
431 14 5

Busan, South Korea
September 14th, 2021
2 years later

The song of Happy Birthday is loud and full of offbeat harmony as Jongsuk sits at his table watching his friends sing and drink their beer in between lyrics. He smiles widely and claps along. "Happy birthday Lee Jongsuk!" Minho yelled, raising his beer to the center of the table.

Immediately, Jongsuk's two other friends, Park Haejin and Seo Kangjoon raise their beers. Jongsuk looks down at his soda and sees it's empty. He chuckles softly, "Oh, I'm empty." He stands up. "I'm gonna go get a refill."

Jongsuk's friends nod. "Hurry back!" Kangjoon orders as he collides his beer with the other's shouting cheers.

Jongsuk smiles at his friends before leaving his empty glass at a random table and exiting the bar. He breaths in, letting the warm air fill his lungs as he walks down the dark street, the dimly lit streetlight being the only source to be able to see. He looks down watching his black boots step on the road. His birthday has been amazing. His closest friend is here and recent friends he made when he arrived in Busan two years ago. The day couldn't get any better. The birthday boy often thinks about Woobin. How he's doing and is he eating well. He often thinks how his life would have been different if he turned around and stayed with Woobin.
Jongsuk lets out an airy sigh as he walks past an alleyway, but suddenly stops and looks up when someone bumps into his shoulder. The sound of a bottle breaking echoes throughout the street. Jongsuk immediately bows. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking wh-"

"Don't." The man threatens.

Jongsuk stands straight finally getting a good sight of the man. The man's eyes fill with anger as he looks down at his spilled and broken beer and backs up at Jongsuk. "That was my last bottle! Why don't you watch where you're going!?" The man yells, his words slurring together. Jongsuk didn't answer to busy noticing the man's intoxicating scent of beer and his words slurring together. "Aish! Don't you have respect for elders!?" The man continues yelling while pushing the younger back ending the two up in the alleyway.

Jongsuk falls to the ground, his eyes widen at the man's action. The drunk man's anger grew by the second as Jongsuk stays on the ground. He steps closer not excepting the younger to stay still eyes wide resembling a deer in headlights. The man raises his arm, his hand flat, and swings. Jongsuk gasps, pain spreading across his left cheek. He raises his hand and lays it lightly against it flabbergasted the drunk man hit him. The drunk man huffs, raising his arm against and was about ready to strike when someone yelled, "Hey, you! Stop!"

The drunk man turns around his arm still in the air as he watches a man approach. Now the drunk man resembled a deer in headlights as the unknown man stops a few feet away from the scene and looks at the man then down at the poor victim he was beating on. He frowns before opening his mouth, "It's been a lot of tomorrows, huh, Lee Jongsuk?"

"Kim Woobin?"

Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now