Chapter 8: Where do we go from here?

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The ride home was long and quiet, I wasn't sure what to make of what happened. What was the fate of Sam and I? What was the fate of Jack and I? As I looked over at Jack sitting at the stop light his eyes caught mine and he smiled, I smiled and knew that Jack and I would never be "just friends" again. Sam obviously didn't love me like he said he did of he cheated on me, and he can't give me the lame excuse of he was intoxicated. Mostly because, he only had two drinks so far into the night. But after that kiss the feelings for Sammy left me. He all of a sudden didn't matter anymore, Jack mattered.

As I sat staring ahead down the street I felt a hand touch my inner thigh. I look up and see Jack smiling at me. I smiled back and then Jack opened his mouth to talk but then stopped as we pulled into my driveway. As he pulled in and parked he turned to me and said with sincerity in his eyes:

"Okay Kennedy I have something I need to tell you. Now I care what happened in the car back at the party because it meant something to me and I know you don't want to admit it but it meant something to you too. I can see it in your eyes. I can tell you don't like Sammy, I could tell that both of you were together for the fun of it these past couple of months. He doesn't look at you the way you should be looked at. He doesn't hold your hand the way you should have your hand held. And he certainly doesn't kiss you with passion and desire that I have and that you need and love. Now I am not telling what you should do in this whole "cheating" situation. But think about your options. That's all I am saying." Jack looked away towards my house. I unbuckled my seat belt and reached across the middle consul of the car grabbed his face with both hands and just kissed him, hard. I don't know what came over me, weather it was that speech or what but he was sexy and I needed Jack more than Sammy. I deserved Jack more than Sammy.

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