Chapter Two

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Gee slammed the door to the beater shut, still deep in thought as he walked towards the diner entrance. He, however, was not expecting to run headfirst into Radio Angel two steps inside the door.

"Where the fuck were you? I was worried sick! Why did you disappear again I've told you so many times to stop doing that!"

"Relax, Angel, I didn't go far, I'm alright!" He wrapped the girl tightly in his arms.

She leaned into the hug. "Where the hell were you? You know I always get nervous when you leave without telling anyone..." she sighed.

"I know Angel, but I was fine, I always am. I didn't think I'd be coming home to a lecture from my little sister though," he laughed, holding her at arm's length as he looked into her eyes. "Seriously, I'm okay. If I thought I were in any real danger I wouldn't have gone," he promised, searching her eyes for a sign that she wasn't still anxious. "Don't worry."

"You know worrying is what I do best, Gee. Besides, you could at least leave a note, give us some idea of where you're going! Any indication that you were okay! You know what happens when I'm left to worry," she said, not breaking eye contact. She ran a hand through her hair anxiously, twisting a few strands away from her face.

"I'm sorry Angel, I know how your anxiety is. Tell you what, next time I decide to go for a morning drive I'll leave a note for you okay? That way you won't have to worry as much," Gee compromised, hoping this would help ease her mind.

"Key phrase there is "as much", Gee. I just don't like you going off on your own period," she said, trying desperately to have him avoid doing it in the future.

"Angel," Poison began. "You know I respect you, and you're like a sister to me, so I say this in the most loving way: I'm not going to stop going off on my own. I need my alone time. The world can be a lot and sometimes I just need need to step back and take it in by myself. So back off a little okay? I don't like you going on supply runs without me, but I know you enjoy it and that it's good for you, so I won't say anything. So please, trust me when I say I'm fine," Gerard finished, praying that he didn't make Radio angry by telling her his feelings.

"Okay. Fine," she huffed. "But I swear to God, Gee if you don't start leaving notes I will start going out a searching for you when you do this. I don't give a damn how dangerous it is or how far I have to walk. You're important to me and sometimes I just wish you'd understand that."

Suddenly, a voice piped up from the back, "If you guys are done with your little soap opera out there, breakfast is ready back here."

"Jesus Kobra! How long have you been listening, you ass," Radio yelled, jumping back from Gee and spinning to face the kitchen door.

"Only like, you know, the entire time," Mikey laughed as he saw Radio go red with anger.

"Yeah," Frank said, piping up from the back. "You guys were getting pretty deep in there. Now come eat before Jet eats it all!" Then there was a crash from the back and Ghoul exclaimed, "Dude- what the fuck? I was only fucking around! No need to shove me outta the booth man!"

Radio sighed, looking at Gee, "I suppose at least one of us should go back there and make sure they don't kill each other?"

With that, their conversation, that was supposed to be personal, as Radio made of point of telling the other boys, ended as they went to have breakfast with the other Killjoys.

"Ray," Radio negotiated. "I know Frank is being an idiot, but when is he not? Let's avoid breaking our friend for now, 'kay?"

Ray, never a man of many words, whispered into Mikey's ear his response.

"Yeah, uh, Frank?" Mikey said, in between fits of laughter,"Ray says, "fuck off.""

"C'mon Ray! You know that's not what I was going for," Radio complained, grabbing Frank's arm to stop him from going after Jet. "I swear! You guys would be dead if I weren't here to stop you from killing each other! Do you even have plans for today? Or are you too busy acting like little boys?"

"Of course I have a plan," Frank said feigning offense. "Sunshine- you and I are going on a supply run," he said winking at Radio.

"Ghoul, no," Gee began. "You know I don't like just you two going out alone."

"Poison, chill out," Ghoul said, frustrated by the opposition from Poison. "We'll be fine. We're out of supplies and we'd just be going to the ghost town south of here. It hasn't been raided yet, and Sunshine, here, hasn't been out in weeks!"

"No! You can't take Radio out alone! Not with her knee like it is and Better Livings as active as it has been! You could get yourself killed, Ghoul," Poison argued.

"Poison, c'mon man! I'm sure her knee is fine," Frank said, not noticing Radio's hardened expression. "I know what I'm doing out there! When have I ever not been careful out there? Why the hell don't you trust me to keep her safe?"

"Why the hell don't I trust you? Because you're careless Frank! Nearly every time you go out you have a close call," shouted Gerard. He had always had an obvious need to protect Radio. "Just yesterday you almost got yourself killed! You're careless and could get her killed!"

"This isn't good for her Gee," Frank yelled, his voice cracking a bit. "You can't keep her stuck in here all the time! No wonder her mental health is deteriorating! Stuck in the diner all day all she has to do is worry! That's not healthy Gee! I'm worried about her!"

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE," Radio screamed at Frank and Gerard. "I'M 18! AM I NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE MY OWN FUCKING DECISIONS?" Quieting down once she had their attention Radio continued, "First of all, Frank, you're sweet but you can shut the hell up when it comes to my health. You have no idea what it feels like so don't fucking speak for me. Second, Gee, I understand your concern but since we found the knee brace in that old hospital it hasn't caused me nearly as much pain. But Ghoul is right. Staying here isn't good for me! I hate never leaving. But you know what? Fuck it. You guys can go ahead and speak for me like you're inside my head and know exactly what I want and need." With that she shoved herself out of the booth, grabbed her bag from another table, ignored the two boys calling her name and stormed off.

Mikey grabbed Frank and Gee's arms as they stood, "You can't go after her. Not yet anyway. You clearly pissed her off and if you think she'll want to talk to either of you, you're insane. Give her some space for now."

As they shook Mikey off, Poison and Ghoul glared at each other and went in separate directions, each to cool off on their own.

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