Unsettled business

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It was the weekend and Shu hadn't spoken to Yui after that day she nearly got caught but Yui didn't mind, she was quite happy that Shu didn't question her any further since after that day Yui had been having more of her panic attacks, instead of having them every morning she had been having them at random times in the day making her have to carry her pill with her at all times. 

Since it was the weekend, all the brothers were home today and were having breakfast. Yui was coming down stairs swallowing her second pill today, she walks into the dining room and sees that the only space left is between Ayato and...


She took a deep breath and quietly sat down.

"Seems like you finally decided to join us, Miss. Komori." The blond haired girl looked up at Reiji, who was sitting right across from her, and gave him a gentle smile.

"Well, hello there to you too Reiji." Yui then picked up her fork and began eating, all while trying to avoid eye contact with a certain male sitting next to her.

Reiji clicked his tongue, annoyed that he couldn't intimidate Yui anymore but decided to say nothing. All the brother ate in silence until Shu slammed his hand onto the table, causing it the shake while also knocking some cups and glasses over.

"There's something your not telling me. So. Tell. Me." Shu stared right into Yui's eye as she stood up and stepped back, without knowing her pills had slipped out of her pocket and landed somewhere on the floor.

"S-shu i-i told you everything i swear," she tried looking anywhere but his eyes.

The brothers were at shock at what was happening in front of them, they had never seen their brother act like this. Not even to their father has he acted so rash. The brothers were still stunned but Ayato decided to speak up.

"Oi Shu, what the hell are you doing, your scaring Pancake so quit it now."

The blond just ignored him and continued to talk to Yui.

"Don't give me that bullshit Yui, I've seen how you've acted these past couple of days. You have that face, that scared face, that's telling me you're hiding something from me"

Shu stood up from his seat and strode across to Yui; Yui backed away from him the best she could but he just got closer and closer, making Yui panic. Her breathing got harder and slower, she tried to find her pills but they weren't in her pockets.

Her lungs started burning, little to no air was passing through, her head was spinning and pounding and her legs became heavy, so heavy that they buckled underneath her and she fell onto the floor.

Shu stopped and just stared at Yui in shock not knowing what had happened to her. Yui placed her forehead on the floor and started to cough up bits of clumped up blood. She coughed and coughed until....


Oh man cliffhanger, ohhh and a cliffhanger after not posting for over a month cuz yah boi is hella lazy even though its summer holiday and she has all the time in the fucking world but oh well.

But no worries my fans (lol i don't have fans but the people who read this i consider you meh fans) i will TRY ok let me repeat TRY to update chapter 4 soon for yah.

Till then

Princess out

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