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I had counted every painful second that Poseidon was gone and back with my son in his arms. 

He had departed shortly after offering me the blanket. I was terrified that he would leave me behind alone, but thankfully, he didn't. 

As much as their company wasn't the most comforting, Hermes and Apollo stayed by my side and held me up on my sore legs. I may be a Goddess...but the drag here was painful in more ways than one. I cannot even describe this feeling...

My entire world has just been ripped apart. 

I have no home. I have no husband. I have no friends. I have no...Ares. 

He left me. 

I bite my lip in an attempt to hold back the sobs contained within me. I try not to make a sound at all while in the presence of my persecutors. The last thing I want is Demeter or Hera...or frankly anyone else, getting a speck of any more satisfaction from this humiliation than what they already have. I can already feel their joyful eyes looking me up and down to see me finally "dethroned" from my high horse. 

I truly feel just as terrible as they must see me. 

I am sad for now...but I can feel the anger boiling within me by the second. The sobs will subside and once that happens...I will only be filled with rage. 

Angry, that Hephaestus would do this so publically. I am furious that everyone has already seen and heard the words that came from his mouth. I am absolutely boiling that Ares did not stay by my side and support me and I was forced into the hands of strangers.  

And I am absolutely fuming at the seams that I ever let this happen. The ultimate disappointment in myself is overwhelming! It's now caused me to lose everything that I have ever held dearest to me...except my precious son. 

He is all that I have now. 

Thank goodness for him. 

Poseidon approaches me carefully and hands Eros to me, safe and sound and completely unaware of the horrors that had just happened. "Precious boy," Poseidon comments soothingly and I simply nod. "Thank you." 

Apollo and Hermes step away silently, leaving me with Poseidon as the crowd began to lose interest. I felt just a tad safer now as the Gods and Goddesses left me behind as "old news." I would rather they all forget...but none of them ever will. I'll have to stand in shame for the rest of my life unless I beat them all. Oh, how will I ever be able to redeem myself from this...

"He shouldn't have done it like that," Poseidon comments reassuringly. "He let the anger overpower him." 

"I can't blame him too much, unfortunately. If I was lied to as long as he was...I can't even imagine what I would have done if I were him." I admit quietly with shame. 

"Vengeful one, are ya?" 

"Yes." I don't even try to deny it. "I just often feel too powerless to carry out the justice people deserve for doing me wrong," I say sternly with disappointment, my eyes scanning the crowd of the few lingering Gods watching with amusement. 

"You'll bounce back and you'll how that power." Poseidon winks. "Come. I'll take you back to my domain. I think it'll feel quite familiar to you." 

I look to him hesitantly but nod. "The sea...yes. I think that would feel like a nice change." 

"No one can mock you there. Trust me. It's nobodies but mine. The only next best place would be the Underworld." He chuckles. "Unfortunately, I doubt you would be invited there." 

"That is a pity." I joke for a second. "It is too bad I had arranged Persephone with him, otherwise I have to admit I would be knocking on his door already." 

"He wouldn't answer it." Poseidon chuckles. 

"No, probably not. I doubt he even remembers my name and still just remembers me as "pregers." I roll my eyes and begin to follow Poseidon away from Olympus and his chariot, trying so desperately to ignore the heavy feeling in my heart. 

I suppose it might be the opportunity to start over...take a vacation from all the terrible drama of Olympus and arranging the love of the mortals. 

Well...maybe for a bit, but who am I kidding? In the end, I love the drama secretly, don't I?

I'll be back.

Poseidon helps me board his chariot behind his four gallant horses. "Hold on tight." He warns me as he boards behind me, securing me between both of his arms while he holds the stirrops.

"I'm not going to let go." I whisper as the horses bolt forward, carrying us closer and closer to the sea. I welcome it as it comes nearer.

It feels as if I am escaping a horrible, horrible nightmare...and finally returning home. The sea...maybe it is the only safe place for me.

Beneath the water I see the palace long before we have arrived. It is quite grand and covered with priceless gems. I can't help but feel excited at the beautiful sight. It is a drastic change from the small cottage I stayed at with Hephaestus.

I try to recall for a moment if Poseidon had asked for my hand when I first emerged from the sea before I was given to Hephaestus against my will...I think he did.

Damn, life would have been so different if I had been married off to Poseidon instead! Perhaps I wouldn't feel quite so terrible now.

I probably wouldn't have Ares in my life if I had...but then again, he isn't here right now either.

"Welcome to your new home...for now that is." Poseidon whispers behind me, sounding quite pleased with himself.

He has wanted me in his grasp for a long time, I don't doubt that.

Yet, that's okay for now. I have nowhere else to go...and he helped me. That's more kindness than most have showed me.

I'll take the help that I can get before I get to carry out the justice I deserve against those that have done me wrong.

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now