18. Doing right

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"You coward! How dare you!?!" Lady Frigga slapped him across the face.

Loki was speechless, caught fully off guard by his mother's verbal and physical attack as soon as he set foot in her sitting room. He just stared at her in shock.

She closed the small space between them even further, jabbing her finger in his chest. "You know what I am talking about, don't play stupid! That poor girl needs your support and yet you run away! That is not how I raised my sons!"

Loki stumbled back from Frigga's accusations and held his hands up. "Mirilya came to you?"

"She did." Lady Frigga took a step back and crossed her arms. "She did not know what to do when you ran off, so she came to me."
She glanced over her shoulder and suddenly Loki saw the familiar unruly brown curls peeping over the top of a lounge chair on his mother's balcony. The doors to the balcony were closed and Lady Frigga held him back when he wanted to go to Mirilya. "I took her to the healer, Loki," she said softly, holding his arm.

He sucked in his breath and turned his gaze from Mirilya to his mother. "You know?"

"That I'm gonna be a grandmother? Yes, I know." She kept her face stern, but in her eyes there was a softness.

Loki's shoulders sagged in defeat. "I did something horrible..." he whispered.

"Depends on what you're referring to," Lady Frigga answered sharply. "Running out on her like that was a pretty low thing to do. I thought I had raised you to always face the consequences of your actions."

"You did, mother. I just..." Loki sighed. "I am from Jotunheim, I'm part of a race of monsters. I should have been more careful."

"Yes, I think it's wise to get Mirilya tested thoroughly. I am actually surprised you got her pregnant at all, I would not have expected Jotun DNA to be compatible with that of a Lightelf." She put her hand to Loki's face, stroking the cheek she had hit him on earlier. "But you're not a monster, my dear. You are my son and the king of Asgard. And you're going to be a dad. Now, go make it up to Mirilya. She needs you."

Loki took a couple of deep breaths before he opened the door to the balcony. Mirilya was sitting in a lounge chair, her knees pulled up to her chest. She didn't look up when he closed the door behind him and her back was turned to Loki. He slowly walked up to her chair and stopped when he was next to the backrest. The young woman had her arms wrapped tightly around her knees and lowered her face to her arms, avoiding to look at him. Loki felt a deep regret wash over him, to the point that it almost made his knees buckle. But he had to stay strong, he had treated Mirilya wrong and he needed to do everything that was in his power to make it up to her. Loki put his hand to the nape of her neck, softly stroking his thumb along her hairline. To his relief, she did not shy away from his touch. He whispered her name, not knowing what to say.

"There is a tiny heart beating inside of me." Her voice was barely audible, but it reached Loki's ears like the sound of a battle cry.

He sunk to his knees beside her.
"I'm am so sorry, my love. I should have been there. I should not have run out on you." He hated he had to apologize to her once more, when he had vouched to never hurt her again after that devastating night. But he had, the monster inside him had hurt her again.

"Why did you ran away?" She lifted her face from her arms to look at him, her golden eyes hard as steel.

"Because... " Loki hesitated, he had trouble finding the words for what he wanted to say. "Because you deserve my love, support and protection, yet I failed you. And now you are carrying my child, a monster's child..." His voice faltered, tears sliding down his face.

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