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Jongsuk huffs out a breath of air before walking over to the table and smiling brightly. He sits down. Why can't I stop smiling? He thought as he watches Woobin grab a menu and starts looking through it.

Woobin looks up from the menu and sees Jongsuk staring at him with a stupid smile running across his face. "Take a picture. It'll last longer."

The younger lets out an airy laugh, embarrassment dropping on him like a bomb. After what seems like an eternal stillness of silence Woobin opens his mouth. "So do you come here often?"


"Mm." Woobin nods understandingly and continues to look through the menu. "Do you know what you want?"

Jongsuk blinks a few times and furrows his eyebrows, but instantly remembers he is in a café. "Oh, huh...no." He answers, quickly picking up the untouched menu sitting next to his left arm and opening it, looking through all the different types of food the café provides.

A warm chuckle falls between the two as Woobin puts his menu down a little. "You know Jongsuk you're so-"

"Will you go out with me?" Jongsuk blurted out, going straight to the point, not caring about putting their friendship in danger.

Woobin stares dumbfounded at Jongsuk's sudden confession, eyes wide and cheeks turning pink. Jongsuk would have laughed and enjoyed Woobin's reaction if the question wasn't serious, but it is.


"Will you go out with me?" Jongsuk asked again, the other quickly shaking his head. "N-no I heard you, it's just..."

"What? You don't want to? Do you not like me? I understand if you don't. I'm sorry... I knew this was a bad idea I sh-" Jongsuk rambled on.

Woobin panics and waves his hands in front of the other furiously cutting him off. "No, no, no! I course not," Jongsuk frowns. "I mean yes! I like you. I will love to go out with you. I was just so sudden. I didn't expect you to ask that, especially here in the public."

Jongsuk nods in understanding, but finally smiles realizing the older said yes. A wide bright smile forms across his lips. "I think my heart is gonna blow up," Woobin admits.

Jongsuk laughs light,grabbing Woobin's hand and intertwining their fingers together.

Tomorrow, Today//Jongbin AU Where stories live. Discover now