Part Four

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“H-how?” Anakin stuttered as he looked at Padmé.  He reached over, hands shaking, he inched closer to her cheek.  He was scared that if he touched her, she would vanish, and he would awaken from an all too good dream. They were now inside his ship, he called off the attack on the rebel base and order the troopers to get back inside the rear of the ship.  No one was allowed in the cockpit no matter what happened.  Padmé shifted uncomfortably, looking away.  Just like that night… that night when he confessed to her that he loved her.  She licked her lips and breathed out, tears forming at the rims of her eyes.  Anakin then realized all the emotional abuse he put her through those couple of days before the dark times.  How much he hurt her, how much it pained her to even look at him right now, how much it made her happy, how much it made her want to just scream.  Padmé’s breathes became labored, she tried to find her voice but all that came out was a choked squeak.  She took in a shaky breath and stared into Anakin’s fading blue eyes.

“Ani, it was for my own benefit.  I had to make everyone believe I was gone, DEAD.” A tear spilled over her right eye and she sighed. “After your… choking of me, Obi-Wan found me and took me to an alien hospital.  I was dying, in so much pain, my body felt like it was burning alive, I found myself crying out in agony after everything had happened.  I didn’t think I would live.  The bright lights, the cold table, the metal droids, all was a blur.  I barely made out the figures of Luke and Leia-”

“Wait.” Anakin whispered, his whole body vibrating. “Luke, Leia?”

“Our children, the ones that were made out to be dead, but aren’t.” Padmé informed him, her voice raspy and raw.

“Twins?” Anakin barely choked out the word.  Happiness tugged at the corner of his mouth. Padmé nodded.

“I named them that. Just as I was about to die, I felt death coming, it was so close, Obi-Wan, he saved me.” Anakin breathed out, knots formed in his stomach. Another wave of nausea passed through him.  He saw Padmé screaming, begging for help on the hard, cold table.  He saw death coming to her, the powerful grip it had on her, it was crushing her mind, heart, her body. He saw the twins coming into the world, their tiny bodies crying out from the light and temperature.  He saw Obi-Wan, begging Padmé to live, to hold on to her life.  

“He told me to hold on, that the twins needed me.  I could barely hear his voice but it registered in my brain.  To live. So, contradictory to what my body was doing, I made myself live.  But Obi-Wan wasn’t the only one there, they all decided that it would best if I faked my death to protect myself and my offspring from the Empire, and I guess you, though I didn’t know that part.” She paused, letting out a hiccupping breaths.  Anakin had hot tears running down his face, hitting the floor with a splatter.

“They made a wax figure of me and placed it into the coffin with a… very valuable item.  But they gave it back to me before the coffin was fully buried.  Everyone but three people know I am alive, and now you and your troopers.  I have been hiding ever since.” Padmé concluded, her face red and stained with tears.  It took all of her willpower not to break down and sob.  Anakin noticed her fingering with a small charm around her neck, the valuable item.  He would have smiled if he wasn’t so emotional at the moment.  The curiosity was eating at him about something she said over and over.

“Who were they?” He finally asked.  His stomach was churning, mind buzzing like wasps, all these questions he wanted to ask her, them, but he didn’t know where to start.  Padmé bit her lower lip, the intensity of that one question made her flex her muscles underneath her voluminous robes.  

“I don’t know if I should-” Padmé started but Anakin stopped her with a pleading voice.

“Please, I need to know.  Their sacrifice let you live Padmé, I owe my very life, my very happiness, my love to them.” Padmé shifted again in her metallic chair, she pursed her lips for a slight second then opened her mouth.

“Dear friends,” She began, closing her eyes. “Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master Yoda and Senator Bail Organa.  They made me see that I had to fight to live, to become assiduous no matter what happened, for my life and the lives of others.”  

“Sidious saved me, he put me in this horrid suit, imprisoned forever in his command.  I thought he was the right choice, to save you, to bring peace to the war torn galaxy.  I was wrong.”  He looked away, face burning with anger towards his master. But he exhaled sharply, calmness returning to his body, he now knew anger and hatred were dangerous emotions that could cause suffering, anguish, death.

“Ani, you can change everything now-”

“I can’t!” A sudden flare burst inside of him.  He jumped up from his chair and gripped the back of it so tight, the metal in his arm groaned, he felt it bending.  His jaw was set jutting out where the startled Padmé could see the bone.  Anakin’s knees sunk beneath him and he crumpled to the floor, his hands clenching his scalp.  Padmé fell beside him and placing her hand over his.  Tears welled up, ready to break through his tear ducts.  

“I’m in too deep Padmé, I can’t just walk away, I wish I could.  His teachings, deeply entrenched in my head.  I feel like his is in my mind now, controlling me.”

“But he is not,” Padmé whispered and ran her thumb on his palm. “This is your life Anakin, no one controls it besides yourself.”  She chewed on her lip once again and rubbed her free hand on her thigh.

“I know there is still good in you, Ani.  You know what you must do.”

Padmé’s eyes traced Anakin’s strong jaw line, his pale ears, his lips, his high cheekbones, the creased lines dug in his forehead when he was nervous, they then settled on his eyes.  Anakin gazed at Padmé’s soft features and her eyes.  They stared at each other, wondering how much they lost in two years, two years without each other.

“Padmé, everyday, I thought you were dead.  Just as I said when I first told you I loved you, you were in my very soul, tormenting me.  You haunted me, my dreams every night were of you, desperately wishing they were true.  I felt myself disintegrating, little by little each day, dying without you.  My heart was turning cold without you, my everyday reminders of you broke me down.  I thought I lost my star, my light, my sanity forever.  But this is not a dream, you are in front of me right now, and I never want to let you go again.” Anakin said and Padmé flung herself into his metal arms.  

“Oh Ani! I never want you to leave my life, my love.  My deepest heartache was your death, my agony was you not being with me everyday, but now I know you have returned.” The hugged each other for eternal seconds, fearing letting each other go.  

“Padmé.” Anakin whispered and he kissed her.  Life flooded back to him, he felt like his old self.  His life had returned to him, and he was going to make sure it was never lost again. Moments fled and as they pulled away from their embrace, Padmé put her head on his shoulder, looking out at the Naboo swamps.  She hugged him once again.  

“I missed you, my love.” She murmured.

“I missed you, and be sure, I will make sure the darkness ends.” He said.
"I will fulfillmy dutiesas The Chosen One

I know this is all talking and I hope you didn't find it boring. I just know that I LOVE Anakin and Padmé moments and when they talk, it is so poetic and full of love. *sighs* Okay, sorry, but yeah... hope you liked this part!

P.S. Do you guys know what the valuable item is? Comment of you do!

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