Never gone

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The brothers didn't know what to do. Yui was gone.

"What the fuck just happened, What did I just see." Shu was still holding his neck as he spoke.

None of the them replied to him, all them were still in shock but as the silent seconds turned into minutes, the faint noise of sniffling drifted through the mansion, it was so faint that the boys' super hearing could barely pick it up. 

They all looked at each other but Shu was the only one who followed it. After a bit of wondering while listening to the whimpers, he made it just outside the kitchen door. He slowly opened it but as the door made a loud creek, a gasp echoed through the room. When the door opened fully, his eyes widened.

There she was, Yui Komori, sitting on the counter tops with her legs dangling off, she was wearing light pick sweat pants and a matching long sleeve top, that hung loose on her body. Her hands were full with a tub of Nutella and a spoon. Shu saw her that she had stuffed her mouth with the chocolaty goods but he also saw that ink was pouring out her eyes and was dripping off her chin.

As Yui saw Shu enter the room, she put the tub down and wiped her face with the palm of her hand but as before, the ink just speared on her face.

Shu didn't now what to do, so he just sat next to the girl. He became nervous and started fiddling with his fingers, he shifted his eyes to look at Yui but he only saw her looking at her dangling feet. After a few seconds, he started getting frustrated with only hearing soft breathing.


The girl jumped with the sudden sound that came from Shu's mouth. She closed her eyes and slowly turned her head towards the vampire, slowly she opened her eyes but when looking into his confused, she started crying. She cried her heart out.

Yui tried to stop, she knew she was making a mess so she kept wiping her face. She kept wiping and wiping and than she started mumbling  and fidgeting. She pulled one leg on the counter and sat on top of it.


Her mumbling stopped when she was pulled into a pair of arms, her head was placed onto Shu's chest and she could feel his hand stroking her hair. Yui felt herself calming down but the tears were still pouring out, staining Shu's shirt black. 

"Yui. What's going on?" Shu spoke to her in a gentle voice, all he wanted from her was answers.

The girl took a deep breath and pulled out the vampire's arms. After rubbing her eyes for a bit she opened them seeing that the brothers were all in the room looking at her soft eyes.

On the other side of her was Subaru, holding a glass of water, Yui took it and gave him a small smile. While drinking the water, she saw that Reiji, Liato and Ayato were sitting on chairs while Kanato was leaning on the wall, Teddy clutched in his arms.

Only drinking half the water, she placed it down next to her and stared at the boys in front of her.

"Where should I start?"             


 sup. Yes im back after.... idk how long. soooooooooooooo ik this is a reeeal short chapter but hey at least you got something.

i'm sorry that i left you on a cliff hanger for so long. omg i said sorry, like for real ew

anyway ive just been having some personal problems, you know family and stuff. dont know when i'll post my next chapter, it kinda feels like a chore so idk

btw do you guys like wanna guess what yui's back story's gunna. i wanna read some theories on this.


Princess out.

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