🗝Part 11🗝

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~Only those who care about you, Can hear👂 you when your quiet😶~


~After 6 minutes and 15 seconds~

Eliane: *pulls up and driveway and take out gasoline from her car*~thoughts~Them bitches thought i was playing, i don't joke around with my gasoline *goes through front door ,picks lock and goes inside*FAKEY, WHERE ARE YOU??*wanders around until she goes inside that living room* Chuck?!?

Chuck: *nervously*Umm... Hey baby girl what are you doing here? *attempts to give her a hug but she pushes him back*

Eliane: *A bit pissed off* So, I thought you were suppose to be "at the set"

Chuck: Yea... um...well, We were all sent home early.

Eliane: Uh huh... *grabs him by his hair and walks over to jaden*Wanna explain before someone gets hurt?

Jaden: M-Me and Chuck were you know, preparing for you guy's date.

Eliane: Oh, really?*thoughts* Does she really think Im that stupid?

Jaden: *nervously*Yea, it gonna be great!*thoughts* I hope this works.....

Eliane: Jaden, We both know that's a bull faced lie, so cut the bullshit, and fess up before i cut some bitches.

Jaden: *whispers* Fuck Um... well you see Chuck and I are kind of seeing each other? *thoughts* She's gonna kill us...

Eliane: *stands there for a good minute* Okay.*lets go of Chuck's hair while pushing him onto a table and leaves the house*

Jaden: Wait, what?

~ Both Jaden and Chuck run after Eliane~

Chuck: So what you're telling us it's okay for us to see each other behind your back, knowing we have a date together

Eliane: I never said that.

Jaden: SO, your not okay with it

Eliane: *blinks back tears and looks at them*Don't worry about it, The date's canceled do your little thing.

Jaden: Shouldn't you be, I don't know, upset

Eliane: *annoyed and slightly pissed off* I honestly dont fucking care, Chuck and I weren't really dating or official yet anyway so go ahead and share your diseases together and have your soon to be miscarried babies because at this point i could give two shits. *gets in car and drives away*

Chuck: *thoughts* Wow...

Jaden:*thoughts* That went better than expected*

~At the House~


Makeda: *does her Shoot*

Eliane: *storms in house running up to her room locking the door and hiding under the covers and starts crying*

Makeda: *stops dancing*What's wrong with Eliane?

Marlee: Makeda, how are we suppose to know that when she just got back.

Makeda: Oh yea... then let's go find out

Marlee:*knocks on eliane door* Eliane are you okay?

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