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Sometimes the ones you trust the most are the ones to stab you in the back...


April 27th, 2018

Hana's POV

A lot has happened since today, Rebekah dropped out of school, karma is a bitch, and no one has seen her but we found out she wasn't the one who broke into my house because she was already gone by the time it happened but they still haven't found out who vandalized our place and Ryan doesn't know either it's actually helpful to have your brother work for the police department we're still getting used to the idea of being siblings but we're closer than ever, he's offering to let me move in with him but I keep telling him that I need to talk to Mom and Dad first which he understands so that prompts him to stay at our house... a lot... so I stay at his apartment a lot so he won't make our parents rip their hair out because when we're together it's hell on earth, not in a bad way it's just we think way too much alike which drives my parents insane they think one of me is enough. Which is why I'm staying the weekend at his place.

"Hey turn this up." "Ugh your phone is so far away man." "Oh shut up Hana." I groaned and got up to turn the song up. "Ow!" "What?" "Dude we live in California and it's summer why do you have a black phone case?" "Your point?" "Just answer my question dumbass." "I don't know I just like black." "I should slap you instead I'm not turning the song up." "Awww come on Han. Pleasee?" "Fine." I rolled my eyes. I lied back down and put my sunglasses on. "So is this how we bond? By tanning?" "Uh no I'm just tanning so I'm prepared for this weekend." "Then why the hell am I out here?" "Because you love your baby sister." "Maybe maybe not." "Oh quit bullshitting yourself Ryan." "Damn." "Well I'm enjoying the view." "Ethan? How did you get up here?" "Your cougar neighbor..." "Renee? Yeah she's fun isn't she?" "Nah dude she's psycho." "Well aware of that, I was just being sarcastic." "Boy you two really are related but you two look nothing alike." "Oh please we have the same eyes same skin complexion and the exact same attitude boom we are 100% related." "Ryan what have you done to her?" "Nothing." "You put us two together it's hell on earth according to our parents." "I can vouch for that, anyway are you coming to the party tonight?" "Ugh everyone keeps on asking me that." "Why don't you wanna go?" "Well for one I told you we'd go to dinner with Lauren tonight and two we had a night planned out anyway." "I'll make a deal with you; Laur and I go on a double date with you and E graduation night and I'll go to the party with you so our night isn't being postponed just moved." "Dude you'll be like a chaperone yeah no." "Nah all the girls will get a load of your hot brother." "Yeah give my blackmailer something else to play with me." "Still haven't gotten anywhere to ID them?" We stood up and started packing up. "Sadly no but I'm not part of the forensics team that's their job to ID her blackmailer luckily they haven't done anything else to her." "Sorry hon." "Eh, I'm alright but okay if you'll go I guess I'll go." "Sweet plus we get to hang out more." Ryan side hugged me. "Ew Ry you're all sweaty." "Oh shut up so are you." "And I thought having a twin was bad." "Speaking of which how is he since we you know... got together?" "And exit Ryan." "What?" "Obviously you're talking about sex." "What? No! We haven't even gone that far we're taking it slow unlike you and your new girl." "What?" "Next time move your bed where it's not facing my room I couldn't sleep at all that night cause of the headboard banging on the damn wall." "Well this is awkward..." "And really Ryan while I was there? Could you be anymore cliche?" "Even if the bed was moved I'm still sure it wouldn't have mattered." "True because she's a loud lover." "Wh-" "Dude I'm sure even Renee could hear that oh God a really bad thought just popped into my head." "Wha- Hana!" Ethan gave us a confused look then his eyes widened. "Hana Parker!" We laughed. "And to answer your late question him and Alyssa have been spending a lot of time together she comes over all the time." "Think they'll get together?" "No clue but do you really think she'd cheat on her boyfriend?" "Oh please she doesn't love him E, I've known that since they got together." "Then why lead him on?" "I don't know babe."

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