28. Midgard

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"Visiting your brother, my King?" Heimdall remarked as Loki stepped into the round Observatory.

"Yes, it's been a while," Loki said, faking politeness. He just wanted to get to Midgard as fast as possible. Heimdall sent him to the same spot as last time, the tribal burn from the other day etched over by this arrival. As soon as his feet touched the soil, Loki started to walk in the direction of the small town. No doubt that female scientist had noticed his use of the Bifrost, so Thor would probably be on the lookout for visitors.

Loki spotted his brother standing outside the workplace, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He had not counted on a warm reception considering their last encounter and Thor was indeed not exactly welcoming him with open arms.

"What are you doing here, Loki?"

"Can't a man visit his brother?" Loki smirked, spreading his hands.

"You are no man," Thor replied curtly.

"Can't deny that!" Loki actually laughed at that, his worries forgotten for a second.

"Cut it out, Loki. Just say what you came here to say and leave."

Behind the window of the workshop Loki spotted Jane, she was watching the exchange between the two Asgardians with a frown. The mortal was clearly no fan of the raven-haired brother and somehow that stung a little.
"Believe it or not, I actually came here to see how you're doing. And to tell you mother says hello." Loki tried to look sincere, even though this reception had irked him already.

The mention of their mother softened Thor up a bit. "How is mother?"

"She's well. She misses you," Loki admitted.

"I miss her too." Thor looked years younger when he said that, but that look disappeared quickly again. The angry frown took its place and stared Loki down.

"How would you like to see mother again?" Loki smiled when he saw he caught his brother off guard with that question. "Maybe you could attend a wedding too."

"Ah, yes, congratulations on that. You're getting married after all," Thor said after a moment of silence.

Although it didn't really surprise him, Loki was not pleased his order to seal up the Bifrost had not been followed. Thor could not have heard about the wedding any other way.
"Sif came to visit you?"
Thor didn't answer, but he didn't have to, Loki knew he was right. However, that was something for another time. "Mirilya said she wanted to meet you, so I thought I would invite you."

"Did father wake up?"

"No, he's still in Odinsleep. Why?"

"Then I can't return."

Loki tried, but Thor was not to be swayed. The God of Thunder was adamant he should stay on Midgard, near Mjölnir, until he had proven himself worthy again.
"So you won't come back for your family? You are choosing this dump" - Loki gestured to the tiny town around him - "over Asgard?!"
Thor glanced back at the woman behind the window. "Ah, I see, you choose her over your family," Loki sneered.

"You seem to be doing perfectly fine without me," Thor answered through clenched teeth. The blond warrior turned around and started to walk to the workshop. "Goodbye, Loki."

A white hot rage filled Loki. His own brother chose Midgard and that mortal over his family. He needed Thor to come home, but the selfish bastard wanted to stay here, foolishly hoping to prove his worthiness by playing nice with the mortals.

"Heimdall!" Loki called out, the light of the Bifrost splitting the clouds in the next second.

When Loki stepped out of the Bifrost and wanted to walk right out of the Observatory, he was held back by Heimdall's solemn voice.
"You are wanted in the infirmary, my King. I'm afraid your fiancée has taken a turn for the worse."

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