Chapter Five: Home Sweet Home

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On the way back home, I stopped at a small barbor shop to get Libitina's hair cut. Her hair was abnormally long since she was out for so long, so I thought I'd take her to get her hair cut.

I parked outside the barbor sharp and me and Libitina got out.

"Where are we?" Libitina asked.

"Oh, just a barber shop. We're gonna get your hair cut." I said.

Libitina garbbed her hair and looked at how long it was. She looked a little scared and confused at the same time.

"A-All...of it?" She said shyly.

"Haha no, Libitina. We're just going to get it trimmed." I said.

Libitina didn't look reassured yet, but she walked with me inside the barber shop.

I went over to the counter and the cashier took my information. The cashier was a somewhat pretty woman with a name tag that said "Maricana."

"Who's getting a haircut, love?" She asked.

"Libitina." I said.


I never figured out Libitina's last name. I looked back at her and then back at the cashier.

"Foster. Libitina Foster." I said.

"Okie doki, c'mon darling." The cashier said as she waved Libitina towards her.

I decided to follow Libitina and the barber to the chair. Libitina sat down and the cashier stood behind her.

"What would you like, darling?" She asked.


Libitina was lost in her words. I think this was her first time ever getting a haircut.

"Just um..."

"Just trim it a little bit. Make her look pretty, however that'll be kinda hard as she's already pretty as ever." I said.

Libitina blushed a little bit and the cashier giggled.

"Haha okay sweetheart." She said.

The cashier grabbed a lock of hair and snipped the end of it. I looked at Libitina's face and it seemed she started to stare off into space.

She lost all color in her face and it seemed like something started to glow on her forehead.

"L-Libitina!" I said louder than I meant to.

I surprised both the cashier and Libitina, as they both jumped. Libitina came back to reality and the glow went away.

"Y-Yes?" She said.

"O-Oh nothing...don't worry I won't let anything happen to you, I'll be over at the waiting room." I said, trying to be nonchalant.

"O-Okay." Libitina said.

I walked away a little hesitantly about what I just saw. I could've sworn I saw Libitina's third eye almost activate.

I sat down and grabbed a magazine from off the table. I began to read a couple articles in it.

There was an article about something that went down in Kentucky. Something about a private military base being invaded.

Oh wait...that was operation Firefly.

"Damn Spencer...what did you do...?" I said.

It said that SWAT teams came after everything was done. They found nothing but corpses however the land was bought by the NWG later.

"Gus said that Cosgrove suddenly turned against the NWG...but why? Why did he make Spencer kill him?" I said to myself.

I cared for Spencer and Cosgrove, but this didn't add up.

Maybe that one g-


I looked up to see the cashier behind Libitina with both hands on her shoulders.

Libitina's hair went down to her shoulders with two locks going down over her chest.

There was a dark purple hair clip on the right lock and a cute white bow that was in the back of her head.

"D-Does it look good...?" Libitina asked.

I got up and walked over to Libitina. I grabbed both of her hands and looked down at her.

"You. Look. Beautiful." I said.

Libitina blushed a little bit and the cashier laughed some more.

"I have the hands of an angel." She said.

Me and the cashier walked over to her desk and I payed her. I gave her an extra $20 for her services and for Libitina.

She smiled at me and Libitina as we walked out holding hands. We went into my car and Libitina played with her hair as she looked in the mirror.

"Thank you, Harmon...for the haircut I mean. Back then they'd...just cut it all off..." Libitina said softly.

"Don't mention it, Libitina." I said.

Libitina looked like she was thinking about something while I pulled out of my parking space.

The haircut wasn't too expensive was expensive for me as I wasn't very wealthy.

I drove home while Libitina pressed all the buttons on the radio. She stopped on a Pentatonix song and we listened to that on the way home.

I pulled up the driveway to my house and Libitina looked at it. It wasn't very well kept as vines grew up the wall and the yard was a mess.

Me and her got out and she looked around.

"I like it." She said.

I had a feeling she was just saying that to make me feel better but hey, it kinda worked.

I pushed the door open to see my house was still dirty from earlier. All the lights were off with the TV still running.

" have a lot of stuff." Libitina said.

Libitina looked around but something in particular caught her eye. She walked over to a wall and looked at a large canvas that was scrolled across it.

"What...what is this?" She asked.

I looked at the canvas and noticed it was the painting that I had done for me after I escaped Dergesh.

Dergesh was a "Shangri-La heaven" sorta place that I was in whenever I had dreams in camp Sabal.

I described my dream to Gus, and he said that I should talk to a painter.

Gus paid for the painting and now I have a large canvas that scrolled across the wall of my adventure.

"Just an old painting." I said.

I don't know if I should've told Libitina or not, but I'll keep it a secret for now.

My phone started to vibrate and I looked down at it. I was receiving a call from Gus.

"Hello?" I said.

"Harmon, you got a minute?" He said.


"Okay, meet me at the train station, bye!"

Gus hung up the phone and Libitina had her eyes on me.

"G-Gotta go..." I said.

"O-Okay." She said.

I started to walk out the door and I heard Libitina say something.

"What did you say?" I said.

"I said I love you..."

I smirked and looked back at Libitina.

"I love you too."


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