26. A portal with a view

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Loki was meeting his mother and Mirilya for tea on the Allmother's balcony, a nice break in his full schedule for the day. They were talking about the wedding. Loki wanted to get married as fast as possible, for all he cared they got married tomorrow, but his mother objected to that. "You are the king, my dear. A small wedding is not really an option, I'm afraid."

Loki huffed. "One of the perks of being king is getting to do what I want, mother!" He winked at Mirilya when she chuckled, hiding her smile behind her cup of tea.

"You still have to take your people into consideration, Loki. They have a right to a royal wedding too," Lady Frigga argued. "Before long, Mirilya was just a common girl. And she's pregnant too. If you want the people to accept her as their queen, you will have to follow some of the rules and traditions. Walhalla knows you haven't done so far!"

"I think your mother is right, Loki," Mirilya said, setting her empty cup down on a side table. "I mean, I don't particularly want the attention of a big wedding, but I understand why it would be necessary."

"But a big royal wedding takes a lot of planning. We don't have a lot of time, my love." Loki put his hand upon Mirilya's ever growing belly.

"If I can throw together a ball in little over than two weeks, I can also manage a royal wedding in a month or so," Lady Frigga said with a smile. "I agree we can't wait that much longer, already people are talking about Mirilya possibly being pregnant."

"Or they just think I'm fat," Mirilya suggested drily.

Loki watched the sharp lines of Mirilya's face. "I don't think you can fool anyone into thinking you're overweight."
No, soon enough her pregnancy couldn't be hidden in loose fitting gowns anymore. Loki didn't care much about the opinion of the public when it came to premarital sex, but he wanted to be married before the baby was born.
"Alright, mother, let's put the wheels in motion. We're having a royal marriage at the first possible date."

"If I can find a dress that fits," Mirilya muttered, but her worries were soon drowned in Lady Frigga's suggestions for different wedding dress styles.

Loki listened to the women for a while, slowly losing focus of what they were talking about. He even closed his eyes at some point, enjoying the sun on his face, his long limbs stretched out in front of him.
His mother's voice got him out of his light slumber. "Will you allow your brother to return?"

Loki slowly opened one eye, seeing his mother looking at him expectantly. "Father banished him because he was not worthy. Last time I checked, he couldn't pick up that hammer yet," he answered casually.

Lady Frigga frowned at her son, clearly not pleased with his reaction.

"What do you want me to do, mother? Go against father's last decree? I'm not comfortable with that." Actually, Loki wouldn't mind very much to undo the Allfather's decisions, but he was pretty comfortable here without his brother around. Having to give up the throne to someone with a better claim to it would be bad, but giving up the throne to that oaf of a brother was even worse.

"Will you at least give it some thought?" His mother looked at him pleadingly and her eyes started to glisten. "I am sure your father would welcome him back by now too."

"I'm not so sure of that," Loki said slowly, although he knew he hurt his mother with a comment like that.

"Come on, Loki. Why not let Thor come back to Asgard and prove his worthiness here?" Mirilya withstood his glare with ease, she knew he would not get mad at her.

"Are you women teaming up on me now?" Loki sat up and got to his feet. "I should go back, I have a kingdom to rule." He leaned down to kiss Mirilya, one hand stroking her belly when he did. Before he left the balcony he looked back at his mother. "I promise I'll think about it, ok?"

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