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"Hana, just relax your hips." "Omg shut up." I giggled. "Would you quit laughing?" "I can't help it babe, okay so just like pound me because I want you like now." He smirked and I felt a pain slice through my legs which made me buckle under him I gripped onto my headboard. "Should I keep going?" "Oh my god don't stop." I kept on panting and groaning which just made him go faster and harder. "Doing okay there Han?" "Shut up and keep going." He could tell I was super horny so he started to tease me: he slowed down and started kissing my neck and trailed down my body, that made me a hot moaning mess I ran my hands through his hair and arched my back. "Quit teasing me it's kinda pissing me off." He laughed. "Oh you mean don't do this?" He flipped me over and ran his hands down my back and grabbed my butt, which made me even more mad I tried to face him again but he pushed me down and whispered in my ear. "I'm not finished yet babygirl..." I bit my lip. "What are you Christian Grey?" "Does that make me daddy?" I turned on my back while he kept on kissing my neck and rolling down to my sweet spot. "Fuck me." "Is that a promise?" He looked up at me. "If you don't do it now I'm finishing myself in the bathroom alone." He cocked his eyebrow at me and I evilly smirked at him yeah two can play at this game bitch... I felt more pain go through my legs again but it quickly turned into pleasure. "Shit, oh- my- god." He was doing a fucking amazing job that it made me stutter. "Having problems baby?" I moved the right way and got him to switch roles with me not really because we were both moaning and we both we moving this time to make each other turn into total messes. "Hana stop." "No..." I smirked because we were both at our climax. "Oh my God..." We started to get a little loud but we didn't care I yelled out oh my god and still didn't give a shit. After we were done we were sweaty and breathing heavily. "I could get used to this." "Wanna go for round two?" "You're on."

"Daniel!" I screamed in bed, fuck it was all a dream. I looked at the opal ring again and then the leather bracelet he got for me too, even though we broke up we still had a very deep connection. "Hana? You okay?" "Yeah, just had a dream." "A dream where you scream my name? What was it a sex dream or something?" I bit my lip. "Oh... nevermind then." "Wait!" He turned around before he left. "Yeah?" "Will you come stay with me? I don't think I'm gonna get much more sleep now..." he nodded and got in bed with me then wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. A tear fell down my face because I knew we wouldn't have this moment anymore we leave school soon and I didn't know if I still wanted to go to USC anymore, it's been a week since I lost the baby I didn't go to prom, I sold the dress to someone who would love it, Daniel and I stayed home and watched TV and Rebekah got prom queen because I wasn't there. I've been sleeping a lot and either having nightmares about the miscarriage or a lot of sexual dreams involving Daniel, Ethan or Grayson tonight's was when I probably got pregnant because it was a heat of the moment I thought we always used protection but not that night... I blame myself honestly because we never got any privacy so a night alone with him? I wasn't taking any chances. Grayson visits a lot bringing me candy or ice cream and he loves to cuddle with me I don't cry around him I laugh and giggle, I feel... happy around him I feel like myself again it's the same with Ethan too but every time I see Daniel I go back in time and think of our moments I overthink it which breaks my heart and he knows it; I try to tell him I'm fine but he doesn't believe me: I quit cheer and gave Sabrina the spot because I trust her and she deserves it, I quit all of my clubs and dropped out of Student Council everybody finally knows what happened to me I'm scared to go back and face them including Rebekah, I thought she would get manslaughter for killing my child but she got off with nothing so I know it's just going to get worse from here.

Monday April 9th, 2018

"Good morning sweetie." I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom with two cups of coffee in her hands. "Hi." "Do you want to go to school today?" I rubbed my eyes. "If I don't go today I'm botching my chances at graduation so yes." As I was drinking my coffee I noticed it was raining outside. "God's crying over a fallen angel." My Dad rubbed my shoulders. "You think it's my angel?" "I bet my life sweetheart." He kissed my head and left. I put on the song High Tops by BRYCE and got ready for school I grabbed a black hoodie, skinny jeans, and my black Vans; I kept my hair down and didn't put any makeup on. "You look beautiful honey." "I'll see you tonight." I left.

When I got to school all I heard were whispers it made me panic. "Hey Hana." I heard Daniel's voice and my heart broke again the whispers began to sound like thunder in my head and for the first time in my life I had an anxiety attack I couldn't move or breathe I felt powerless. "Hana? Hana? What's wrong?" Sabrina came up. "Don't you get it? She's having an anxiety attack." She took me to the office and sat me down in the nurses room. "Hello Sabrina! What's the matter dear?" "She needs a breathing treatment Ms. Hamilton." "Panic attack?" I nodded. "It's her first one." I heard her whisper. "Okay grab onto this and breathe as calmly as you can this is a steroid to help calm the nerves." Well this son of a bitch works wonders I instantly began to feel better I sat there for about twenty minutes doing it and eventually fell asleep.

Two hours later

"Maybe she should just go home? I mean if it's her first one then she shouldn't be here, although most kids in... her position shouldn't be having panic attacks, I've never heard of it happening before." There were more whispers. "She's had a rough couple of weeks." It was Sabrina and the nurse. "I'll go call her mother." Sabrina sat down and held my hand. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Hana..." I heard her sniffle. "Whenever she wakes up she can go home." She walked away and I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. "How long have I been out?" "A few hours. They said you can go home." I shook my head. "I can't, I've still got class time so I'm gonna go." "You do whatever your heart desires." I walked to the library to begin my missing assignments. "Well well well if it isn't Charlotte Brontë." "What is it with you and Ethan giving me author nicknames?" Grayson laughed. "It's just a joke silly, anyway want a study buddy? We haven't hung out in a while." "Sure, my parents are going to Santa Clarita for some meeting until Wednesday so we can turn in and order a pizza." "Sounds good to me, meet after school? Cause my car is still in the shop." "Sure thing." "See ya." "Bye." He got up and walked away.

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