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"Hey Hana!" "Hi Ethan." "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." Not... but I didn't know what to do yet so I kept my mouth shut. "You sure?" "Absolutely, what's up?" "Nothing, just thought I'd bother you." I laughed. "Well okay, I'll see you tomorrow." "Are you leaving? It's only 12:30." "Yeah I don't feel really good, I think I have the flu." "This isn't because of him right?" "Nope I'm fine he's not my problem anymore." Which was false we had a lot of shit to discuss. "Okay, feel better." He hugged me and I left school.

"Hey Mom I'm home." "What are you doing back so early?" Shit I forgot that it was only 1:00 but I needed to tell her the truth. "Um, is Dad here?" "Honey what's the matter?" "Ugh what is that perfume your wearing?" "What? It's your favorite." "Ew it reeks." Oh crap... I bent over the kitchen sink and threw up. "Hana! Are you alright?" "What's going on? Hey kid, why are you home so early?" "We need to talk." "Baby what's the matter?" Hearing that word made me feel sick... baby... "Just come sit down." They sat down on the couch. "Okay don't yell at me when I tell you this and don't get mad at anyone, well you can me. "Hana Parker just tell us whats going on." "Wait Luke, I think Momma has figured it out." "Please elaborate Hana's innuendo Emily." "Hana... are you pregnant?" I lowered my head and didn't say anything. "When did you find out?" "Today..." "Hana, whose is it?" "I think you know." "I'm calling his parents." "Dad!" "Luke please." "No he got my little girl knocked up and he can get away with it? Hell no." "Dad stop! I haven't even decided if I want it yet." "What?" "Hana that's not even an option, you can't do that to your unborn child." "Mom, don't you think it's my decision?" "You'd really do that?" She raised her eyebrow. "Honey, don't be a hypocrite." "Wait what?" I was confused. "Luke!" "Mom what is he talking about?" "Forget about it, this isn't about me." "Mom!" "Em..." "Fine!" "What the hell is going on?" "I was in your position when I was in high school." "What? Are you telling me I could've had a sibling?" She nodded her head sadly. "My parents were so strict honey you have to understand how scared I was." "And you don't think I'm scared? I'm carrying someone's child and I no longer love this guy!" "Don't say that, you never forget your first love honey believe me." "Hana you have to tell him, it doesn't matter what you do, abortion or not, Daniel deserves to know." I sighed. "I know... I just don't know how I'm going to tell him..." "Maybe we should all talk as two families." "Mom are you kidding me!? That's suicide!" "You're going to keep Ashley's grandchild out of her life? And Alyssa's future niece or nephew!?" "You're Mom has a point sweetie." "Fine call them." "Daniel is still in school honey." "No he's not, he gets out at 1:45." "It's 2:00." "And since Rebekah is a slacker she gets out at 3:10 like everyone else." "What about Alyssa?" "They get out at the same time since they have the exact same schedules." "Alright." This is gonna suck....

*30 minutes later*

"So what's the big issue honey? You know you can tell me and Alyssa anything." "No I know. It's just... it concerns your son too." "Oh God what happened?" Alyssa panicked. "Um..." I dropped my head and stared at the floor. "For Gods sake Hana what did I do to you!?" He was worried and freaking out. "Oh you wanna talk now! Well take a seat and Ill fucking explain to you!" "Hana honey calm down, stress is not good for you right now." My mom grabbed my shoulders and rubbed my back calming my nerves. Ashley spoke up confused. "Wait you just said stress wasn't good for her, what do you mean Emily?" "Hana?" Alyssa held my hand in concern. "I found out today that I'm... um." Daniels jaw dropped "No. You're not..." "Get used to it buddy!" "Dad stop." "Hana, it's not true is it?" "It's true." I stared at the floor Alyssa and Ashley just looked at each other then they looked at Daniel. "So what's our next move? Surely you're keeping it." Ashley asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." "Don't I get a say in this? I mean it is my child." "Well what do you want?" I crossed my arms. "I think you should keep it Hana." "Oh yeah give Rebekah something so she can bully me some more." "Who gives a shit about her?" "Says the guy who cheated on me with her." "What? No I didn't, you know I don't like her." "Daniel, what's the last thing you remember?" "Going to our spot and hanging out at the beach, why?" Oh my God... "Daniel that was yesterday. Then you cheated on me with Rebekah..." "I what?" "Son of bitch, she drugged him." I facepalmed myself. "Wait, she did run into me at Starbucks she was trying to flirt with me but I ignored her." "She must've got him there, Daniel... do you still love me?" "Of course I do and if you decide to keep the baby I'll still love you and our child." "But we have a small problem." "What's the matter?" "I already agreed to going on a date with Ethan." "Oh." "I'm sorry, I thought you cheated on me because you didn't love me anymore..." "Can Hana and I have a minute alone?" "Sure." I led him into my room and shut the door. "Hana you know I still love you... I will always love you, but since I fucked up and let Rebekah ruin everything I understand." "I still love you too, but I have to break this off." "Okay, I understand." I slowly brought him in for one more kiss, our last kiss... I wrapped my arms around his neck while he pulled me in tighter hugging my back, he pulled back and I hugged him while a tear fell down my cheek, my Mom was right... you never forget your first love I surely won't.

"So what's the verdict?" "I guess we need to prepare for your future grandchild." "You're keeping it?!" My mom asked super excited. I looked at Daniel and he nodded at me. "Yes." "Yay! I get to be an aunt!" "I get to be a grandma to for my 18 year old daughter." "How do you think I feel Emily?" We all laughed. "Hana, don't you have cheer practice?" "I got kicked off the team Alyssa you know that." "Um no you didn't." "God damn it I got played again!" "Cmon I'll take you." "Oo one more ride in the Jeep." He laughed.

"Sorry I'm late!" "Hey it's all good, where's your cheer gear?" "Okay so Rebekah played me and made me think that you made her captain." "What no!? She's off the team remember?" "It's been a rough 24 hours." "Well lets get to it!" "Sabrina?" "Yeah coach gave me a spot since I have a gymnastics background." "That's amazing! Glad to have you on the team." "Glad to be on the team." I really think I could begin to trust this girl hell I'll even try to be really good friends with her.

*back at home*

I stared at my notebook again trying to think of something again to write. This time I thought of something more inspirational.

Sometimes in a matter of seconds our lives can change when you least expect it, it happened to me now here I am sitting here trying to explain to you how life can change because I've experienced it I'm still experiencing it because my life changed when I found out I was going to be a mother and when Ethan Dolan asked me on a date, that's where my life gets a little complicated; what about yours?

I sat back in my chair and took a deep breath, and looked down at my still thin stomach. "God you're gonna ruin my figure, but at least I'll have someone to talk to..." I'm already in love.

A/N well if you were confused on Hana's secret here it is! Don't forget to vote and comment and you can still find me on Instagram @basicdolxns for daily updates and of course stuff about the Dolan Twins 😁

Much love ❤️ -Jo

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