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"Of course not!" A rage residing within me burst out of my mouth defensively. 

"So, you deny that you sent him a message entirely?" Hephaestus's disbelieving tone persists. 

"I did no...such thing." I turn away from him to hide my fearful expression. Why can't I just stay on course and wait patiently for things to come in due time? I couldn't stay on track for even a few days in a row? 

I am a girl of passion, that much is clear. I can barely control my own actions because of it! 

"So, you're telling me that Iris did not come here and meet with you in the meadow?" 

I ponder on this for a moment, thinking of the best possible way to respond to this without giving too much away. 

I turn shyly when the thought finally occurs to me. "No, I don't deny that. I did meet with a her...that vile, vile spy of a woman." I grovel. 

Hephaestus narrows his eyes and waits for me to continue. 

"I insulted the Goddess and she said I would regret it," I say with a slight pout. "I am certain this is exactly what she meant when she said that. I absolutely despise all of these hideous-hearted Goddesses around this place! Every single one of them seems to mean me harm the second they take one look at my appearance! They just see a reason to envy me!" I throw myself into the kitchen chair and cover my face. "Why else would they spread such lies about me when I haven't done a thing to deserve their hatred?"

Hephaestus stays silent as I remain in place, waiting to see if he buys that whatsoever...well, I mean, it isn't exactly a false claim that the Goddesses treat me so terribly. 

"The Gods and Goddesses live on high horses around here. When their pride is threatened, they do some nasty things." He simply says, sitting down in front of me. "What did you do that insulted Iris?" 

"I...I told her that she shouldn't pry on the meaning of my message. I only wanted to tell..." I pause for a moment and wonder if I should admit that I had tried to reach Ares, or if I should take this lie one step further. "...I only wanted to speak with Hermes and he didn't end up being the one to show. I wanted to ask him about our son's whereabouts." I claim quietly. "I had to come up with some idiotic message on the spot because I was too embarrassed to let anyone know I do not know the whereabouts of my own son." 

Hephaestus quietly nods. "I can somewhat understand that. But what message did you end up saying that confused her so? That made her pry?" 

A knock on the door interrupts my stalled answer. 

I shut my mouth tight as he gets up to answer the door. Could it be Hera? Demeter? Iris? Whoever else that wishes to expose me?

Hephaestus's expression shows he nearly expects the same as I.

The door opens slowly, a man's voice greeting Hephaestus immediately.

"Come in, it would be my pleasure." Hephaestus greets the God promptly and respectfully. It encouraged me to stand up out of respect as well, suspecting immediately this God was quite important...perhaps, important enough to be feared.

A God was golden hair, similar to Apollo, waltz in. For a split second I nearly called him Apollo, but thankfully caught on it wasn't him before I said a word.

"Aphrodite, this is Helios, the all seeing God of the sun." Hephaestus introduces me. "Helios, this is my wife, Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty."

I nod my head silently while the handsome God observes me. I can't help but relish in his eyes dragging themselves down my body, whether or not if he is intrigued by my beauty...although, that can usually be a given when God's make my acquaintance.

"Interesting." Helios says simply, shocking me with his casualness. "I've heard much about you, Aphrodite." He says before turning back to my husband. "I was nearby and heard of the recent birth of your wife's child. I thought I would stop by and give my congratulations."

"Uh...it's not...well, thank you." Hephaestus says awkwardly. "May we offer you anything? Are you in need of rest? Something to eat?"

"I wouldn't want to trouble you. I am only able to stop by briefly before I am needed elsewhere." Helios answers quickly. "Besides, Aphrodite still is quite occupied with her new son to make me dinner, I'm sure."

"I'm more of the cook around here." Hephaestus jokes. "If you really do need to be on your way, though, I won't stop you."

"Yes, I'll be on my way shortly, but I would love to see the little God. I won't be able to stop by when he's being introduced to everyone at Olympus." Helios requests with a smile.

"O-olympus?" I say shyly, looking to Hephaestus questioningly.

"Yes, I received word of Zeus' invite not too long ago. I was going to discuss it with you today." Hephaestus admits.

I can't help but feel the nerves spread in the pit of my stomach. So public, and I know what some people are already going to suspect about the father of Eros. "Who is he? Because he certainly isn't Hephaestus." They'll say. Especially if Iris decides to attend...what drama would that bring in front of everyone? I can't imagine the humiliation I would feel if she were to bring up my message to Ares in front of everyone.

I could practically feel the sweat forming on my forehead. "I'll go wake him." I say quietly, turning my back quickly.

The men murmur amongst themselves while I grab my precious Eros, stopping their talk immediately upon my return.

"Ah, such a handsome little God. What is his name?" Helios grabs him from my arms without warning and I let him, fighting every urge to slap him and risk provoking him in any way.

"Eros." I say.

"And the father?" Helios dares to ask.

"A mortal by the name of Adonis." Hephaestus shocks me by asking on my behalf.

Helios stays quiet, silently judging us.

"Aphrodite has strayed. I have knowledge of that and have forgiven her." Hephaestus adds. "We had an arranged marriage, so it started out rough."

I look to the ground shamefully. I feel so terribly for Hephaestus when he puts it so simply like that.

"I understand." Helios answers as he hands Eros back to me. "And I know Adonis." He says facing me. "I'll have to give the mortal my congratulations as well. Perhaps, tomorrow." He smiles.

I can see the threat beneath his expression.

He knows.

"I'm sure he would appreciate that, though, I haven't exactly told him yet." I say desperately.

"Oh, well you better tell the lucky man soon. Not every mortal gets to boast he fathered a God with such an exotic Goddess." Helios says, directly staring into my eyes.

"Yes." I look to Hephaestus. "Why don't I go tell him tonight?"

Hephaestus stares darkly back at me, fully showing his disapproval since we still had a conversation to finish...though he can't exactly deny my leaving. "Just be sure to be back in time to be up for tomorrow. We go to Olympus early."

"Tomorrow?" I say with wide eyes. "Oh, of course. I will be sure to be back."

"Good." Hephaestus says sternly. "Well, we best see you off." He says to Helios, no longer asking whether or not he would like to leave right this second.

"Of course, it was a pleasure meeting you Aphrodite." He nods his head towards me with another promising smile.

"Yes, you as well." I say as Hephaestus promptly closes the door before I finish my sentence.

"Well, do you need anything before you leave?" Hephaestus asks right away.

"No, I'll be alright." I pick up Eros. "I'll just take my son to meet his father."

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now