A talk

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After Subaru closed Yui's door, he let out a deep sigh, guilt flooding through his mind. Shaking the thoughts out, he got back to the task at hand. Talking to Shu.

 He strode down the corridor, rushed down the stairs and headed to the dining room. Once he had arrived, he saw Shu sitting on a chair while the other brothers were surrounding him demanding for answers and an explanation to what had happened but Shu sat there, motionless with blank eyes looking at nothing in particular.

Seeing Shu sit there doing nothing, enraged Subaru. He walked over to shu and punched him in the face, causing the chair he was in to tilt slightly but soon went back in it original place.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TO HER. YOU SHOULD KNOW SHE CANT HANDLE ANGRY LIKE THAT. IT, IT OVERWHELMS HER, IT UHHHH!" Subaru was so angered that he couldnt form any more words, resulting his anger getting out by him kicking a wooden chair next to him.

Wooden splints flew in all directions on the room with some hitting some of the brothers. Kanato look at Subaru as the white haired male fell to the ground and punched the floor.

"ehh Teddy? What did Subaru- kun mean when Yui can't handle anger?"

The brothers looked at Kanato, wondering the same thing. To the brothers she looked perfectly fine ever since she got to the mansion, and up till now. Yes she had matured over the years but they all just thought that she was just growing up.

Subaru looked up at all the curious faces and frowned.

"You really haven't noticed the pills she was carrying around? The panic attacks she's been having in the mornings."    

Subaru looked towards Laito.

"Laito, you've seen her wake up at two in the morning, gasping for air."

The hat wearing male put on a thoughtful look and staring to fiddle with the fedora on his head. Soon after his facial expression change from thoughtful to shock.

"Yes I do remember! I was looking at Bitch-Chan while she was sleeping, I remember she looked so peaceful so I closed my eyes for a bit just enjoying her presence while listening to her heart beat but then suddenly it got really silent so I opened my eyes and look at her but she looked fine. I soon realized, her heat stopped beating."

Laito paused and widened his eyes.

"It stopped, just like how it did now. On that day the same thing happened, that happened today. Her body just stopped for, I couldn't hear her heartbeat; feel her breath; or see her move. It was like she was dead, so I went Subaru and pulled him to Yui's room without an explanation but as we got there, she was kneeling in front of her bedside table. Her chest was moving rapidly and her heat was beating inhumanly fast, now that i think back on it, she was having a panic attack,"

The boys were listening, trying to grasp every word that were coming out of Laito's mouths. The red haired male went quiet for a while for awhile making all the brothers anxious, wanting to know what happened next.

"DON'T FUCKING STAND THERE, FINISH THE DAMN STORY" Shu busted out. His grip on the chair was tight, making it crack slightly.

Laito snapped out.

"Oh I'm sorry, it just I remembered something weird that happened on that day. After, I assume, she took her pill, she sat down on the floor and leaned her back on the side of the bed and closed eyes her while breathing deeply. Subaru and I were just at the door so she didn't see us, once she was breathing normally again she started crying, it was silent tears streaming down her face but the part that confused me the most, was what she said. She said it in a whisper, that I could barely hear it but she kept repeating it, it got louder and louder until it got to her normal voice, she just kept on repeating,"

He took a breath but as he was going to continue, there was a scream. A scream coming from Yui's room


Laito and Subaru looked at each other and said in a hush voice.

"That's what she said, on that night." They soon after ran towards Yui's room with the rest of the boys following close behind them.


Its been awhile hasn't it. I'm....


Bitch you thought I was gunna apologize. Bish naww. It not my fault I had writers block and school, sorry I mean hell, then I had to sleep oh dont forget i had to eat. That important.

Well I hope you enjoyed this sucky chapter

-Princess out

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