The Third Brother

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The third brother was the most handsome of them all in an absolutely intimidating and dangerous way.  

Zeus, I don't care for. He's commanding, and brooding, and overall, just clueless as to whether women want him or not - not that he cares. He has the power that women of all ranks are drawn to, not necessarily the looks. He doesn't need those, though, he craves them in the Goddesses and mortals he pursues. 

"Oh, goodness." I hiss under my breath. I nearly duck my head in embarrassment to be seen next to Hephaestus, but stop myself. I wouldn't want to shame Hephaestus like that. 

Hephaestus sighs heavily, rolling his eyes. "Oh, I know, but I wouldn't dare try." 

I narrow my eyes. "Is that a challenge, or are you forbidding me?" I protest angrily. 

"You'd get nowhere either way," Hephaestus replies seriously. "I'd be impressed, maybe even proud of you, if you got yourself underneath him, but I doubt even you could do that. He loathes everyone that lives in Olympus." 

I pout, and sign myself up for the challenge immediately. "I like the chase," I grumble. 

"Don't kid yourself. You want to be chased. You'll tire of chasing within two seconds if he doesn't fall at your feet." He smirks, enjoying his sparse chance to mock me. 

I look to him, a sour expression plastered on my face. I could see the respect for me draining out of him right before my eyes. I couldn't blame him. I can't harp at him for it. He pretends well when others are watching. He doesn't disrespect me in front of others. We're actors. It's as simple as that. Our marriage is a play for all to see, free of charge.

It merely hurts a tad, as I still like him to a certain degree. I don't wish for him to hate me in return. This could be a peaceful arrangement as long as I keep my end of the bargain...

Another question is whether or not Ares will be attending today...

My eyes search the room as the third brother comes and takes his place in the group. No Ares anywhere...

"Hades! You haven't attended one of our gatherings in years." Hera frowns in displeasure.

"I have not, but I have to accept an invitation eventually, don't I? If you didn't want me to show, stop sending the damn invitations every time another one of these ghastly children pops out." He remarks smartly. "I do like to keep you all on your toes." He brushes past her, making a beeline for the infant. "Let's see her then." 

"We're eating, and then everyone can get a closer look at my daughter." Demeter grunts, shoving the child out of his reach. "Especially you can wait." She frowns disapprovingly before turning her back on the God. 

I half-smile in amusement, not even noticing my intense stare in his direction. Finally, he must have felt it, and his eyes find mine in the crowd as he sits at the large, oval table. We all sit in silence as he smirks at me, slowly shaking his head. He diverts his attention away from me in disinterest before I can even open my mouth or wave my flirty little hand.

I growl in frustration and look down into my lap. 

"Told you," Hephaestus mutters quietly. 

Zeus joins the table last. "Ah, Hades, you must have seen our new beauty by now." 

Hades turns his head casually. "And who would that be?" 

My mouth opens agape in shock. I suppose I was wrong to be mounted so high on my high horse, but he had to have noticed I was a new, unfamiliar face unless he was refusing to acknowledge me just to spite me. 

Zeus chuckles. "Always so charming. The Goddess sitting across from you. Born of the sea, and the new Goddess of Love and Beauty." 

Hades briefly looks across at me, then away again. "Ah, I see. The blonde with barely any clothes." 

I huff and cross my arms over my chest. "I have clothes, thank you." 

"No, you really do not." Hades sniggers. 

"Come on, be respectful. She's Hephaestus' wife." Zeus orders. 

Hades crosses his arms and takes in the pair of us, looking us up and down with judging eyes. "What'd you have to do to get this one?" He inquires curiously with a smile. 

Hephaestus mumbles quietly. "I was nothing but a tool in my father's game." 

Hades raises his eyebrows as if fascinated but doesn't speak a word while I grovel like a child who didn't get their way. To add to the embarrassment, I find Hades turning to smirk at me once more as I sat with my arms comically crossed in front of me.

I resumed a more appropriate stance immediately, blushing furiously as Hephaestus chuckles under his breath at my rejection.

I frown through the rest of the dinner; both due to Hades and his apparent disinterest, and Ares and his disappointing absence. I did not even see Hermes around anymore, likely avoiding me or too busy to care that I am carrying his child.

Later, while sulking inwardly, I saw the little infant, and Demeter allowed me to hold her in my arms. She had gathered the Goddesses together to meet the little girl first.

"She's beautiful." I murmured adoringly, but only half meant it. The girl would obviously grow up fair and gorgeous, but I couldn't care less at this moment. I couldn't focus on anything except the eyes burning into the back of my head.

When I passed the girl back to her mother, I turned to meet eye to eye with a very displeased Hera. She kept staring my way and gestured for me to come towards her when the rest of the group remained distracted with the cooing child.

I approached the angry blonde goddess without a moments pause out of fearful obedience.

"I have a task for you." She greets me. 

I frown and turn to leave. What right did she have to order me around at a celebration like this or even a 'hello'?

She jerks me back by my forearm. "You don't want everyone to know the truth, do you?" She threatens through her teeth.

My eyes widen wildly and I shake my head.

"Then use that precious belt of yours and cast the God of the Underworld to fall helplessly in love with the new little Goddess." She smiles as she orders it, turning in the direction of Hades. "He'll come with the rest of the Gods to meet Persephone soon enough, and I want you to make sure he never forgets the day he met her."

I wrinkle my nose in defiance. "Why would you wish such a thing?"

"Because both of them deserve to suffer." She cackles as she pushes me toward the approaching group of Gods. 

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now