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The voices rose in Olympus, mostly among the men as they began to approach me.

The closest was a handsome but boyish man with blonde hair. "Marry me, and I'll show you all the love you'll ever need." His blue eyes sparkled and he winks at me playfully. Another darker man shoved him aside, clearly more powerful and more experienced. "Don't be a fool, only a real man deserves a woman such as you." He growls at the blonde he tossed aside before kneeling before me. "It would be my honour, dear Aphro-"

Another God thereafter shoved him away rather viciously. "You idiots! The Goddess doesn't need these desperate attempts or pitiful marriage proposals. The Goddess has her right to choose when she sees for herself what kind of Gods you are." His voice is deep, and unsettles me in a rather exciting way. I only have a moment to take him in as the butterflies chaotically flew about in my stomach. His dark, eyes of fury met mine as the apparent leader of the Gods shoved all three of them out of the way.

"Apollo, Poseidon." He looks to the first two disapprovingly. "Give the poor thing some space." He turns to the last who had approached me. "Ares, please back away as well while we decide on the best option for Aphrodite."

Ares backs away while I gawk in his direction. I am slowly learning the basics of a God...or man, whichever you want to call it. And...I cannot help but also observe which men are the most handsome of them all.

They are all so handsome. Apollo, he was very youthful and pure, but I sensed a self-entitled arrogance in him. Poseidon was well weathered, clearly strong and respected with impressive battle scars and dark, decent looks but-

But...Ares, on the other hand, was an entirely different kind of handsome. The brooding, dark and mysterious look in his eyes enticed me and captivated me. I couldn't resist my eyes from darting innocently back and forth between him and the leader of the Gods in front me.

"Tell me, Aphrodite, you say you are the child of the sea. Now, how did that come to be?" The leader scratches his beard, intrigued.

I look to the four seasons for support in my answer. "Go on." They murmur reassuringly.

I look back to the God in front of me. " I believe I was produced from the last seed of Uranus. From what remained of him, the sea created me and brought me to the shore."

The leader stares curiously at me, and I even begin to see a tinge of lust in his eyes. He's the authoritative figure here, but clearly, that doesn't prevent him from taking advantage of his stature. I wouldn't doubt he's had his way with nearly every Goddess here because of his title.

Everyone but me.

I smile mischievously at the thought.

"That is quite the theory." He raises his eyebrows in amusement.

"It wouldn't be the weirdest birth that's happened." A Goddess chuckles from behind him. "I say give her a warm welcome already!"

The leader slightly smiles and raises his hand. "Shh, Artemis. I never said we would not welcome the girl."

Finally, he holds out his arm, beckoning me to gaze upon all the rest of the Gods and Goddesses who remained seated. "Welcome to the family, sister." He hollers proudly. He rests his hand on my shoulder and walks me forward away for the four seasons, showing me to a small throne he miraculously produced for me.

I gasp in gratitude as he shows me to my seat. "Thank you very much.."I drift off, realizing I still did not know his name.

He smiles knowingly. "I am Zeus, God of Thunder and ruler of the skies and the Gods."

Just as I thought.

I met all the Gods and Goddesses. " Apollo is my son." Zeus introduced him proudly. "He is the God of the sun-"

"And music, of course." Apollo interrupts, quickly bowing. As he uprighted himself he reveals an enchanting, golden instrument in his hands. "Shall I play for you, beautiful one. Perhaps, you'll be impressed-"

"Oh, back down." Zeus ushers me past him in annoyance.

I gaze back as Apollo yells for my attention. "I invented it myself! I call it the lyre!"

"He's leaving no credit for Hermes on that damn instrument." Zeus huffs under his breath. "Now, here is his lovely twin sister, Artemis."

The Goddess was daring to say the least. Her nearly black hair laid gracefully over her brown, animal skin clothes. "I am the Goddess of the hunt." She proclaimed and nodded to me sternly in greeting.

Zeus pauses before bringing me past. "She's fierce, but the biggest protector of woman here. She can be a friend to you if you ever need it." He insists, but I felt very different than her. Inside, I know, we are very different.

Athena, Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, and Dionysus were all thereafter introduced to me. All mostly pleasant enough. Athena was very approachable, but just like Artemis, all the Goddesses seemed to be more conservative than I. Hestia was very motherly. I assume she is one of the oldest Goddesses. Poseidon, though self-involved, had a raging self-confidence one cannot help but admire. Demeter was oddly unapproachable and stern, but still a tad motherly and nurturing.

Lastly, he introduced me to the two final Gods. Ares simply nodded solemnly at our formal introduction. "I am the God of war."

My eyes widened curiously. "War? I have not seen such a thing."

"I might show you if you're courageous enough." He replies huskily.

The simple sound made my knees buckle, and for a second, I found myself imagining how the touch of his hard-working fingers would feel against my pure, untouched skin. It was a scandalous thought that I accepted, but didn't act upon.

"I'll look forward to that day." I simply murmur as we walk past him.

The last God shriveled away when he saw our approach. "There's no need to introduce me, father. I don't need to be in the presence of such a Goddess..." The voice was sorrowful, and I felt my heart immediately go out to the poor soul.

Zeus sighs grumpily. " deserve an introduction as well. This is Ares brother and my son, Hephaestus, the God of craftsmanship."

I eagerly stepped forward to make his acquaintance and instantly saw that he was different than the rest...he didn't appear like the rest at all in fact.

He sighs painfully as he stands uncertainly, a walking stick working to keep him up. He was not gifted, that was certain, but I could not describe how he appeared, and my heart was too kind to purely judge him by his looks. I can see his heart...and it is soulful and kind, and I was glad to meet him.

I gave the brightest smile I could before walking back with Zeus.

"Hades is not present and you'll likely not meet him for years. He doesn't show very often." Zeus chuckled as he brought me back to my own throne.

I sit and wait for his next words.

"However, we must discuss the present matter that has just arisen..." He pauses. "Your marriage."

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now