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"So Dr. Jacqueline, do you have any new patients?" I asked as I got myself settled in her office.

"Actually, yes." Dr. Jacqueline said.

"Oh, what's their name?" I asked.

"Well honey, this new patient of mine can't really be talked about out of our sessions." Dr. Jacqueline said.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked.

"Well this particular patient of mine has schizophrenia, today he's coming in again and I've been seeing some changes but the changes seem to get worse." Dr. Jacqueline explained.

"What type of changes?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to diagnose him with bipolar disorder." Dr. J said.

"Oh, wow well I hope he gets better soon." I said.

"So do I sweetheart or there will be absolutely no way I can help him, he'll be sent to a mental facility where he'll have to stay isolated in his room. I'm afraid to say he's that dangerous." Dr. Jacqueline explained.

"Wow, I'm glad I don't know him." I chuckled. Dr. J chuckled as well.

I sorted through everyone's paperwork. I was making my way up in the therapy business. I was even thinking about being in Dr. Jacqueline's therapy sessions. Like I've done before, still taking notes and what not.

"So Dr. J, do you think I can be more involved with the patients?" I asked.

"Well of course dear." Dr Jacqueline said. I smiled in excitement.

"Who can we start with first?" I asked.

"I guess we can start with the patient we were just talking about, if you're comfortable with him." Dr. Jacqueline said.

"Sure, I think I can handle it. When is he coming in?" I asked.

"Within ten minutes or so. Help me prepare?" Dr. J asked.

"Of course." I softly smiled. She winked at me and I went over to the files. "What's his name?" I asked.

"Jacob." Dr. Jacqueline said.

"Jacob who?" I asked.

"Jacob L. That's all it says on the file." Dr. Jacqueline said.

"Okay, I got him." I said.

I took out his file, going through it, only skimming. I handed his file to Dr. J and went around her office, straightening things up. After doing so, I had five minutes to spare so I sat down. I mentally prepared myself for who this person was going to be. The only Jacob that came to my mind was, my friend Jacob. But I couldn't seem to make myself believe that he was mentally ill. In those five minutes I spent thinking, a sudden knock came to Dr. Jacqueline's door.

"Come in." Dr. Jacqueline said.

I sat up straight and looked towards the door to now see someone walking in. He turned around after shutting the door and his eyes scattered towards me. We had always came to this building together for his appointments, but I never knew his therapist was Dr. Jacqueline herself. I sat in utter silence and shock as the look in his eyes grew deeper, and his dark brown eye color grew only darker. A smile began to spread across his face.

"Mr. Latimore, I would like for you to meet-" Dr. Jacqueline was cut off in the middle of her sentence.

"Serenity James." Jacob smoothly huskies.

"Oh. You two know each other?" Dr. Jacqueline asked in disbelief.

"Sure do ma'am. Jacob is a close friend of mine." I said.

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