°Hello World°

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I awaken from my sleep only to the smell of coffee muffling my nose. I looked at my surroundings, admiring the small yet neat room I was currently in. I scratched my head full of hair and stood up from the bed, to go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. After doing so I walked down the small, narrow hallway making my way into the kitchen. When I arrived, a sight of a man with no shirt on but sweats appeared before me. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his back.

"Someone's finally awake." He chuckled.

"I needed my sleep." I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." he said.

He turned around to give me a full hug and he looked down at me with those big, icy blue eyes that I adored so much. He kissed my nose and slowly moved down to my lips, while slightly holding me up considering I was so short. I was gently set back down on my feet and handed to me was a warm cup of coffee. My favorite too, french vanilla. I took small sips as it still steamed a bit from being prepared and I followed my boyfriend into our small living area. I say small because, we live in a small flat house. I do many things for us to get by, I'm the worker while he only manages one job. He, as in my boyfriend, Lance.

We met back a few years ago at a concert. A 'Three Days Grace' concert that is. I had went with my younger brother, who had also liked the band just as much as I did myself. I bumped into Lance after the concert was over, but we were staring at each other from afar the whole night. That's when he introduced himself to me and since then we've been inseparable. I would say we've been dating for two and a half years. For me, that's a while considering my past relationships; Lance was different and I'm in love with him. But, it's sad to say I don't know if he feels the same way about me. 

Despite our colors, I'd say we were treated pretty fair in this world just as any other young couple should be treated. Lance is white, with dirty blonde hair, and icy blue eyes. He stands at a height of 6'2 and he has a rather muscular build to him. Me on the other hand, I'm biracial. Mixed with black and white, I have deep brown eyes, and jet black curls. I stand at a height of 5'0. I am not the skinniest sight, I would say I'm rather curvaceous. Well, at least that's what I think. At times, I bluntly get told that I'm fat. Not by any stranger, it's usually by Lance. Thing is, at times I agree with him and I know I can do everything in my power to provide the perfect body.

It gets hard sometimes, because he won't want to be seen with me in public but when we're at home he shows otherwise. He treats me like a lady is supposed to be treated but he does it in his own type of way. I pretty much do anything to keep him happy so that we'll stay together and have the bond that we used to have at the beginning of our relationship. I do this, for the fact that I am in love and I can't let him go because he's the only man that I have allowed myself to trust. He's been loyal to me, what I know of and I'd be ashamed if I lose someone such as him. Someone that I finally gave my heart to.

"You have work today babe?" Lance asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, I have work everyday." I said.

"No need to get smart." Lance snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I turned my mouth to the side with my lips pierced. I had set my coffee down and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Lance asked as I began to walk.

"To get ready for work." I said.

"Okay. And babe could go and pay the electric bill tonight, I have something to do at that time so I can't." Lance explained.

"Of course." I said.

"Thanks baby." Lance said.

"No problem." I murmured. I took a deep breath and finally arrived in our room again. I got out my clothes for the day and showered. After doing so, I grabbed my small bag that I carried everyday for my multiple uniforms that I had to wear for each job. In the mornings, I work as an receptionist at the hospital. From 9am-11am. Leaving me at least an hour for myself. In the afternoons I'm an assistant therapist. From 12pm-6pm. My final job, I work at a small diner that barely sells anything but coffee and other small things. Its a job from 7:30pm-9pm. So I'm usually gone all day. With only small amounts of time where I can do things, like for example; pay the bills.

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