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The moment Woobin met Jongsuk he knew it was destiny. It reminded him of colors, mixing to make a brand-new color. How each color depends on the other to create something new. That's how the two felt for each other. They depend on and feel safe with each other. They have no idea what the future hold for one another, but they don't care, as like as they're with each other.

Woobin has been in Jongsuk's house for hours now. The clock just struck at 09:00 and neither of them is sleeping. He watches Jongsuk in front of him lying on the floor, his body spread out like a starfish. After the party a few days ago the two have become inseparable, always near each other in public, especially in private; in every opportunity they receive the two men couldn't get their hands off each other which leads to where Jongsuk is; laying on his stomach naked on the hardwood floor in his bedroom, finding comfort on the cold wood as he feels overheated from the previous event that barely happened twenty minutes ago.

A heavy sigh draws Jongsuk's attention from the floor over to the bed where his boyfriend is laying on his stomach looking down at him. "Huh?"

"I just remembered I have no clothes here so I'm gonna go back to my place and get some," Woobin spoke, lifting himself and standing up from the bed. "I'll be right back. Okay?"

Jongsuk bites his bottom lip not believing the words that spill from Woobin's mouth, but what reasons does he have to not believe him? Woobin has not done anything to him. After all the times they have spent together they never crossed the line and consent on an unspoken agreement to only talk about the traumatized past if both agree, besides that no secrets were held back. So, he nods. Woobin smiles tenderly and walks over to Jongsuk's spread-out body. He leans down and kisses the clear space from hair onto Jongsuk's forehead before walking out of the bedroom.


The ride to Woobin's apartment which he uses when he wants to be away from Ji Sung was silent. His driver would occasionally glance at the rear-view mirror wanting to ask if his boss is alright, but the question never left his mind. Now here's Woobin staring emptily at his front door. Thousands of thoughts wander through his mind as he stands there. What will happen if Ji Sung finds out? Will Ji Sung kill Jongsuk himself?

Woobin shakes his head from those chaotic thoughts and reaches out to the pinscreen, but halts in his tracks feeling strange, yet a familiar feeling that crawls up his spine. The feeling of being watched. He looks beside him through his peripheral vision but sees no one in sight on either side. The tension in his body slowly calms down by the milliseconds as he looks forward and continues his actions. The door unlocks with a dull creek as he opens it revealing a dark living room. He walks in slowly and cautions suddenly, the feeling the being watch never settling. He walks more into the house, reaching for the light switch but stops when a barely visible shape of a body is spotted on the couch. "Kim Woobin-ah." The voice spoke.

Woobin furrowed his eyebrows but quickly recognized the mysterious voice as his stepfather. He switches the lights on only to see Ji Sung sitting on the couch cross-legged. "What's going on?" Woobin asks, sounding alarmed.

"Shut the door son. Let's talk."

Woobin nods, turning around, walking back to the front door, and closing it. The sounds of it closing rings through the silent room as he makes his way back to his stepfather. He walks closer to Ji Sung this time and sits down across from him. "So, I heard you have the money. Is that so?"

Woobin chuckles. Ji Sung breathes in sharply, a look of annoyance appears on his face. "When are you getting it?"


"Aish! Damnit, Kim Woobin-ah! Answer me when I ask a question!" Ji Sung yelled, uncrossing his legs and raising his arm.


Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now