Part Seven/Epilogue

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The early morning sun of Coruscant bounced off the reflective surfaces of each and every building that were drilled into the ground like teeth.  Anakin squinted his eyes and shielded his face in order to see clearly, that was one thing he didn’t miss about Coruscant, all of the lights and reflections… it was much more quieter on Naboo… and more beautiful.  His eyes scanned the horizon trying to find a more secluded area to land this huge hunk of metal he was driving, it still had the Imperial symbol on it and he really didn’t want to be blown to bits today by the citizens of any planet.  With this thought, Anakin allowed himself to give a boyish smirk thinking that he defeated the Empire and saved the people from the tyranny.  But that was all he did, just smirked, because he wasn’t prideful about his actions, just proud that he was able to help, proud of himself for making an excellent decision.  He reached over to the comm button beside the ship’s yoke and pressed it hard.  

“Rex?  Rex, do you copy?” Anakin asked.  The talk with the clones went very well.  Before giving them the entire speech about how the Empire was now dead, he wrangled with his stomach and his sweat glands.  His stomach was a shaak, ramming into his gut and the sweat was a snake, sliding down his face, ready to strike at his weakest point.  All in all, he was a nervous wreck.  But once he opened the door to the back room and all the bewildered clones understood why he wasn’t wearing his suit anymore and that the Empire was now dead, the room started to fill with whoops and cheers.  Rex even started laughing so hard, the room was alive with joy.  Anakin scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, they were… happy?  Rex came up to him and explained that all the clones secretly hated the Empire and the Emperor especially, but orders came first and feelings second.  In that moment, Anakin breathed a sigh of relief and then described his plans to go back to Coruscant and meet his wife there.  

All were shocked at the news of Padmé’s fake death, not just the clones but the entire world, many celebrations were held in her honor due to her good deeds to many planets all across the galaxy.  The banners all read on the Holonet PADMÉ AMIDALA-SKYWALKER ALIVE… he loved that they hyphenated her name...

The answer from the comm above him returned Anakin’s thoughts to the present.

“This is Rex, sir.” The comm buzzed out in the voice of Rex.

“I see an area about a klick ahead that looks pretty good, I wanted to see if you thought that it would be a good area to unload a squadron of clones, you know, without being noticed.” Anakin loved being able to call them clones again, it was just like the old times…

“It looks good to me sir, I will prepare the men for landing. Rex out.” Anakin lifted his finger off the comm button and moved the ship over to the clearing that he spotted.  It turned out to be the only grassy open area in all of Coruscant, and that is why everyone avoided it.  As he kept approaching the area closer and closer, the force around him became stronger, more noticeable.  He closed his eyes and let the force flow through him, listening to its silent whispers.  Familiarity came back to him again, and old laughs as well.   Anakin scrunched his eyebrows together, trying to piece back old memories as he began his descent to land on the field.  

He began to flip off the switches that powered the ship, the engine’s growl slowly fading away into nothingness.  The lights gradually flickered off and Anakin cautiously rose up from the pilot’s seat, peering out the window.  Nothing appeared to the naked eye, but the force went past what mere eyes could see.  Something was here, the force went deep into his bones, impaling his heart, making Anakin the very confidante of the force.  The force whispered its secrets to Anakin, guiding him, protecting him, and right now he knew that this was where he needed to be.  The sound of the descending ramp reached Anakin’s ears and he turned around from his meditation, moving towards the ramp.

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