Part One

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Darth Vader stared at himself in the mirror. Two years ago, on this day, he decided to become a Sith. He thought it would bring peace to the galaxy, to rid the world of traitors and… to save the love of his life from dying. None of those promises were fulfilled by his master. He slowly took off his mask, revealing the face of his true self, Anakin Skywalker, now apart of the lost Jedi, the lost 21.  He rubbed his head and felt his short hair.

“It is working, the skin treatments are working.”  Vader thought. He noticed his face was looking better than before as well.  His skin had returned to its normal pigment and his face was returning to it’s former handsome appearance.  There were still many scars that lined his face, but they were fading, blending in as were the scars on his back from his days as a slave.  He was beginning look like Anakin Skywalker again, all through natural treatments.

“Soon, very soon, I won’t even need this stupid mask and suit. My lungs and prosthetics work perfectly, and soon I will look like my old self again.”  

“My old self.” Vader murmured. Anakin Skywalker.  Darth Vader longed to be his old self for so long, not this twisted monster Sidious has created.  To be a Jedi, to be a good person, to be a husband. He didn’t want to be evil, he didn’t want to rule the galaxy, two years ago Sidious twisted his mind and manipulated the young Anakin Skywalker to believe him. To believe his lies. Vader now knew they were lies, and he regrets being stupid enough to fall for them.  If only he had stayed on his Jedi course, Padmé would still be alive.  They would be in Naboo together right now, raising their child, in peace, like they both wanted.  He killed her, he killed the child, he never will forgive himself, it haunts him day and night, fear, sadness, death. But the beautiful dreams they had were still alive in his mind. But all of that was gone now, he made his choice, he had to stand firm by it.  If there was one thing that he had of his former self, it was loyalty.  He was in too deep anyway, if he left where would he go? What would he do? He would be despised already through the galaxy. He sighed and put on his mask, the mask that showed him as the evil sith lord, the mask that was truly masking who Vader really was.

“Lord Vader!” A voice called at the entrance of his open door. Darth Vader turned around to see that the voice belonged to Grand Moff Tarkin, commander of this ship, the newly built Death Star.

“What is it Commander?” Vader asked, patience testing in his voice.

“The Emperor has called an emergency meeting and demands that both of us are made present immediately in Room B-12.” Tarkin barked.

“As my master commands.” Darth Vader said respectfully but inside he despised his master, he wanted nothing to do with him since he left his promises empty, all Vader was, was a pawn in his chess game, someone to help the King stay alive and get what he wants in order to checkmate. Sidious really didn’t care about Vader, the only reason he kept him alive was because he needed him, he needed Vader in order to carry out his plans, that was why he showed an interest in him for so long.  Not to be his friend, but to use him for his own selfish deeds, and Vader now knew that.  

He walked along with Tarkin in silence, feeling the force all around him, pondering what this so called emergency meeting was about.  Storm troopers ran on the other side of the hallway, stiff and in sync, but Vader could tell which one was which by their helmet design and force presence. Vader missed the times when he was able to joke and socialize with the clones, but now, that would show weakness.  He had to keep his strict and evil demeanor in order to protect his reputation, a reputation that he knew if not kept, Sidious would have something to say about it.  Darth Vader turned the around a corner and Tarkin punched a keypad into the first door.  It opened smoothly and Tarkin entered along with Darth Vader trailing behind.  

“Now that everyone is here, Lord Sidious will now conduct the meeting via hologram.” A  Death Star clerk announced and put a slim disk in the middle of the long, sleek desk.  Everyone respectfully stood as the hologram of a blue Sidious shimmered to life.

“Please sit.” He commanded with a raspy, elderly voice.  All present sat and Darth Vader narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Sidious.  

“As you all know, we have successfully created a magnificent Empire with most in compliance with our,” He paused. “Decisions.”

“Yeah right.” Vader mused, a smirk plastered on his face.

“But in order to keep peace within our order, we must eliminate the few rebels that we have around the galaxy.  There are nothing but blind nuisances that do not understand the greatness of our Empire, they are weak but with their convincing lies, they can grow in numbers.  This we cannot have. I will not let a few puny rebels destroy what we have worked so hard in accomplishing!” Sidious stressed. Many nods went around the long table as well as agreeing murmurs.

“So,” He continued when the murmurs died down, “due to these rebels that we must- deal with, I am sending a team to eliminate them.  This will ensure that we do not have more challenges to our Empire and will reduce the number of rebels in all.” Vader sat back in his chair, he knew what was coming next.

“The team that I am sending will be my apprentice,” Vader hated that word, he was suppose to be a master, but another promise went unfulfilled. “Darth Vader with a squad of Storm Troopers in order have the elimination quick and without causing too much of a scene. They will be going to a planet that has had high rebellion uprising ever since the Empire was born and attack the main rebel base that our spies have found. The base is located in the heart of the planet Naboo at coordinates-”

Vader stopped paying attention to what the Emperor was saying and focused on that planet, that planet he hoped he would never had to go back too.

“Naboo, Naboo, Naboo, Naboo…”  Memories flooded his brain of Naboo, all had his wife.  That was where she was born, she was Queen, their love blossomed, they were married, where his wife’s dreams lied. Vader put his hand up to the head part of his mask in order to drown out his memories but it was no use. He refrained from crying, closing his eyes, taking deep, slow breaths.

“Lord Vader, are you alright?” Tarkin asked with his clipped accent.

“Yes.” Vader answered bluntly, implying that Tarkin asked a stupid question.

“Are all in favor of this plan?” Sidious asked and immediately nods went around the table. Vader knew that Sidious had to do this since he was Emperor but he always got his way since people were too afraid to contradict or correct him. Sidious smirked.

“And you Darth Vader, are you in agreement with this operation?” Darth Sidious questioned Vader.  Even though Vader didn’t exactly know what the plan was since he zoned out but he nodded and said “Of course, my master.”

“Good, good.  All is set then, I expect a full progress report when this assignment is complete Darth Vader.  And everyone else is to make sure that Vader understands my directions completely.” The Emperor finalized and the hologram fizzled and sunk back into the disk where it was born.  The clerk that first brought in the disk swiped it up and put in in his pocket.

“Lord Vader, do you understand the plan? Exterminating the rebel base?” The lieutenant of the Death Star asked.

"This must be serious if Emperor Palpatine were to call an emergancy meeting about this." Another clerk mentioned.

“Of course! Prepare my ship, and jump to hyperspace, Naboo must not wait.  Ready the troops and alert me right when we get into Naboo’s atmosphere.” Vader ordered and rose from his seat and quickly exited the room, opening the door with the force.

“As you wish Lord Vader!” A voice called from the room as Vader closed the door behind him.  Vader sped to his quarters and once he reached them in a matter of minutes, he shut the door behind him.  He slumped to the floor and removed his mask, throwing it across the room.  He knew Naboo is where his wife was buried, her dead body.  He put his hands to his head and screamed.  Tears spilled out of his eyes.

 “She is dead.”

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