25. Touch

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When Loki crawled into bed in the wee hours of the morning, he folded his lithe body around Mirilya. She was asleep and didn't notice him getting in the bed with her. Her body was a strange accumulation of contradictions nowadays. Her round tummy and full breasts were soft and tense at the same time, their round shapes in stark contrast with her skinny arms and shoulders where you could feel the bones move under her skin. The lines of her face had become more defined too, as a result of the morning sickness and constant drain on her energy. But her hair seemed thicker and had a healthy shine, framing her face and smoothing out the harsher line of her jaw. He admired how she bore the discomforts of her pregnancy, the sparkle in her eyes had not diminished despite it all. She really tried to listen to all the good advice and by now she surely had read most of the books in his room. Loki made a mental note to take her to the large library of the palace the next day, so she could stack up on new reading material to help pass the time.

Loki eased his hand carefully under the thin material of Mirilya's night shift, softly caressing the bare skin of her rounded stomach. According to Lady Eir the baby had a lot of room to play at the moment and a couple of days ago Mirilya had seen the baby turn over at the Soul Forge image. She told Loki their child was already good at doing summersaults. Mirilya felt the baby move a couple of times a day since this week, but only on the inside of her body. He placed his hand just below her bellybutton, spreading his fingers across the skin. There, somewhere under his hand, was his child. The child that made him worry almost constantly about its mother, that made him look at the future anxiously and that made him hate his own origins. But it was also the child that made him feel proud, that made him love Mirilya even more, and that gave him the need to rise above himself, to be a better man. That child was there, somewhere below his hand, somewhere below the steady rise and fall of Mirilya's stomach.

Suddenly, Loki felt a small push against his hand, as if someone poked with a finger at the palm of his hand. He applied a little more pressure with the flat of his hand and sure enough, there was that little push again. Loki pushed himself up on his elbow and pressed again, waiting for the baby to react. He had to wait a little longer this time, but there it was. A warm glow spread through his body and Loki felt his cheeks ache from the width of his smile.

"What are you two doing?" mumbled Mirilya sleepily.

"I'm sorry," said Loki in a half-whisper. "Did we wake up mommy?"

"You did - oh! That was a good one!" Mirilya grimaced a little when Loki felt a push against his hand again, harder than the others had been.

He rolled Mirilya on her back and placed his lips against her stomach, right next to his hand. "Be nice to your mother, little one. We can go roughhousing all you want once you're out."

"She's never been so active before," Mirilya said with a smile, folding her hands over Loki's on her stomach. "Did you do something?"

Loki propped himself up on his elbow again, nuzzling Mirilya's cheek and throat. "With my magic, you mean? No, I just put my hand on your stomach. And I was thinking about her, maybe she felt that."

"She likes you." Mirilya kissed him, smiling against his lips.

"Not as much as I like her mother." Loki directed his attention from the baby to Mirilya, kissing her passionately.

The young Lightelf reacted eagerly to his touch, arching her body up under his hands and lips. Loki went about it slowly, kissing and caressing Mirilya until she all but dissolved under his hands. Then, and only then, he positioned himself between her legs, slowly entering her warmth. She was his queen and he worshipped her with his whole body, like she deserved.

The next morning they slept in. Breakfast became brunch, brought in by Liselore. The handmaiden had recently returned in Loki's service, seeing as Mirilya had to rest as much as possible. Loki also didn't want Mirilya to do house work, that was not fitting for a future queen.

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