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Dearest readers,

Welcome to the second book of Heir & Heiress series called Dare to Hope where the stories of Aarav, Jhanvi, and Annie continues with someone else's fate intertwined with theirs. You can also consider this as the fifth installment in the Dare series. However you want to look at it, I'm so glad you are here to read this!!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to share new plans that I have for this part of the book! It took me like two months to start this due to my last minute travel plans (ending in a couple of days) but I thought I could perhaps share the introduction till then! Hope you are just as excited!


Please pay close attention to the following:

1. There is so, so much that I want to share in this second book. I am not sure how much of the older generation I can include. I have to consider too that my main characters are not always at home given they have their own life so it gets tough to include scenes... and by now, you might have figured out that if a scene doesn't directly contribute something to my message/plot, I do not write it. It's always a tough call when editing, but if it doesn't serve a purpose, then I delete it... anyway, we'll see! I can't make any promises.

2. Update schedule: As I had been traveling, I can only update on Saturdays. Once I have enough written, I will move to updating 2-3 times as it was with earlier book. In the starting though, please be understanding. I really do not want to rush the updates for the sake of it as I would prefer to try and maintain the standard I've created for this series thus far.

3. The actors I have picked are of my choosing purely. If you do not like them, you are welcome to imagine anyone else!

4. The format is same as book one. There will be entire chapters, but this time - not just limited to Aarav and Jhanvi. Two more are added: Aarush & Annie's POV. So, make sure to notice which POV it is from so you're not confused! These chapters from different POVs can come in any order. I am not guaranteeing an equal number of chapters from each character either.

♔ = Aarav ; ♛ = Jhanvi ; ♚ = Aarush; ♕ = Annie

If a chapter will be from a POV different than these 4, I will be sure to point it out.

6. As you know, the series is called  Heir & Heiress because, in a way, each of the main characters is either an heir or heiress. Aarav's story was called 'Dare to Be'. This is mostly Jhanvi's story now, called 'Dare to Hope'.

7. Again, I do understand that there may be reservations about the couples but I hope you will keep an open mind and focus more on individual characters as well?

Also, now that I have shifted Aarush & Annie as main characters as well, would anyone like to take a guess on how they could be known as heir & heiress as well? I've been giddy since book 1 knowing what I have been planning all along for the two of them so I cannot wait that now, you will finally know as well!

If you have made theories, you know to let me know. ;) I love it when you guys play guess and check and try to read my mind xP


Posted: July 24th, 2018

Start: August 18th, 2018



©  2018 by author unspokenrain under the pen name Araina Khushi/Araina K. All Rights Reserved.


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