A Lesson Never Learned

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A/N: Guess what? Another song-related chappie title :D by the awesomely awesome Asking Alexandria! >:D

"I can't take this pain


And I can't carry on this way

Im hiding behind false eyes..."

-Ben Bruce

Chapter Twenty:

-The Final Valley, Orochimaru's Hideout-

He breathed heavily, his deep cerulean blue eyes half-lidded and wild blonde hair cascading down roughly to his waist, as blood rolled down his temple in a steady motion. With his head bowed and arms chained to the stoned walls, he watched as his blood made contact with the cement floors in the form of countless droplets. A pale hand roughly grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked so he was forced to look up into sickening yellow snake eyes. "Where is the Schatten Löwenkrallen?" Orochimaru hissed with his eyes narrowed into a menacing glare in which the captive man just spat in his face. This just made Orochimaru throw his head down, making his stiff neck crack, and storm out of the room in impatience and fustration. The blonde man rolled his broad shoulders and closed his eyes, slowly slipping into the soothing embrace of meditation.

"The key is to stay still!" A man with wild white hair grinned as he crouched on the eroded and spiked rock. A younger blonde man-around twelve-pouted as he was brought back up by Pa. "But I did stay still, sensei!" The blonde countered as he was gently set on the wooden board that was on a spiked rock. His sensei just chuckled, "Did you really?" before jumping down to grab a wooden board and jumping back up. He placed the wooden board on the spike and immediately sat.

He didn't shift one bit.

The blonde boy hummed in deep thought before closing his eyes and relaxing his muscles into meditation, never noticing his sensei's proud smirk. "Feel nature around you, feel its energy, and slowly pull it in to mix with your own." Dark hunter green coloring slowly began to form across his bare face and upper body in the design of a vine. His eyes then snapped open to reveal lime green frog eyes. "And that, my student, is how you achieve Sage Mode!" His sensei cheered with a wide grin. The blonde gave him a bright smile. "Arigato, Jiraiya-sensei!" The white haired man smirked as he ruffled the blonde's hair affectionately. "Anytime...Minato."

Lime green frog eyes glowed from the shadow his hair created as the dark hunter green made his eyes glow even brighter. He rotated his wrists, grabbed the chains with his hands, and pulled with all of his newly-found strength. The chains ripped out of the walls, freeing him, and he stood up onto his feet, the nature's chakra helping his leg muscles remember how to move. He placed his finger on the floor and placed some of his chakra into the ground with his eyes closed, creating a chakra wave that traveled all around in a 360 degree angle. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw a Licht, a Schatten Engel, and Orochimaru charge towards his room. Time to go, he thought to himself. With his eyes still closed, he focused on one of his Hirashin seals, with the closest one that still worked being in the Village Hidden in The Hot Springs. In a yellow flash, he disappeared, leaving only his blood and broken chains as evidence of his departure. "Damnit!" Orochimaru loudly hissed as the Licht and Schatten Engel-Hinata-stood blankly at the doorway. "Hurry, to the main room." Orochimaru hissed angrily as he stormed out, followed by the two angels of different elements.

-Village Hidden in The Hot Springs-

Kakashi froze mid-speech when he felt the familiar chilling warmth on his left forearm, his eyes wide, as he yanked up his sleeve, revealing a yellow glowing Hirashin seal. M-Minato-sensei...? You're still alive? Kakashi thought until said man appeared and collapsed into Kakashi's arms.

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