🗝Part 25🗝

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~Don't compare your life with others💀, You have no idea💡 what their journey 🛣️ is all about~


~Boards the plane~

Marlee: *still upset*We're in first class.

Jaden: Nothing but the top service for us.


Eliane: You're kidding right.

Bianca: NO!

Eliane: I'm going to ignore you now... WAIT! Did we leave your mans in our house?

Makeda: *smacks her forehead* Forgot all about him.

Jaden: What if he steals something?

Eliane: Nah, Our things have no value to him since He's hella rich.

Bianca: I'll call him.*FaceTime Lamine*  Hello?

Lamine: *hungover*  Hey, wassup...

Bianca: Are you still at my house?

Lamine: Nah I had my friend pick me up. Where are you though?

Bianca: I'm on a plane.

Lamine: Aww shit, I was planning on showing you new moves. *winks*

Bianca: *blushes* I-I've got to go.

Lamine: *laughs* Bye

Bianca: Bye *hangs up*  He isn't in the house. He had his friend pick him up.

Eliane: Good, there's nothing to worry about besides you getting pregnant when we get back.

Bianca: EXCUSE ME?!

Eliane: You know it's true.

Marlee: *sits down and sighs*

Tyler: *sits down next to her* Are you okay?

Marlee: *smiles* Yes, I'm fine.

Tyler: *sighs of relief* That's great, I was a bit worried.

Marlee: Yeah, I was just a bit mad.

Eliane: *overhears conversation* She's not fine.

Marlee: Shut.

Eliane: You know it's true. You're obviously not fine. I don't know why you're lying to Tyler about it. You look depression.

Tyler: No one called you to this conversation.

Eliane: Well I'm sorry for letting you be aware that she lied to you trying to avoid the situation.

Marlee: *ignores Eliane and gets on her phone*

Eliane: Told ya so.

Tyler: I think she's just tired of you talking because she looked pretty fine before you jumped into the conversation.

Eliane: Welp that's what you think then go ahead All I can say is that I'm right. *takes a seat right next to Bianca*

Marlee: *laughs while texting her internet friend*

Tyler: *mouths* I TOLD YOU SO

Eliane: *puts up the middle finger while talking to Bianca*

~Plane lands~

Bianca: *yells out* WE'RE HERE

Jaden: *wakes up* W-what? Where are we?

Eliane: I have no idea.

Marlee: Clearly we're out of the country.

Eliane: Yeah, but where out the country?

Marlee: That's for me to know and for you to find out

Makeda: Let's hurry up out of this plane.

Jaden: Yes, it's cramped in here.

Eliane: Right, and I'm starving.

~Get off the plane~

Eliane: Are we in Saudi Arabia?

Jaden: Out of all places, why would you try and guess that?

Makeda: *Sees a lot of Asians* Oh. My. Gosh. ARE WE IN SOUTH KOREA?!

Marlee: Ha, no. If we were in South Korea, I would have brought Courtney.

Eliane: So, ARE WE IN TOKYO?!

Marlee: *laughs*Maybe.

Jaden: If we are then I'm going to stave. I don't eat seafood or anything fish related.

Marlee: Well let's get out the airport first and get to our hotel then we can eat, but until then let's just get a snack.

Jaden: But there's nothing here but Asian stuff.

Marlee: Well then starve until later.

Eliane: Oh gosh, there's literally nothing to eat.

Marlee: *tries to ditch them and goes toward the taxi van* We're not in Tokyo.


Marlee: *smiles at Eliane*

Eliane: Ugh, I hate surprises.






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