continued to gesture for me to shake his pinkie. I complied. I shook his pinkie and he then whispered to me sweetly.
"Don't tell anyone what I said, also that was my first kiss." he laughed slightly at his own words.
"I won't. But you're an idiot! That was my first kiss too, dummy!" I replied as I 'chopped' him on the head. We laughed and then returned to the others; but to my dismay they had already eaten most of the pancakes...