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The rest of the week was as fast as it got there; to some people, it might have been too slow, but for others, it was the complete opposite. Woobin is one of those people. The Native Korean exhales through his nose loudly causing the quietness in his bedroom to be broken. It has been thirty-four hours since the last time he saw the light that brightens his day. Throughout these two days the two grown men would communicate with one another through texting, calling, but mostly facetiming.

"Woobin!" A deep voice yells, coming from outside Woobin's bedroom door.

Woobin's head snapped up to the familiar voice and away from the camera to his stepfather who by now opened the bedroom door and stands in the doorway with anger. Annoyance quickly surrounds Woobin's face as he turns his chair around and sits back in it. "May I help you?"

This only makes the man in front of him angrier. Ji Sung narrows his eyes and walks closer to his stepson. "Have you forgotten what your assignment is?"

Woobin straightens up. "Of course not. How could I?"

Ji Sung sighs harshly and puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose while making a frustrating expression. "Then do it, I want it accomplished by next Sunday. And if it's not, you'll regret it, Kim Woobin." Ji Sung stated, before turning around and walking out of the big bedroom.

Woobin stands up and shuts the bedroom door with a heavy sigh, following shortly after. He slowly walks back to his desk and sits down. His dark brown eyes wander over the neat, organized surface to only land on an orange envelope. The main character furrows his eyebrows. He hesitantly and slowly reaches out across the desk and grabs onto the unfamiliar paper envelope. The weight of the envelope disturbed him as he carefully opened it. He looks inside to only see two pages. Woobin's furrow deepens in confusion and pulls the pages out, but suddenly stops when a photograph is placed in the middle of the papers. He looks over the first-page reading.

Name: Lee Jongsuk
Sex: M
Address: Unknown
Nationality: Korean
Height: 185.42 cm
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown

Damn, this man is tall. Woobin thought out loud, turning over to the next page just for the pages to scatter all over the floor and his eyes widen the same size as the moon. His eyes stare down at a picture. Moments past of just the adult studying the photo until he opens his mouth, "Han Jongsuk is Lee Jongsuk."


It's been a whole 24 hours since Woobin found out about Jongsuk. So many questions and thoughts are in his mind, Jongsuk being Lee Sangho's son, Jongsuk lying about his identity, Jongsuk being his dad's enemy. Basically, Jongsuk took over his mind and it seems that is the only thing. Woobin figured his new friend was different, considering Jongsuk doesn't like talking about his family and finding the conversations they have never come across another friend of his. Does no one want to be Jongsuk's friend? Where is his mother?

The thought of Jongsuk having no one causes Woobin to frown. Jongsuk not having anyone and being alone for who knows how long breaks the older man's heart. He doesn't understand why this causes his chest to hurt and not bring him joyfulness that he can now take his father's money and give the man up to his father to do as he pleases.

So here he is waiting for the same man that brings confusion and pain to him. The cold fall air blows slightly forcing a visible shiver to run down Woobin's spine as he wraps his arms around himself. "Are you okay?" A sudden voice asks, resulting in Woobin's head to look up quickly, almost causing him whiplash.

Woobin nods, looking up at the sky to see it already turning night while Jongsuk stands still in front of him as he sits on a park bench. "Are you sure Binnie?" Jongsuk asked, using one of Woobin's favorite nicknames.

"Is your real name Lee Jongsuk?" Woobin asks, looking at Jongsuk seriously.

Jongsuk's eyes widen and immediately Woobin regrets asking so suddenly, but he has to know from him. He slowly nods his head, voice coming out panic, "How did you know? Who told you? I'm so-"

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I understand why you lied. It's to protect yourself, right? I know all of what happened to your abeoji." Jongsuk stays silent eyes watering up. "Did you know I know Ji Sung?"

Jongsuk nods, "Y-yeah," Tears slowly fall from his eyes. "Please promise me you won't tell him."

Woobin immediately agrees, "I promise. I'll do everything to protect you from him." He spoke, pulling theyounger into his embrace and hugging him tightly. "I won't anyone hurt you."

Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now