5. The coronation

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Loki stood on the balcony, watching the gardens he had walked in last night getting their first rays of sunshine of the day, as he heard the door open. He also heard the familiar sounds of his breakfast being brought in on a tray. "On the table by the window, please," he called into the room and her response of 'Yes, my Lord' followed suit.

When he stepped in the room she was waiting by the door. "What can I do for you this morning, my Lord?"

Liselore would have known what to do without having to ask for it, but Loki didn't mind telling his new handmaiden what she had to do. The young woman was a quick learner, he was sure that after a couple of days she wouldn't have to ask anymore.

"It's time to get out the party armour," he told her, keeping an eye on her reaction from his seat. He was rewarded with another big smile that made her eyes sparkle. He loved seeing her smile, it lit up her whole face.

While he ate his breakfast Mirilya busied herself with laying out his ceremonial armour on the bed, piece by piece. "Don't forget the helmet," Loki called after her when she walked into his changing room again.

A few moments later she came out again, turning over his horned helmet in her hands. "Is this your signature style?"

He chuckled. "It is. You don't like it?"

"It's kinda... horny," she answered, holding the helmet up to the light. "Oh, and dirty. I'll better clean it for you."

Loki watched her walk out the door, wondering if her choice of words was on purpose. He had been close to kissing her last night, standing by the Rainbow Bridge. She had looked so cute, her eyes big to take it all in. He didn't think she would have protested if he had kissed her. There was something between them, some kind of click, even if they only met not even 24 hours ago. The prince thought it a cruel trick of fate he met the woman he potentially loved when he was pushed into marrying another.

"You look good, my Lord," Mirilya said when he had donned his ceremonial armour.

"Thank you, my dear," he answered with a smile, loving her silent reaction of widening her eyes to his use of the endearment. He took the horned helmet out of her hands when she forgot to hand it to him, never taking his eyes off her. She blushed under his gaze, her cheeks slowly turning pink, and averted her eyes. Like all Lightelves she had a skin like porcelain, seemingly flawless. But if you looked closely, like he did now, you could spot tiny freckles around her nose. "I think you look good too," he said under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear. She gasped, quickly looking up at him, her cheeks getting even more coloured than they already were.

Loki chuckled at her reaction, loving every bit of it. He would have liked to prolong this little thing they had going, but the coronation was almost starting. "Is your brother feeling better?" he asked the young woman, giving her a rueful smile.

She took a deep breath and smiled back, be it a little wavered. "Yes, my Lord. He's waiting for you outside."

"Good, I have to get going." Loki walked to the door and turned back with his hand on the doorknob. "Oh, and Mirilya, please don't wander around the palace during the ceremony."

"I wasn't planning to, my Lord. Why?"

Loki grinned when he heard her question his request. No matter how skillful she was at her job, she certainly had some trouble with compliance. "The Einherjar will be on edge today. You're a new face in the palace, I don't want you to get into trouble."

"I'll stay in my room, my Lord. Maybe I'll have some time to read," she answered. "After I cleaned your rooms, of course," she added quickly.

The prince chuckled and opened the door. "Good girl."

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