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Let's say Mondays aren't always the best day for everyone, but for Woobin and Jongsuk it is. Sometimes just seeing each other's appearance can make the two's whole day better, even if it started like shit. Especially, if the person in front of them is dressing differently just for them. It is like, when Jongsuk shows up at Woobin's car dressed in a black button-up shirt with dark blue, light blue, and pink flowers plaster randomly on it, dark blue skinny jeans, and slip-on black shoes. Woobin kind of wanted to not go to the party his friend Woo Dohwan invited him to and instead attack Jongsuk's lips. However, he calms himself down and took a deep breath before complimenting. "You look amazing!"

Jongsuk blushes at the compliment and looks at the other's outfit. "So do you."

Woobin smiles and unlocks the car door allowing the younger to open the door and hop in. Once the sound of Jongsuk's buckle was heard, Woobin starts up the car and drives to their destination. The car ride was full of laughter and conversation. Woobin and Jongsuk are just being themselves and enjoying one another's company. When they reached their destination, the sun was already setting, and the party had already started. The front yard is full of drunks and loud music booming from the house. Woobin got out first and opened the passenger's door for Jongsuk. Jongsuk smiles nervously, stepping out of the car and waiting for the younger to shut the door for him. When the sound of the door being shut rang through Jongsuk's ears he hesitantly slides his hands around Woobin's. Woobin looks down at their interlocked hands and smiles reassuringly at the other tall man seeing the unsure in his dark brown eyes. The duo slowly walks towards the house and enters it instantly smelling the scents of alcohol, weed, sweat, and puke. "There are more people than I expected." Jongsuk thought out loud, looking around the room.

"Yeah, there are. But don't worry, I'll stay with you. Okay?"

Jongsuk nods, letting Woobin lead him slowly to the kitchen through the huge amount of people dancing, making out, and socializing. Once they reached the kitchen, there were only a few people at the table playing a drinking game and a couple making out in the corner. Jongsuk adverted his eyes away from the couple in the corner to Woobin. Woobin chuckles and asks. "Do you want anything to drink?"

Jongsuk nods, watching as Woobin nods to himself and walks over to a table where bottles of beer and many other types of liquor are placed. The older grabs two bottles of beer and walks back to Jongsuk while opening them. "Here you go." Woobin hands a bottle to Jongsuk who grabs it and slowly starts sipping. "Do you wanna get out of here?" He asks, noticing the uncomfortable movement the younger makes.

Jongsuk remains silent thinking it over before nodding. Woobin laughs lightly grab Jongsuk's wrist and lead him down to the basement. He lets go of the other before opening the door, immediately greeted with different music and a lot fewer people. Woobin walks down first, followed by Jongsuk who looks around and notices two other people in the room besides himself and Woobin. Two identical-looking men sat on a couch, both Korean, dark brown-eyed, black-haired, and handsome faces. One of the identical men looks up and smiles widely. "Hyung! You made it! Who is this?" The unknown man asked, looking like a curious puppy.

"Woo Dohwan-ah, this is Lee Jongsuk my friend. Jongsuk-ah, this my secretary and best friend Woo Dohwan." Woobin introduced, smiling from ear to ear, happy to have his best friend and friend meeting.

A friend? Jongsuk's stomach drop at that title, his heart threatened to break in his chest. But he smiles, hiding the hurt he feels. "Hello." Dohwan greets, holding out his hand.

Jongsuk eyes the unfamiliar hand for a second before reaching out and shaking it. Dohwan's hand is soft and smooth, but nothing compared to Woobin's. Woobin walks further into the room and sits down beside the other identical twin, who wears the complete opposite colors from his brother. "Oh, and this is Dohwan's brother Woo Sohwan." Woobin pats Sohwan on the shoulder after placing his beer on the table beside the couch while looking at Jongsuk.

Jongsuk drops his hand from the handshake and looks over to Sohwan. Sohwan narrows his eyes and shrugs off Woobin's hand. "Ugh...stop. What have I said about touching me?"

