°What You Won't Do°

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"Serenity! Come down here." I yelled as I stood in the kitchen.

I heard soft footsteps nearing towards my direction and to follow, a soft voice.

"Yes sir?" Serenity asked, innocently.

"Have you done everything you were supposed to do?" I asked.

"Yes." She said looking down at her what seemed to be little feet.

"Good girl, I have one more thing for you to do. If you can bare the smell, if you can then good, if you can't then that's a week with boredom. Meaning, no eating, no watching television, no leaving the guest room, no nothing. You stay in there and stare at your pretty self until I decide to let you out. Got it?" I asked.

"Yes." Serenity softly spoke.

"Okay, here's some gloves and a trash bag, follow me." I commanded.

She followed behind me, going into the basement where I had done my dirty work. I was going to have her take the ashes from the burned bodies in the closet and scoop them into a trash bag, to get rid of anything I had lying around. I wanted to dispose of everything and let go of my old habits, which was murdering. I had Serenity getting rid of everything though since her latest outburst at my party and since her latest outburst at me about the baby. I didn't appreciate being yelled at because she supposedly lost something so dear to her heart. People can call me coldhearted if they want to because that's just what I am and I do not care. It wasn't before long that we made it down to the basement. I guided her towards the closet and let her take a gander at the multiplicity of harm. Soon enough she started gagging and didn't even start on what I wane her to do.

"Okay, go." I said.

"To my room?" Serenity asked.

"Yes, go!" I yelled.

She jumped in a startled manner and dropped her gloves along with the trash bag. Looks like I'd have to be doing this myself but I'll do it later. Something told me, that I had to go talk to her. I ran back upstairs and ran up the stairs again to her guest room. I opoened the door since it was unlocked and found her playing a game on her phone, while sitting on the floor in a lonesome way.

"Yes sir?" Serenity asked once I had sat in front of her.

"What are you doing? What did I say?" I asked.

"Texting my mother." She answered.

"Oh, I thought you were playing a game. Anyways, tell mommy bye and shut your phone off. You're on punishment." I said.

"It's my mother and it's my phone, I can do what I want to with it and I can talk to her as I please. So leave me alone because I'll soon be gone." Serenity explained.

"Excuse you? Is that the way you talk to me. How dare you." I said as I stood yet she stood as well, as if she was no longer afraid.

"You think you're so macho and tough huh Jacob?" Serenity asked beginning to circle me.

"You know I am for a fact. Why, am I not crazy enough for you?" I asked.

"Actually, I think it's all bullshit. You love me my ass, you're just like Lance. Don't get what you want and throw a fit." She spat with no remorse.

"Really? I am? Okay, at least I treat you better, at least I actually care if you're here with me or not. I'm not messing with nobody else because they're not worth my time, but you are now you explain what that is." I said.

"Like I said, bullshit. Not messing with nobody else you say? What about little ole Kat." Serenity said in a childish voice.

"She meant nothing, I was just trying to get to you." I said.

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