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Seoul, South Korea
October 5th, 2019
20 years later

Jongsuk looks down, his eyes focus on the task at hand. His artwork. His hand moves across the paper swiftly as if he has done this a million times. "Jongsuk, will you hurry up!? You have an important event to get ready for tonight." Lee Minho, Jongsuk's best friend reminded, hovering over the younger like a hawk.

Jongsuk lets out a quiet sigh and looks up; only being met with his best friend's dark brown eyes. "Huh...yeah. I'll be there in a minute so you can leave first." He speaks, grabbing his pencil that drops at his side, and continues sketching.

"Whatever." Minho groans, walking away towards his friend's car.

Jongsuk sighs again, this time loudly; interrupting the peaceful Autumn air. He lays his pencil down against his paper and leans back, resting against the hard tree. The feeling of the sun's warm rays and cold October breeze against his face relaxes him from all the stress tonight's event brings to his muscles, until the sudden sound of a camera goes off. He leans forward, his body in full alarm mode as his eyes study his surroundings. His eyes land on a man no older than himself with a smooth sharp square yet diamond-shaped face, dark brown short hair, dark brown eyes, and medium skin tone. He wears a black t-shirt covered by a dark blue jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and black heeled boots.

"Um...hello." The man greets, bowing his head slightly with a smile plastered on his face.

Jongsuk raises an eyebrow but nods back in acknowledgment.

The man slowly rests his camera lightly against his stomach as he walks closer to Jongsuk. Jongsuk's orbs follow. The stranger looks down at Jongsuk's abstract sketch an impressed expression appearing on his face. "That's a nice drawing." The man complimented, suddenly moving a little bit to Jongsuk's side and sits down on the pointy green grass uninvited while raising his arms to the camera and pulling it above his head. Its neck strap follows as it's taken off the stranger's body and placed on the grass beside him.

"Thank you."

"What is it supposed to be?" The unfamiliar man asks, looking at Jongsuk with curiosity in his eyes.

"What does it look like?" Jongsuk sassed, grabbing his pencil once again and adjust it in his right hand.

"Mmm...it looks like that grandpa feeding birds."

Jongsuk looks to the elderly man sitting alone on the bench across the small field and back to the attractive male and nods.

"What's your name?" The male thought out loud, playing with a stray of grass in between his fingers, Jongsuk didn't even see him pick.

"Han Jongsuk." He lied

"Lee Woobin." Woobin smiles, laying down on his side watching as Jongsuk's hand starts moving over the paper.

"So, what do you take pictures of?" Jongsuk spoke up, glancing at Woobin through his peripheral vision.

"Hmm...I don't know. I guess...whatever I find beautiful," Woobin chuckles, looking down at the strain of grass in his hand and slowly back up at Jongsuk. "What about you? What do you like to draw?"


"Boss!" A deep husky voice calls out from across the park.

Woobin's face brightens, "I can say the same to you too Han Jongsuk."

Woobin watches as Jongsuk grins, as he stands up with his things in hand and walks towards a big muscular man wearing all black with sunglasses causing the man to appear more intimidating and a smaller man probably the same age as Jongsuk with his hair style down and dark aesthetic clothing on. Jongsuk walks over to a silver car with his bodyguard in front of him, opening the car door while the other male crawls into the other side of the car. Jongsuk huffs out a puff of air and stares up at the blue sky.

Minutes pass after Jongsuk left. Woobin sits up loving the feeling of the October breeze against his body. "Mr. Kim! Boss wants to see you!" A sudden voice yells, causing unwanted attention to draw to the male.

Annoyance quickly makes its way onto his face as he looks to see the owner of the voice. "Ugh, you asshole! Didn't I tell you to stop yelling and to call me Mr. Lee not Mr. Kim in public?" Woobin acknowledged, grabbing his camera and standing up while raising his hand making his driver flinch. Woobin chuckles lightly at the younger's reaction. "Stupid brat," Woobin mutters under his breath, walking towards his car.

The older opens the car door and gets in, not waiting for the driver to open it for him. The silence of the car calms Woobin's nerves knowing very well he has a meeting with his stepfather. He sighs heavily, grabbing his camera from the seat next to him, and opens it. He looks through all the pictures he gathered in days' worth including pictures of himself, his driver, and his father, but stops on one specific picture. Woobin stares at the picture he took; his eyes lighting up as satisfaction flow through him.

"Han Jongsuk." He mumbled, loving how the nature in the background matches perfectly with Jongsuk's dark brown hair, perfect medium beige skin tone, dark brown eyes, and warm color clothing.

Did he finish his drawing? Woobin stares longer at the picture. If he did not will, he comes back tomorrow?

Woobin pushes his lips out in a pout as he turns his camera off and places it down beside him. The sudden sound of the car door opening causes the older to jump in his seat and instantly frown upon seeing his driver. "You walk so damn fast Mr. Kim." The driver complains, thoughtlessly.

Woobin narrows his eyes and huffs like a child before a playful smile blossom onto his lips.


The minute Woobin walks into his home his feet instantly walk towards his stepfather's office. Ignoring all the maids' greetings as he passes by them, he approaches the door. He forms his right hand into a fist and raises it knowing very well the consequences of disturbing ones' personal space without knocking. He knocks on the wooden door gently. "Come in!"

Woobin grabs hold of the doorknob and opens it. He walks in instantly closing the door behind him and turns around. He scans the room, his eyes immediately landing on his father that is pulling a file out of his filing cabinet. His father looks up and a serious expression appears. "Woobin."

"Hello to you too." Woobin back talks, walking over to his stepfather's desk chair, and sits down with one of his legs slinging across the other.

"Don't give me that tone boy!" Woobin's stepfather frowns. "Now don't play around from now on. Okay? I have an important task for you."

Woobin sighs, nodding. "Okay, okay. Now tell me what's so damn important I have an meeting to get ready for."

"We've found Lee Sangho's son." Woobin's stepfather smirks.

"What does that have to do with me?" Woobin questions, raising an eyebrow.

The older smirk's fall. "That's a good question, my boy. Well, Woobin, Lee Sangho's son is around your age, so I want you to get close to him and get any information regarding where his father's safe is."

Woobin thought for a moment. "How much?"

"How does a little over five million US dollars in gold sound?"

Woobin's eyes widened. Never in his life, he would be thinking he could even smell that much money but being able to have it changes it all. Many people would call him wealthy, but he does not have five million in gold. "He has five million?"

The elder's smirk returns. "Not just five million but ten million and I'll split it even with you if you work with me."

Woobin stays silent. He brings his bottom lip to his teeth and bit down. Ten million! That is insane! And five of it is mine!

"Fine...I'm in."

Woobin's stepfather's lips form into a wide smile. "Great! Excellent! Here's everything you'll need to know about him."

Woobin takes the file out of his old man's hands and uncrosses his legs before standing up. He walks over to the door but stops when he hears his stepfather spoke up after sitting down in his chair. "Oh, Woobin-ah."

Woobin turns around and faces the male. "Yeah?"

"Be careful."

Woobin beams. "When am I not?" The older snickers, waving his hand in a signal of dismissal. Woobin turns back around and walks out; making sure to close the door behind him.

Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now