11. Cast out

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Author's note: Trigger warning!! Sexual violence. Read with caution.

When the Bifrost brought them safely to Heimdall's Observatory, the Allfather was seething. He ordered to get Fandrall to the healer immediately, leaving him with Loki and Thor. 

Loki looked at Thor. His sibling was still filled with the adrenalin of the battle and he surely didn't appreciate the way their father handled the situation. 

"The old ways are done!" the blond warrior yelled at the Allfather.

"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin spat back, every bit as angry as his oldest son.

"You are an old man and a fool!" Thor was not handling this that well and Loki decided to intervene.

"Father," he started, but he was cut off immediately.

"I'll deal with you later!" the Allfather shouted angrily. "One son is bringing war to Asgard, the other is bedding his maid. I will not have this!" 

Loki snorted and wanted to tell Odin it was none of his business who was in his son's bed, but he got an angry primal scream in response.

Odin turned to Thor, speaking every word very clearly. "You are unworthy of these realms. You are unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed! I now take from you your power. In the name of my father and his father before him, I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!"

Loki was shocked to see Thor getting stripped of his powers, his armour with it. Mjölnir flew to Odin's hand and Thor was hurled into the Bifrost. This was more extreme than any reaction Loki had expected of the Allfather. 

Odin put the hammer up to his lips and whispered: "Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, he shall possess the power." Before Loki could do or say anything, the hammer was thrown in the Bifrost too.

Odin started to leave for the palace, turning back to Loki after he got on Sleipnir. "I never want you to use one of your hussies as a messenger ever again," he hissed and spurred the eight-legged horse to gallop back to the palace.

Loki watched the Allfather leave, hating him with every fiber of his being. Yet, the old man had done him a favor: Thor was not getting on the throne anytime soon now, if he was ever coming back to Asgard at all. 

The dark haired prince turned to the silent gatekeeper. "Heimdall, where did he sent Thor?"


"Of course..." Loki rolled his eyes. Even in banishment Thor got lucky.

Loki found Lady Sif and the Warriors Three rightfully agitated in their common room. The healers had done their work on Fandral and he was pacing the room. "Odin knew. Someone sent him a messenger!"

"I sent my handmaiden to inform Odin of Thor's plan," Loki stated flatly as everyone turned to him in surprise. "I saved our lives. I didn't know he would banish Thor for this."

Lady Sif wagged her finger at him accusingly. "You have to undo this! We have to get Thor back!"

Loki stared at her angrily. "He was acting arrogant, reckless, dangerous. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?! Let him stay on Midgard, he might learn something! Asgard doesn't need him now, not like this." He turned back to leave for the door, letting an illusion leave the room before he truly left himself.

Lady Sif turned back to her warrior friends. "He may speak of the good of Asgard, but he has always been jealous of Thor!"

"He saved us," Volstagg brought up in defense.

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