Let the War Begin

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The next morning... 6:30am

Hana's POV

I woke up to it raining outside, thunder, lightning the whole nine yards I guess God knew how I felt cause it felt like World War III in my body and I hated it. "Good morning." "Need some coffee kiddo?" I rolled over in bed ignoring them, they sighed and left shutting my door behind them. I didn't know what they were expecting the sunshine girl they used to have until my heart got ripped out of my chest, I didn't want to miss school because that's exactly what Rebekah wants so I rolled out of bed grabbed a plain black hoodie, navy blue athletic shorts I brushed my hair and kept it down, I didn't feel like putting my contacts in so I wore my glasses but I put foundation on powder so I wouldn't look like an oil bucket and put on mascara cause it would keep me from crying. I grabbed my black Nike tennis shoes and grabbed my bag. "Mom have you seen my car keys?" "They're in the garage on the key holder." "Thanks." "Hana you don't have to go to school, we understand-" "I'm gonna get something at Starbucks on the way, sorry if I had you make the coffee for nothing Dad." "It's all good sis, but are you sure-" "I'll see you guys tonight, I love you!" I ran out into the garage and grabbed my car keys and left, I haven't drove my car in, Well it felt like years my parents bought me a brand new 2018 silver Chevrolet Camaro and I haven't touched it since we drove it home cause Da- he would give me a ride everyday. I forgot how much fun it was to drive the engine revving, my music blaring as I drove down the freeway to get to school but it was still raining I didn't care though. When I pulled into the lot people thought there was a new kid at school but when I got out they immediately started whispering, they knew about him cheating on me... and there he was with his arm around Rebekah my heart ached a little bit I just sped walked past them ignoring her fake laugh. He was acting weirdly though, like he was high or some shit but he was no longer my problem. "Hey Hana." Ugh fuck me sideways with a 60 foot pole... "What do you want Rebekah?" "Nothing just saying hi." I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Oh since you left early yesterday coach made me captain because you leaving early made you look really bad." "WHAT?!" "Yeah, so I'm kicking you off the squad cheer gear now." My heart dropped but I couldn't fight her so I handed her my bag and walked off. "Hey Han, you feeling okay?" "'No! I just got cheated on, kicked off the squad and it's fucking raining and my heart is broken and I'm just so god damn confused! Fuck Rebekah Greene! Fuck Daniel Harris and FUCK THIS GOD DAMN SCHOOL!" "Hana Parker! My office now!" "Principal Novak!" "Go now." I dropped my head and walked to the office. "Want to explain your outburst in the hallway?" "It's been a long few days." "You know I respect you Hana but there is no reason to freak out like a child." "I really apologize about it." "I accept that apology but you have detention 4th period tomorrow." "Okay." "Get to class now." I walked out of the office and went to the library cause I only have three classes every day everyone kept on whispering about me and it surrounded me like a freaking crazy person I put in my headphones and turned on Mess is Mine by Vance Joy, I sat there looking at my notebook trying to think of a story to write but I just stared at an empty page but then it came to me...

Sometimes the world is in your favor, but then you have to step into the light and understand why it's all a lie, life never goes your way if it does your in own lie and you will have a rude awakening when you see that lie unfold. I had to realize that when I fell in love with someone he was my light into the real world and here I am to tell my story... I hope you'll listen because dear reader, you need to know how to live a real life and how to be apart of the real world otherwise it's just a war between reality and fantasy.

"I believe it's the next Jane Austen at work." "She was a recluse." "You had your headphones in close enough." Ethan laughed and I smiled he always knew how to make me feel better. "I'm sorry about the douchebag, you deserve way better." He was right I did, Daniel broke my heart and left me to pick up the pieces but I had a feeling that Ethan would be there to help me pick them up. "Hey Hana can I ask you something?" "Sure E." "Would you maybe.... want to... ummmm go see a movie with me this Friday?" "You me and Gray?" "I was hoping it'd be just us..." "Like a date?" "Yeah? It's okay if you don't." "No that sounds like fun, I would love to go on a date with you Ethan." "Really!?" "Sure! I think we'd have a great time." "Great. I'll see you at lunch." "Okay bye." He got up and left. I looked at my phone and it was still a picture of me and Daniel I went to my photos and found a picture of me, Ethan, Grayson and Alyssa at the park all smiling and happy... perfect... I changed my locksceen to that photo and my home screen was of me and Alyssa at prom last year laughing at something Ethan said and Grayson took that picture at that exact moment

"Ugh I got gum on my shoe!" "Ethan I don't think it's that big of a deal, now shut up we're trying to take a picture." I laughed at that. "Hana stop laughing." "I can't." Alyssa started laughing at me. *end of flashback* I smiled at the photo then the song I Like Me Better came on when the bell rang I walked to my next class with a smile on my face, Ethan made me feel better and all of the memories I had with my friends made me even happier I no longer cared about Daniel and Rebekah they weren't my problem and now that cheer is over for me I have so much more free time. I felt better until I caught those two making out I felt sick to my stomach oh wait I actually do have throw up, I ran to the nearest bathroom and vomited. "You okay in there?" I had a girl ask. "Yeah, I don't feel really good." "Can I come in? Unless your not wearing your clothes then I'll just support you out here." I unlocked the door, it was Sabrina Addams she was one of the girls in my theater class I threw up again she held my hair and rubbed my back. "You okay Hana?" "I don't know anymore." "Are you... ya know..." "WHAT NO!" At least I didn't think so- no I couldn't be we always used protection no no no! She handed me a test. "I'd try just to be safe." My stomach dropped.

*five minutes later*

"Well?" Sabrina questioned me. I looked down, "It's negative." "I'm glad, kids are great don't get me wrong but I don't exactly agree with having children in high school." "Yeah..." "I'll see you later?" "Yep, wait can we keep this between us?" "Of course! You can trust me Hana I promise." I hugged her. "Thank you." She walked out the door and I fell to the floor I looked at it again because... I lied to Sabrina, I was even more broken. "I'm sorry." "I whispered to my abdomen. I had a new battle to deal with...

A/N oh snap! Be sure to vote and comment and you can find me on Instagram @basicdolxns

Much love ♥️ -Jo

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