The song

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Yui jolted up from a nightmare, the same nightmare she had for the past five years. Every time this happened one of the brothers were always infront of her but today was different. As she was opening her bedside table drawer, she got out her pills and swallowed them dry. 

After taking the pills she looked around waiting for one of them to come but she saw nothing. Then realization hit her, they were all at school. Yui still couldn't handle that she had been trapped in the manor for five year and how quick those five years had gone by.

Since the boys were vampires, they didn't age as quickly as Yui did. Most of them look considerable younger, even though all of them being thousands of years old, and with Yui hitting the age of twenty she didn't need to attend night school anymore.

Grateful that the boys weren't home, Yui thought about the dream. The dream reminded her about the past, her past. A past that she tried so hard to forget but it somehow always came back at her in the night. Shaking the dream out of her head, she stood up from her bed to wash her face.

Just as she was opening her bathroom door, she heard a faint sound of music. It confused her since she thought she had heard the same tune before. Her feet started to move towards the sound and soon after she was humming the song.

She was now running to the source of the music, it was driving her crazy that she couldn't figure out were she heard it. She slowed down and then stopped infront of the music room. Just as she was twisting the door knob head was pounding. Holding her head in her palm, a scream was stuck in her throat, she opened her eyes, raising her head towards the door she knew were she heard this song.

Quickly she pushed open the door, nearly falling on the ground by the force, she looked across the room, records were scatted across the floor and a record player was playing right in the centre.

Yui walk over to one of the empty covers and picked it up. There she saw a girl, sitting on a maroon armchair her pose showing that she was confident and laid back even when the darkness was surrounding her. The girl's dark grey dress was slightly rising up, making the black garter show clearly on her leg.

Her long blond hair was behind the chair, so her soft curls wouldn't get ruined. The girls's pink eyes seemed to burn though the cover and stare at into onlookers soul. Just like Yui wanted it to do.

The pose, the girl, the song. They were all from her.

Yui was the girl in the cover.

Yui was Alice Angel.

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