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::Short Omniscient::

Serenity laid in her own pond of shame. Unconscious and breathless, Lance stared down at her. He smirked, but soon felt bad after seeing what he had done. He cleaned himself up, and picked up Serenity. He took her out to the truck, and drove her to the hospital. He would occasionally look at her, in sorrow and worry. Lance witnessed the bruises that were now developing on her neck. He shook his head and sped up. Instantly, making it to the hospital. Of course, it was dark outside now. The hospital wasn't packed at all and therefore, Serenity got help immediately.

She had soon awaken from her short period coma, that Lance had given her. She laid in her hospital bed, in complete confusion. No one talked, although she wanted to ask questions. Suddenly, her memory came back slowly, giving her a headache. She made a sour face as the nurse came in and gave her some pain killers. Lance only stared in disbelief, but all he could really think about was his other. Serenity suspected that her beloved was cheating, but couldn't push herself to fully believe in so.

While all of this occurred, Jacob roamed around his house mad as ever. He didn't know what to do. He just wanted his love safe. One nerve triggered him into thinking of his next part of his plan.



" Lance?" I asked gently.

"Yeah?" Lance asked.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, why do you care?" Lance asked.

"Because I just do." I said.

"Whatever, I'm leaving. They're releasing you tomorrow so I'll see you then." Lance explained.

"Okay, bye then." I said, sadly.

Lance left with an overconfident attitude. I set here in this very bed, with my arms crossed. No one was here with me, not even my own boyfriend which hurt pretty badly. A hot tear rolled down my cheek, in which I tried to stop. It didn't work. It never does. I always hated being alone. Although I knew I could be on my own, I always felt as if I needed someone here with me. I couldn't believe what happened between Lance and I, it might have been the last of us. I shake my head and sink down into the bed.

All the while, I'm trying to get comfortable, the door opens and in walks Jacob. He has a rose in his hand, and a card. I sit back up, in wonder.

"Jacob." I say his name, making a sensitive face. Indicating that I only wanted him here with me after all.

"Hey baby girl." He whispers, coming over to my bed. He sets the rose and card down amongst me and gives me a tight squeeze. Kissing my cheek as well.

"Thanks for coming. How'd you even know I was here?" I asked.

"The staff gave me a call. Anyways, what happened?" Jacob asked.

"Well, Lance and I got into a heated argument and we started fighting physically. I thought I could take him but he choked me into unconsciousness at the last second." I explained.

I stared at Jacob. I knew he was angry. I could simply tell by the vein his neck that popped out. He took my hand and cradled it in his. He sat here and comforted me, seeming as if it was like hours. But it wasn't quite yet, just a few minutes.

"When are you getting released?" Jacob asked.

"Tomorrow. Lance said he'll see me then, but I-I don't want to. I'm scared." I cried.

"Aww. Oh my gosh. Shh." Jacob hushed me and wiped the tears from my face.

He then got up into my bed with me and held me. My heart pounded in worry that I wouldn't live if I continued to stay with Lance. I was, key word, was in love with him. At least I thought so. But, throughout the relationship I never thought about myself at all. And now, I believe it's time to. I'm tired of thinking of him and doing good things for him. When in all reality, he never thinks about me once. He just acts. Sometimes I wonder why he's even with me at all. I had grown a bit of hatred towards him.

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