Part Two

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“I am glad to see you all here today, change will happen thanks to all of us.” The leader of the Naboo Rebel Alliance, Kilo Jezin, told his large audience.  He smiled warmly as applause filled the room. The rebel alliance was growing in numbers on each planet, many uprising against the tyrannical Empire.  What used to be a handful of people in a room the size of a spacious apartment living room was now standing room only, crowds of people packed like cruples in a their standard tin can size. Just with all the people present today, Kilo felt change happening this very second, change for the entire galaxy in the best way possible. The end of the Empire. Kilo smiled even bigger and lifted his hand to silence the roaring applause.

“It is good to see new and familiar faces. Though, now, formalities are done.  I cannot stress the importance of this meeting, our time is running short.” Kilo mentioned, running his hand through his salt and pepper hair while taking an exasperated sigh.

“I know that we have been planning a strike team to infiltrate the Emperor’s headquarters but now, we have bigger problems, and I am talking to all of you literally.” He looked throughout the room, all eyes were on him, he knew what he was about to show them would scare them almost to the point of death.  But as leader, he had to inform his fellow rebels of the potential hazards in their way of accomplishing their goal.

“Though the rebellion to the Empire is growing, the Empire is now being made aware of these groups since their numbers are larger than ever before,” He paused. “And it is harder to conceal our rebel status.” Kilo eyed a young looking woman now coming into the room, snaking her way through the crowded back room to a far corner.  He wanted to see what she looked like to see if she has been here before, but a thick cloak cover her body and the hood shroud her face. No one payed attention to her so Kilo shrugged it off and returned to his worried looking spectators. He cleared his throat and continued.

“The Empire, especially the Emperor, might I add a DARK SITH LORD which I still do not understand why they would put him in power, is very furious at our intel and progression.  The Empire, in turn has been trying to find us rebels and eliminate us. And he is intimidating larger planets that have a significant amount of rebels with this.” Kilo pointed to a map behind him of a blueprinted sphere.

“What is it?” Someone called out from the crowd.

“That, my friends, is what is known as the “Death Star”. No, it is a moon, that is a battle weapon.  Our spies that gathered intel on this terror weapon claim that the Death Star is about 160 Kilometers in Diameter alone. Along with that, it has a super laser on it, capable of blowing up entire planets to space dust. All in one shot.” A collective gasp went around the room.

“But that is not all.  It has 15,000 lasers, turbolasers, turbolaser batteries, and ion cannons. Along with 768 tractor beam emplacements.” Kilo concluded. Everyone mouth hung open in the room, along with shouts of panic.  Cacophony filled the room and Kilo held up his hands to quiet the crowd down.  

“I understand that this weapon is a matter of concern, but I informed you of this not to be living in fear of it, but to empower you even more that this Empire needs to fall! That is not a way to rule! Blowing up people who don’t listen! Absurd! We can beat this! The Emperor does not like people challenging his rule, all who have power are afraid to lose it! But that does not matter to us.  We are rebels of the Empire and we will win!” He yelled.


“JOIN THE REBELLION!” The audience cheered back. The cloaked woman wrapped her cloak tighter around her and made her way back through the crowd. Kilo Jezin rubbed his short goatee in thought.

“Where do I know her?”


“Lord Vader!” A voice yelled in Vader’s built in helmet comlink. He jerked awake from his short nap and hit the button on the side of his mask.

“What is it Lieutenant?” He asked, annoyance lacing his voice.

“We are directly outside of Naboo’s atmosphere, if you would gather your troopers you plan to take with you and go directly to your ship to prepare for the attack.” The lieutenant bellowed in his ear. Darth Vader squinted his eyes at the lieutenant’s loud voice.

“Of course Lieutenant, I shall get the men and be on board my ship in less than ten minutes.” Vader told him.

“Thank you Lord Vader, Lieutenant out.” Vader shook his head and stood up.  He opened his door with the force and strode out of his room.  His best men were in bunker A-1, some happened to be old friends.  He recalled the Clone Wars with a smile. Not the war itself but the friends he made, his victories, the actual good times he had even though war was iminent.   When he was being honest to himself, he missed those days.  The days before the dark times. Those days when he was “The Hero with No Fear” with the best master and an amazing Padawan. Those days before he turned into the monster he was now, and he knew he could never get those days back. He shook his head and turned to the right and knocked on a bunker door. The door whooshed open, revealing trooper ST-7567 behind it. Vader smiled, an old friend.

“Trooper ST-7567, are your men ready for departure?” Vader asked him.

“Of course Lord Vader, we are always ready.” ST-7567 said.

“Excellent, bring your men now to board my ship so we can make a departure for Naboo immediately.” Vader commanded.

“Sir, yes, Sir!” ST-7567 barked and yelled at his men to get ready to leave.  Vader grabbed his flyaway cape with him and strode once more down the hallway.  He headed towards the starship hanger that was only a couple of feet from the bunker, from even at the distance Vader was at, the clear wall panels showed the large hangar flooded with Pilots, Troopers and Empirical Generals.  As he entered the hangar, all stopped what they were doing and stood in attention to Darth Vader, Darth Vader looked at all of them in total subjection to him.  He shook his head, it was not suppose to be like this.

“At ease.” He said.

“Lord Vader, your ship is gassed and ready to go.” The closest storm trooper announced to Darth Vader.

“Good, I will go into the cockpit, tell the storm troopers to board in the back.” Vader told him and entered the ship. The trooper nodded and yelled something over his shoulder to someone Vader couldn’t see.  As Vader entered the cockpit, his studied at the coordinates of the area of Naboo that he was suppose to land.


He sighed and ignited the engines as he hoped his emotional memories would stay buried in his brain instead of resurfacing. He went through is mental pilot checklist while pressing a couple button and switching on a couple of switches.  

“Lord Vader, all troopers are boarded.  You are now clear for take off.” A voice rang through the comm inside the cockpit.

“Taking off.” He repeated back into the comm and thrusted the yoke forward.  He shot off into space and guided his ship to the coordinates, to Theed.

Okay now I know I have a bit of explaining to do. First off, I know this one is a bit short but I felt it would be better to end it here than to continue on so it wouldn't seem so fast paced. Anyway...

Death Star info that I got can be found here:

BTW 160 Kilometers is what was on the website so I converted it and 160 K is about about 100 miles… yeah it is that big!

Kilo Jarzin is a character I made up for this because I didn't know of any Rebel Leaders, so I own him.

ST-7567 is the same as CT-7567, but instead of CT (clone trooper) it is now ST (storm trooper). And so, many of you probably don't recognize that number but it is...


Alrighty, thanks guys!

*Red OUT*

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