Chapter Nine: Scar Tissue

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"Cosgrove?" I said.

"Shut up, Harmon." Cosgrove said.

Cosgrove lifted my head and pressed the tip of the knife in my neck, just barely cutting me.

"If I were to kill you, nobody would notice. You couldn't scream, only make the gargling sound of your blood entering your throat." He said.

He pressed the knife a little harder and it cut my skin a little bit.

"So I suggest that you tell me what I want to know. Where's Spencer?" He said.

I knew where Spencer was, and that was at his two bedroom house that was across the city. I guess Cosgrove never knew where he lived.

"F***" I said, trying to get my words out.

"Fair enough."

I felt the slashing sound of something, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my bicep. It much.

"GAH!" I yelled out in pain.

Cosgrove put his hand over my mouth and put his face in front of mine. His eyes glowed a bright pink instead of their brown color.

"Last chance, Harmon. I'll also make sure to put Elyssa out of her sorrow too." He said.

Elyssa? Who's Elyssa? Did he mean...


I heard gunshots come from somewhere and Cosgrove backed away from me. I was still stunned from the pain so I couldn't move.

I watched as Cosgrove pulled out an M1911 and shot at someone, however the person shot back and hit Cosgrove in the chest.

Cosgrove ran away as someone continued to shoot at him. I still sat there on my knees, dumbfounded.

"No! No! No! No!...S***." Someone said.

I heard the skidding of tires as Cosgrove drove away in someone's car. A man came into my view and he was holding a small revolver in his hand.

He had a knife strapped around his thigh with a black handana wrapped around his neck.

He unloaded his gun on Cosgrove's car, however Cosgrove got away.

"S***!" The man said.

The man reached towards his radio which was on his shoulder and spoke into it.

"Gus...the bastard got away." He said.

"What about, Harmon?" The other person said over the radio.


"The person I payed you to keep an eye on!"

"Oh yeah...him."

The man glanced at me and scanned me up and down. He then returned to his radio.

"Yep, he's good."

"No I'm not! I just got stabbed!" I yelled.

The man raised his gun at me so I kept my mouth shut.

"I did what you wanted, Gus. I don't get paid enough for this..." He said.

"Just get him back in one piece."


The man let go of his radio and walked towards me. He held his hand out to me and I took at as he pulled me to my feet.

I kept pressure on my wound and took a good look at the man.

"Who...are you?" I asked.

"Gus sent me to babysit you. I'm from Hell-Storm mercenary services." He said.

"That still doesn't answer my question...who are you?"

"Persistent aren't ya? Just call me Logan." He said.

"Logan? As in...Logan Paul?"

"I outta shoot you for even thinking that. No, not Logan Paul."

Logan pointed at my stab wound on my arm.

"For an NWG agent, you're pretty sloppy to get yourself stabbed." He said.

"What? You think you're better than us?"

"We just sit back and watch you and TFS throw your hissy fits. It's pretty funny." Logan said while letting out a laugh.

"Whatever...why are you here?"

"To save your a** from getting penetrated like Mia Khalifa from Cosgrove's knife, and it seems I just saved you're welcome."

"How did you know I was here?"

"Sixth sense...and help from your boyfriend Gus."

"Shut up."

Logan started to giggle and then looked around.

"Where's your wheels? I had to run here because Gus was having a panic attack."

"Over there. Lemme cash my check first." I said.


I pulled my check out of my jacket and Logan watched me as I went in the bank. I tried to hide the fact I was bleeding from the bank worker but I think she saw it anyway.

I walked out with my bank account updated and Logan was leaning against the wall with a cigar in his hand.

"I really don't get paid enough for this." He said.

He flicked his cigar and then threw it on the ground, stepping on it with his black boots.

"Ready to go?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm already sick of this place."

Me and Logan walked over to my car and got in. I drove and he sat in the passenger seat.

My thoughts began to wonder as I drove. Cosgrove...was still alive? Also, he wanted to kill me! And Spencer!

"Hey buddy." Logan said.

I looked over at Logan with a somewhat angry look. I'm grateful that he saved my life but I found him sorta annoying.

"What?" I said.

"Sorry about what happened back there...I didn't mean for you to get stabbed. I was just doing my job." He said.

"It's...fine." I said.

I stopped outside from where Logan wanted me to drop him off, which was a dark alleyway.

He stuck his head in through the window and looked at me.

"You might wanna patch yourself up, and also be careful about this car. There's a bad story about this thing." He said.


He smiled and then walked away. I decided that I had enough of Logan for a day so I drove away.

However I had a feeling we'd meet again.

Now was time for me to return to Libitina. I looked at the time and it was about 11 past 10. Libitina probably fell asleep so I felt a little guilty.

I pulled up the driveway and walked towards the house. I slowly opened the door to see Libitina sitting on the couch.

She was...crying.


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