Woobin laughs and restrains his hand back to his side. Jongsuk shifts his feet uncomfortable before seeing Dohwan walk over to the couch and sit next to his brother. Jongsuk shortly follows, walking to an empty couch across from the trio and sitting down after placing his beer on the floor next to his leg, occasionally drinking it. "So, where's Yang Sejong?" Woobin asks, looking at Dohwan. Dohwan brightens thinking of his boyfriend before answering the question quickly losing Jongsuk in their conversation. Woobin looks over at Jongsuk sometime in his and his friend's conversation just to catch him staring, his dark eyes burning a hole right through the older as the twins start trying to bring conversations to the table. Jongsuk is beautiful from afar but close he is breathtaking. His soft features, sharp eyes, big mouth, and dark hair gets into his eyes when not tamed and styled. Unable to look away, mesmerized, Woobin views the man in front of him who slowly grows antsy.

"Wanna dance?" Woobin asks.

"I can't dance," Jongsuk answers, his voice loud so it can be able to be heard from above the music.

Woobin smirks at Jongsuk's reply and reaches out before grabbing onto the other man's hands. "I'll teach you then." He pulls Jongsuk to his feet. "Just feel the rhythm."

Jongsuk smiles, letting go of Woobin's hands as they reach the middle of the room where the music plays the loudest. Woobin moves his body to the music first, having Jongsuk stand awkwardly. Woobin frowns and stops dancing before grabbing Jongsuk's body forward towards his, surprising the male.

"Loosen up. Just follow my lead." Woobin told, slowly moving his hips. Jongsuk bites his bottom lips, clearly uncomfortable but that doesn't stop him from copying the older's moves. "Like this?" He asks, swaying his body to the music.

Woobin smiles approvingly, as his hands slowly made their way to Jongsuk's waist, pulling him closer. He leans in tease. "I thought you said you couldn't dance."

Jongsuk pulls away and smiles innocently. "We all have our secrets."

Woobin chuckles, pulling Jongsuk back before pressing light kisses along his neck up to his ear.

Jongsuk closes his eyes, leaning his head to the side so the other can have more access.


Hours pass of the two males dancing, making out, and drinking. Where it got to the point that eventually Sejong showed up, got drunk, and took his boyfriend to who knows where to do the obvious while his twin is passed out on the floor and Jongsuk is on the couch chatting with Woobin. "Do you just think of me as a friend?" Jongsuk asks, from Woobin's lap. Woobin smiles sweetly, untangling their intertwined hands and raising one to the man's hair before slowly running his fingers through it.

"I won't be kissing my friends," Woobin stated, leaning down and pressing a light kiss on the corner of Jongsuk's lips.

Jongsuk's face flusters in amusement as he turns his head, facing the older, but frowns upon remembering something. "What?" Woobin asks, noticing the sudden change on the younger's face.

"Throughout my life, I've struggled to survive...to find someone I can lean on and trust. When my mom left, my dad and I only had each other. So, when Ji Sung killed him, I told myself I will one day take revenge...I will serve abeoji justice." Jongsuk spoke, removing Woobin's hands from his hair while sitting up from Woobin's lap and looking into those dark brown eyes with his anger and pain-filled ones. Woobin hates that this is the way he has to finish the job. He hates how he used Jongsuk. He hates how broken Jongsuk is.

"Woo...I'm so happy. I feel so free and alive. I've never felt like this." Jongsuk admitted, grabbing Woobin's hands and holding them in his.

Woobin smiles melancholy. "Jongsuk-ah." He started, drawing the younger's attention. "I have to tell you something." Jongsuk nods. "Every time I go back to the house, I grew up in I meet Ji Sung." Woobin looks over Jongsuk's face seeing nothing change. "And he's on killing you after he takes your father's hidden money."

Jongsuk smiles vacantly. "I know."

Woobin looks down at their intertwined hands and backs up. "I won't let that happen."

Jongsuk stays silent but lets a gasp escapes his lips when he is suddenly pulled into a warm hug.

Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now