A Message?

378 17 21

Last time...

Yui placed her forehead on the floor and coughed up bits of clumped up blood. She coughed and coughed until...

She suddenly stopped. In fact everything stopped, her breathing, her movement even her heartbeat but during this, she saw something. It wasn't a dream or some sort of vision, it was a message. A message from the man she never wanted to see ever again. She tried her best to  ignore whatever he was saying  but he kept trying. She saw his silhouette walking towards her and crouch down in front of her. 

"Alice, you need to listen to me you're being too stubborn. You can't keep fighting the demon. I'm going to g-hgyf ng-sah." Yui couldn't understand the rest of his message, her ears kept going in and out of tune until his voice was just muffled noise.

Yui opened her eyes, after he had finished whatever he was saying, and gasped for air once more, she looked up and saw her pills in the corner of her eyes. She pointed at them, trying to crawl her way towards them but Subaru got it before, pushing some of his brothers out the way and climbing over a few chairs, he grabbed them and helped Yui sit up while giving her two pills. 

With shaky hands, she put them both in her mouth but only manged to swallow one down and coughed the other one out. Subaru then told Ayato to hand him a glass of water and handed it to Yui but she just pushed it away and leaned on Subaru's shoulder and started to breath deeply.

"SHU WHAT THE FUCK DID YO-!" Subaru stop shouting when he was Yui covering her ears at his voice. He then picked Yui up in a bridal position and walked her out the room but as he was about to pass through the door, he turned his head around towards Shu glaring at him while mouthing,

'we are going to have a fucking talk later.' 

Subaru took Yui up to her bedroom and put her on the bed, he was about to say something but soon stopped, seeing that she had fallen asleep. After draping the blanket over her body, he left her room but as he closed her door he took one more look at her and sighed seeing that there was no way left for her to escape, he gently closed her door and went.


can you guys believe it, that yah boi updated after only updating two days ago. Yah boi cant even believe it.

i give you this chapter since sooooo many people *cough* 2 people *cough* where distraught about that cliffhanger last chappy so here you go.

p.s next chapter will probably in ten years cuz of this rebellious act i have committed, JK JK. 

so till then,

Princess out.


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