Miss Me?

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I sat waiting for Ares for what felt like barely an hour. I sat until the sun went down and the chilly air had set in.

I rub my arms free of goosebumps and stand up in defeat. It has been far too long and Hephaestus is no doubt worried sick of my whereabouts.

Throwing a shawl over my bare shoulders I look around once more before stomping out of the forest. Ares can't fool around with me. Not at all whatsoever!

My lips pout out exaggertively as I make my leave, my fists clamped in expression of my disappointment.

It is not until I have reached the edge of the clearing do I hear a cocky voice call out after me.

"Miss me?" Ares throws down his helmet and carries the girl off of his shoulder, setting her down at my feet. She falls down in a laying position, completely unconscious.

I stare, open mouthed. "Did you knock her out?" I ask, disgusted. "You could have done it more peacefully."

"It was that or nothing. The girls parents were persistent." Ares smirks. "I did whatever was necessary to please you."

I clutch my delicate hands to my heart, a small buzz of pride humming through my chest. He did this...for me. He didn't let anything stop him from pleasing me.

"Now." Ares jolts me back to reality rather gruffly. "The father? Is he important?"

That's all he cared about? Whether the father meant anything to me?

"Um...it was Hermes." I murmur, embarrassed. I could have picked a manlier suitor, that's for sure.

Ares snickers. "You would be crazy if he meant anything." He looks to me intensely as his chuckles fade away.

"He doesn't mean anything." I confirm softly, my eyes connected with his gently.

"Good." He states neutrally. "Because once that child is off and out of your womb and off on his own...I want you to come to me."

My heart thumps at an exhilarated pace, my thoughts vastly travelling to fantasy after fantasy.

He draws me close, his breath brushing against my ear as he speaks. "This won't be the last child you bear." He promises, his nose nuzzled into my hair. "I want you to have mine." He murmurs, his voice muffled.

My body shivers against its will, eager to have just that come true right at this moment.

"I can't do that to Hephaestus. It would break him worse than how his own mother broke him." I weakly push him away.

"He survived. He will survive again. You owe him nothing! You never wished to marry him in the first place!" He groans impatiently.

"I don't see how I had any choice!"

"You didn't."Ares groans. "But it should have been different. A Goddess of love and beauty should not be wasted on a heartless scum like my brother."

My eyes flicker sympathetically for my husband, who is not even here to defend himself. "I would never call him scum," I whisper in disappointment. "How come everyone says such terrible things about a man who does so much for everyone else?" I wrinkle my brows inquisitively.

Ares stares seriously back at me. "He isn't innocent. None of us are, and neither are you. We all treat each other like shit equally. I wouldn't get caught up in it and be bothered by hurt feelings."

I swallow my next words and pick up the girl. "Well, I told you who the father was, and I've held up my deal...I suppose I'll be on my way now."

Ares clicks his tongue in disapproval. "Not so fast. Is that the only way you're going to thank me?" He grabs my wrist and holds me back to him, my heart pumping uncontrollably at his sudden close proximity.

"Only thank you that was required," I whisper hurriedly.

"But. It would be much more polite to reward a man a little bit more. Especially when he practically did all the work for you." His dark eyes tease me as he leans dangerously close. My eyes widen as they watch his approaching strong jawline and accompanying lips.

"Uh-uh" I sigh as he's impossibly close, his breath tickling every nerve in my body. Why does he electrify me so? Why does he rise such feelings within me? I absolutely hate it!

I growl as our lips barely touch, barely counting as anything at all. A small token of affection with absolutely no passion. "There. You had your reward." I hiss in his ear before pulling back sternly.

I brush off my thin dress and nod a goodbye. "Until next time, Ares."

"Until next time. Let me know the next time you're playing the damsel in distress and I'll come running to your rescue." He smirks in amusement.

My lips twitch as my blushing cheeks give away my emotions. I whirl away, the girl in hand without another word.

And to my disappointment, he doesn't protest or chase after me.

I walk through the forest alone and approach the Prince's palace in the nearby city.

All the guards bow in thanks as they see my approach, warming my heart just a tad in pride.

I approach the pleased Prince's throne and set the girl at his feet. "Helen of Troy." I gesture to her gracefully as I wield my belt.

The girl was beginning to stir and would soon be laying her eyes on her future husband for the first time without a crowd between them. "Rise, princess," I whisper to her.

She does, groggily, standing to her feet with slight fear in her eyes. She looks to the Prince in awe immediately, mouth open. I quickly tap her with the belt as she gazed upon her true love.

Her entire body fills with warmth and excitement as her arms outstretched towards him.

I can't help but smile to myself absentmindedly as the happy couple embrace for the first time.

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now