1. A role to play

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Loki walked the hallways of the palace to the throne room, where he was summoned by his father. He found the Allfather sitting on the throne, with his wife to his right side. Odin was holding Gungnir, his powerful staff, meaning this was the king of Asgard and not just his father waiting for him to reach the steps to the throne. Loki stopped at the foot of the steps, inclining his head respectfully to his father first and his mother secondly. The gaze of his father remained unmoved, he was watching his son with a stern face. Loki's mother, however, smiled sweetly and inclined her head at her son. Loki smiled back shortly, before focussing on the king of Asgard before him. He wondered why he had been called to the throne room, it had to be something official, as his mother would just have informed him of matters otherwise.

"Loki," the voice of Odin boomed from the top of the steps. "As you know, Thor is to be crowned as my successor. There is, however, an important role for you to play in the future of Asgard too."

Loki raised his eyebrows at the words of his father. The coronation that was to be held soon was a thorn in his side, as it once again proved he lived in the shadow of Thor, Odin's first-born. What important role could his father have in mind for him, his least favourite son?

"I wish to fortify the relations we have with the other realms that are under my rule," Odin continued. "The stronger our bonds are, the least we have to worry about troubles from within the realms."

"Do you wish for me to go on a diplomatic mission, father?" Loki actually liked that option, it would give him the chance to travel the realms and use his wit and powers of persuasion for political purposes.

"I wish for you to marry," Odin replied curtly.

"I beg your pardon?" Loki was astonished by his father's answer, but his surprise was soon replaced by an upbuilding anger. He was not gonna let himself be married off like some dim wench!

"You are to marry the youngest daughter of king Vonhir of Alfheim. A marriage between our houses will fortify our bonds for centuries to come."

"You mean to marry me off to a Lightelf?" Loki spit back at the king, balling his fists. "I will not do it! Forget it!"

"Loki," Frigga said carefully, probably in an attempt to appease her youngest son, but she was cut short by Odin who stood up from the throne and thudded the hilt of his staff on the floor.

"I am your king. You will do as I say!" Odin roared at his dark haired son clad in black and green.

Loki wanted to object some more, but Odin roared again to dismiss him from the throne room. Knowing that there was no reasoning with the Allfather, Loki turned on his heels and stomped back to the vast doors that formed the entrance to the throne room. One of the Einherjar opened the doors for him so that Loki could retreat unhindered. The dark prince was seething with anger, clenching and unclenching his fists all the way back to his rooms. 

When he reached his chambers he slammed the door shut with his magic and walked straight to the big fireplace at the other side of the room. He gripped the mantle, bowing his head and breathing raggedly. As he let out an infuriated scream, the furniture close to him toppled over from the strong gust of magic that came out with it.

When his mother knocked on the door about twenty minutes later, Loki had somewhat calmed down again. He was pacing in front of the fireplace, hands clasped to his back, as his mother calmly walked up to him.

"I want to talk to you about this," she said, taking a seat in one of the big armchairs in front of the hearth.

"What is there to talk about?" Loki answered through clenched teeth. "The Allfather has decided I should marry king Vonhir's daughter. His word is law."

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