Chapter Three: Fifty-Fifty

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~February 14th, 2020~

I jumped up to my feet and whiped my face with my hands. Why was Gus so urgent with something?

I looked in the mirror as I walked out the door and noticed that I looked absolutely horrible.

However whatever Gus needed must've been important. I ran down my driveway to the bus stop.

The bus was just leaving as I made it there.

"Wait!" I yelled.

It was no use. The bus left without me, leaving me in the dust.

"No...not Gus."

I didn't know what was going on. I was filled with determination, as Gus has never texted me like this before.

Not to mention what that girl said to me last night...what if...


Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I ran down the street and towards the hospital.

The NWG hospital was within a real hospital as a private sector, so we could do whatever we wanted in there.

I ran until my legs burned and I stopped outside the door. I went inside and waited for the elevator.

I got in and doubled over as I caught my breath. I felt sick to my stomach with the thought something was wrong with Gus.

"Took ya long enough." A voice said.

I looked up to see the elevator door had opened, and standing before me was my friend, Gus.

"What happened?!" I asked.

"Harmon." Gus said softly.

Gus placed his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. My breathing slowed down and I caught my breath.

"She's awake." He said.

My heart was racing at the same time from excitement, but at the same time calm from the relief that nothing happened to Gus.

"C-Can I see her?" I asked.

"Yeah, as soon as you step out of the elevator."

The elevator doors started to close but Gus stopped it with his hand. I stepped out and me and him walked next to each other.

"She's okay, right?" I asked.

"Healthy as a horse, however you might want to give her some food." Gus said.

Gus chuckled a little to himself however I stayed silent as I was overflowing with emotion.

"As soon as she woke up, her first words were 'Where's Harmon? Where is he?' it's like she never even knew she was in a coma." Gus said.

"Are her memories still there?" I asked, almost scared of the answer.

"She's absolutely fine. It's like she took a long nap."

Me and Gus stopped outside of Libitina's room and he leaned up against the wall.

"She missed you a lot, Harmon." Gus said.

"I missed her too."

Gus smirked at me and opened the door for me. It slowly crept open as the beautiful view appeared before me.

Sitting up in bed, was Libitina. She was glaring out the window as the sunlight shined through.

I slowly shut the door behind me and the click broke Libitina's staring. She turned towards me and an innocent smile stretched across her face.

Tears developed in the corner of her eyes, but she didn't start crying. She just smiled at me.

"It's you...isn't it?" She said in a weak voice.

"Yes, Libitina. It's me."

"I' happy..."

I slowly walked over to Libitina and leaned over the bed. Libitina wrapped her arms around me gently as her muscles haven't been used for months.

She dug her face into my shoulder while she held back her tears. I slowly wrapped my arms around Libitina as well.

We slowly let go of each other and I sat down on the side of her bed.

"Those...are pretty." Libitina said.

I looked over at her and noticed she was staring at the bouqet of flowers that were on her nightstand.

"Pretty just like you..." I said.

Libitina giggled and I pulled one of the roses out of the bouqet. I pulled on the stem, leaving about 2 inches of stem left.

I placed the rose between Libitina's ear and head while she smiled sweetly at me.

The red rose contrasts beautifuly with her big yellow eyes. Me and her locked eyes as she struggled to say something.

"H-Harmon..." She said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Did we...did we make it?"

"Yes, Libitina...we made it."

I heard a light knock on the door and the door opened slowly. Gus walked in with a check board in his hands and smiled when he saw me and Libitina.

Libitina grabbed my hand and interlaced her fingers with mine when she saw Gus.

"Hey Harmon, we gotta do some tests on Libitina still. We think it's a little odd how she's completely fine after all...that." Gus said softly.

"T-Tests?!" Libitina said in a panicked voice.

Libitina started taking deeper breaths while breathing faster. She was about to hyperventilate herself.

"L-Libitina!" I said.

Libitina calmed down and faced me.

"Gus isn't like Gus is a REAL doctor. Not some psycotic scientist." I said.

Libitina looked at Gus, and then back at me.

"D-Do you trust him?" Libitina asked.

"He's the reason you're still alive, Libitina. I'd trust him with my life."

I looked back at Gus and he had a smile on his face.

"You can stay in here with us Harmon, I just need a blood sample." Gus said.

"Will you stay with me?" Libitina asked.

"Of course." I said.

Libitina leaned back in her bed and I pulled up a chair. I sat down next to her bed and held her hand as Gus took a blood sample.

She squeezed my hand softly when Gus stuck the needle in. Gus finished within a couple seconds and put a band-aid on her arm.

"Aaaaand done!" Gus said.

Libitina looked at her arm to see there was a cute little Chibi Sayori band aid on her arm.

"Alright, I'll leave you two be. Harmon?" Gus said.


"The cafeteria is open downstairs if you want to take Libitina there."

"Thanks, Gus."

"Don't mention it."

Gus left through the doorway and I sat there with Libitina. She turned to face me with a half happy half sad look on her face.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

" arm kinda hurts..." Libitina said.

She presented her arm to me and showed me her band-aid.

"Here, I'll make it feel better." I said.

I grabbed her arm and have it a soft kiss where the band aid was. I let go and Libitina was smiling through her blushing.

"Better?" I asked.



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