Chapter 1

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Alia's P.O.V

I was standing in the middle of the dark hallway asking people for the directions to my first class, but no one stopped to help me. I was late to my first class of the year. Finally when I found my class, I was told to stand on the side because there were no empty desks. The echoes of people laughing at me were continuously ringing in my ears. I covered my ears and shouted, stop! I felt shivers go down my spine as I turned in my bed and stretched my legs, while yawning. The same dream of my first day at university had woke me up. Maybe it was more of a nightmare. I looked over at the alarm clock that was sitting on my nightstand. It showed 6:07 am. Perfect timing, I thought to myself. I sat up in my bed stretched once more. Finally I convinced myself to wake up. I pulled the warm covers off my legs and stood up. The floor felt cold and goosebumps ran through my arms. I walked over to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I leaned against the wall with the toothbrush still in my mouth, and slowly continued. I was still sleepy after nine hours of rest. I finished brushing my teeth and went for a shower. I felt the warm water slowly dropping on my skin, as I thought about my dream. What if it came true? What if I became the joke of the school. What if...? All those questions came to my mind. A part of me told myself that everything will be fine, but the other half didn't believe that. I came out of the shower and wrapped my towel around myself. I walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of light blue jeans, a black tank top and a soft sweater to wear of top. I tied my hair into a french braid and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with cheerios and milk, then rapidly ate it. I cleaned up and glanced at the clock. It was 7:15. I grabbed by school bag and headed out the door. The walk to school took me another fifteen minutes. When I reached school, I saw students running around the place, waving at each other, hugging friends and catching up on gossip. Since I didn't know anyone, I walked into the school and headed to the office to get my schedule. As soon as I found the office, I went in to see the office packed with students. I pushed my way through everyone and saw the different tables with a letter on each. It was pretty clear that the schedules were being distributed by last name. I found the table with the letter B, and walked over. The lady at the table asked for my full name in a harsh tone. "My name is Alia Bhatt", I said. She nodded and rummaged through a bunch of papers. Finally she found what she was looking for and handed me my schedule. I thanked the lady and started walking towards the door while reading my schedule. As I was reading, I didn't notice the boy coming towards me, who was also reading his schedule. Before I could look up and move out of the way, he bumped into me, pushing me over. As I was about to fall over, he grabbed onto me by placing his hand on my waist and firmly pulling me up. He pulled me up but then lost his balance. His hand was still on my waist causing me to lose my balance too. To stop myself from falling over, I had to put my hand on his shoulder. He gained his balance and stopped me from falling over. I looked up at him and saw the most handsome boy I had ever seen. He had the deepest dark brown eyes, a dark tanned complexion and the smoothest brown hair that flowed right above his eyes. He stood tall in front of me still holding onto my waist. He had a guitar strapped around him and his backpack in his free hand. I stood in front of him staring at him for a couple minutes, as he stared back. He then let go of me and stepped back. I looked down at the ground for a few seconds, then back up at him. "Thank you" I quietly said. He shyly smiled back at me and replied, "your welcome". An awkward silence came between us. I didn't know what else to say, so I mumbled "bye", and walked past him and out of the office. I looked at my schedule again and read my first class. It was math, my favourite. I walked around the school trying to find my math class, but got lost. I was going to ask someone, but before I could, a boy came from behind me and stood in front of me, stopping me. I looked up at him, and saw that he was the same boy from the office. He put out his hand and said, " Hi. My name is Aksaar. You can call me Aks for short". I put my hand in his and wrapped my fingers around it. "Hi, I'm Alia" I said. He looked into my eyes forcing me to look at his, and again, we were staring at each other. Suddenly, the bell rang. The sound of the lound bell startled me, causing me to jump a little. Aksaar quickly removed his hand from mine, and looked down then back up. I realized that I was still lost, and told him "I'm sorry but I have to find my class". I was about to walk past him again, when he said, "wait, I can help you. What class do you have?" "first period math" I replied. He smiled at me and said, "I can take you there". He turned to the opposite direction and started walking. I walked behind him, admiring his kindness. He stopped at a class and looked over at me. I stood there staring at him again, not knowing what to say. He walked closer to me and pointed over at the class while saying, "there your class miss Alia". I smiled back at him and walked into my class as he turned back and walked towards his class. I peeked out from behind the wall of my class to see if he was still there, and saw him walking. He suddenly turned back to look at me, not giving me enough time to hide myself. My cheeks turned red from embarrassment, as pulled back and hid myself behind the wall. I then walked over and sat down at an empty desk while waiting for all the other students to be seated.

After class was over, I packed up my backpack, and walked out of the class. I stood outside the class thinking where to go, when Aksaar came up to me. "Lost?" he asked. "Yeah, kinda" I replied. His lips curved into a small smile. I starting blushing at the smile he gave me, and tried to look away but his eyes found mine. He saw me blushing and gave me an unsure look, probably wondering why I was blushing. Honestly, I didn't even know why. When my sudden blushing stopped, he gave me another smile and opened his mouth to say something but before any words came out, his phone beeped. He pulled out his phone to check it and smirked at the message. I looked down at my shoes wondering what to say or do. Before I could figure out what to do, he looked up at me and said, "i'm going out for lunch with my friends. Wanna come?". I looked at the ground then back up at him and replied with a smile, saying "sure". I didn't want to say no to him but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out for lunch with him. "Great! Lets go." he said. He started walking so I ran to catch up with him. "So, Alia right?" he asked. "Yeah." I said. He smiled and pointed at a small cafe not to far from us, and said "that's where we are going. It's the schools most popular hang out place." I looked at the place and saw many students walking in the cafe. "It looks like a nice place." I said. We were about to cross the street, when a guy walked past me, bumping into me. "Ahh", I shrieked. Falling over. I was lucky to have Aksaar next to me as he caught me again. "Wow. You sure are clumsy." he said. I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged and smiled. We finally were able to cross the street and we walked into the cafe. He walked over to a two seater table inside the cafe, and gestured for me to sit. I sat down and looked at him place his bag by his chair. He then looked at me and said "what will you have?". I wasn't aware of what was on the menu, so I replied saying, "whatever you have". He smiled at me again and walked away. After a while, he came back with 2 slices of pizza and 2 glasses of water. I thanked him as he put my food in front of me. We ate quietly, not knowing what so say. After we were done, he asked me "how was the food?". "It was great" I said. "Shall we go back?" he asked. "Sure" I replied. We got up, grabbed our stuff and started walking back to the school.

Finally when we reached school, the bell rang. Aksaar said bye to me and walked away. I stood in the middle of the hallway for a few minutes then decided to walk to my class. Luckily, I found my class fast. I scurried into the room and found and empty seat. As I was settling down, a girl came and sat down next to me. She was too busy sorting through her stuff to notice me, but when she finally did notice me, she said "Hi, my name is Kriti", as she held out her hand. I smiled at her while shaking her hand, and said "Hi, im Alia ". Suddenly, I felt a tap on my back. I roughly turned back, only to see a sweet looking boy staring at me. "Hi, Im Sid" he said. "Nice to meet you Sid, Im alia" I said.


After my last two classes were over, I started walking home. I was lost in my own thoughts, looking at the ground while walking. Suddenly, I walked into someone. "I'm so sorry" I said fixing my bag in place since it had fallen over. I heard no response, so I looked up to see a going and handsome boy in front of me. He was tall with dark brown eyes and dark messy hair. He gave me a gentle smile and said " it's ok".

Keep reading to know what happens next. Who was the boy? What will happen to Alia? Will Aksaar start to feel something for Alia?

Update coming soon

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