The Boar

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I leave quietly and shamefully, ideas running through my head. I decide I must tell Adonis to keep up the ruse, just in case Helios does approach him after our conversation today.

I hate to approach him in the middle of the night, especially after so much time.

But here I am.

My visit with Adonis came to a great surprise to him, especially when I came with a child in my arms.

Once I spoke with his mortal guards, they agreed to have him meet me in the garden to avoid alerting his now mortal woman love interest. I couldn't even bring myself to be jealous of losing his attention. I have been gone for so long.

"Aphrodite!" He greeted me enthusiastically. "What are you doing here?" He sees the boy in my arm and pauses. "Is this...uh-"

"This is my son," I say simply. "Many believe him to be yours." I clarify. "But you are not the true father, you don't need to worry about that."

He looks to me with confusion. "Then who is?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Just be wary of anyone that may come by to-" I am cut off by an aggressive growl that erupts from the bushes behind us in the palace garden.

"What in the name of the Gods is that?" Adonis screams angrily as the branches split open.

My mouth drops open in surprised horror as the beast bolts from its hiding spot, straight for Adonis.

"Run!" I shove Adonis, rather aggressively, but even that does not get him out of the way quite quick enough. The boar rams into the poor prince, pinning him to the ground so roughly I have to turn my back to shield myself from the sight.

He shrieks behind me, the sound slowly diminishing, hinting at his gradual demise. "" I whisper to myself as I turn around, ready to run away from the murderous boar and also face the body of the prince.

Instead to my surprise, there is no boar to run from.

No boar at all.


"Ares!" I hold my son in front of me and run up to him, a tad horrified, but still ecstatic to see him, especially with our son already in my arms!

"You thought I wouldn't come?" His huge arms envelop me, leaving just enough space between us for Eros to sit comfortably.

"So Iris did deliver the message. I thought I had pissed her off too much." I smile with exhaustion and lean up, inviting him to kiss me.

His eyes are too directed at Eros to even notice. "I heard you bore another child and I hoped it was mine from what Iris said in her message. This is him?"

"Yes, and he is. Meet Eros." I hold him out proudly and his father takes him.

"He's going to be dangerously good looking like his mother, isn't he?" He smirks at me knowingly. "Golden locks, piercing eyes."

"Of course." I take him back with a blush. "I wouldn't call it a dangerous thing though."

"Then why do I keep doing such stupid things to see you?" He tugs me to him by my waist.

I send the poor prince a little look. "You didn't have to do that to see me."

"To have you to myself, yes I did. He was a complication. I can't have him going around having people believing my son is his." Ares crosses his arms.

"I still feel bad for the poor man." I protest with a pout, silently pondering on the fondness I had significantly allowed to grow for him.

"Don't. Now let me take you home. I need you and you offence to Eros, but I've been thinking about you for a very long time." Ares' eyes are hungry and filled with want, an irresistible look I can't deny. I know I shouldn't take him there, even if Hephaestus is likely already in bed.

I just can't say no. Not to him. Not right now.

I nod eagerly and we embark on the journey there, his hand firmly around mine while I hold Eros in the crook of my other arm, thankfully fast asleep.

Once we arrive, it is obvious Hephaestus has already turned down for the night. All the lights are off and the house is silent.

"I won't be long." I peck Ares on the mouth and rush inside, as quietly as I can. I sneak to my own private bedroom and set Eros down in the bassinet beside my bed. I let him lay for a few moments, wishing for him to stay silent now and for the rest of my visit with Ares.

He is for now and I'll take it.

I sneak back out the front door to be greeted to incredibly strong arms wrapping themselves around me once more.

This time, when I lean up for a kiss there is nothing to distract him. He kisses me endlessly, right there, on the doorstep. His hands were beginning to do unspeakable things, uprising unspeakable emotions and want within me until I plead that he take me elsewhere.

"We can't be here if you're going to keep doing that." I groan into his ear.

He only growls, removing his hand from my inner thigh before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

Once we reach the meadow he lays me down and hungrily skims his hands under my paper-thin gown. I can feel the strength in them as he grabs me, claiming me as his after so long...and it's been such a tediously long time since I've been touched like this.

I can't help but let out a breathy sigh of relief at his touch. "Oh, Ares, I've missed you so much."

He grunts, as affectionately as the overly masculine God is capable. "You're mine. I don't think I can stay away from you anymore." He lifts up my hips and pushes himself into me, surprisingly gentle. "I need you."

I am able to relish in the feeling of him, gentle, but assertive. Still, it was exhilarating, just as it always is.

"You gave me a son." He murmurs into my ear as he continues to thrust, firmly. "I've never wanted you more."

"Mhm." I groan passionately, unable to say more.

He withdraws, leaving me speechless. "I want you on top of me, Blondie."

I look to him in awe as he rolls on his back and waits for me. "Come here." He says gruffly, his hands held out waiting for my waist to be in them.

I crawl over to him eagerly and then on top of him with each of my legs on either side of his waist. He slips down the sleeve of my dress to kiss my shoulder.

I shiver, I can't help it! I gasp as he pulls my hips down on him, filling me once more.

He grunts as he slips my dress below my shoulders and then kisses the curves of my breast. His grunts somehow turn into something closer to moans when I start to move on top of him. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment as I listen to me truly please him.

His warm arms around me, his lips kissing my soft skin, his beautiful body making love to was all becoming ecstasy.

He's never wanted me like this. No God has wanted me like this felt good, it felt like I was needed, in control.

It felt felt like he...

He grips my waist and moans into my shoulder before stroking back my hair and kissing my temple. I let out my breath in a hearty sigh, which he seems to like very much, tugging me closer even though he should technically be done with me now. He usually would be rolling off of me by now...but he isn't letting go of me.

He wants me to stay.

He nestles close to me and kisses me lightly on the lips. "I can't stay away, Blondie." He murmurs, brushing back my hair before looking me in the eye.

I know it before he says it.

"I love you, Aphrodite."

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now