no sense

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"um. no." jungkook cleared his throat and looked at taehyung

"it's okay, kook. if we're going to be friends what's the fucking point if we don't have nicknames for each other."

"yeah. anyway. uh. twenty four hours. it's on?"

"i want to beat you up just one last time."

"i won't be entertaining that. jimin said very clearly-"

"good. passed the test."


"nothing. i just know for sure that you want to patch things up."

"did you think i was lying before ?"

"you always did. so why would i be surprised ?"

jungkook looked away and sighed, walking to the kitchen as slow as a snail.
taehyung stayed in the corridor, folding his arms as he looked at the boy drinking water.
jungkook wiped the water off his lips and taehyung was ready to scream.

who the fuck looks good drinking water.

"let's see if we even last the night without killing each other." taehyung said out loud.

taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he felt his hand muscles getting strained and moved towards jungkook who was slyly tugging on the chain with his hands, a smug smirk on his face.

"uh..." taehyung let out as jungkook wrapped his hands around taehyung's waist, smiling.

"hm?" jungkook said, staring at the boy in his arms. he wasn't awake of the prank he was pulling.

"what the fuck do you-"

"you're blushing."

"i don't blush."

"whatever you say." jungkook said, unwrapping his grip around the older's waist.

"fuck you." taehyung groaned out when he saw mustard all over his t-shirt. jungkook had easily smeared mustard all over the sides of his shirt.

"you needed a bath anyway."

taehyung froze.

oh fuck no.

what was he supposed to do now? 

"i'll go first. seeing that utterly confused face of yours makes me want to punch it." jungkook scoffed out.

taehyung's features softened and jungkook looked, blinking away the sudden rage that had overtaken him.

"taehyung, I'm sorry I-"

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